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[Slayer] Numbing strike was and should be undefendable

Ironbreaker, Engineer, Slayer, Runepriest
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[Slayer] Numbing strike was and should be undefendable

Post#1 » Mon May 23, 2016 7:52 am


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Re: [Slayer] Numbing strike was and should be undefendable

Post#2 » Mon May 23, 2016 8:05 am

people whom make such claims, the burden of proof is upon you to prove that such was the case

Posts: 2840

Re: [Slayer] Numbing strike was and should be undefendable

Post#3 » Mon May 23, 2016 8:09 am

Sorry for the bad news, but
- unfortunately you have post some evidence for your wishlist
- the bugtracker is that way

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Re: [Slayer] Numbing strike was and should be undefendable

Post#4 » Mon May 23, 2016 8:17 am

Wishlist? 2 players who played the class for 5 and 3 years enough? I think it wouldnt be hard to gather more old slayers to give you the same information.

Posts: 443

Re: [Slayer] Numbing strike was and should be undefendable

Post#5 » Mon May 23, 2016 8:18 am

simtex wrote:Wishlist? 2 players who played the class for 5 and 3 years enough? I think it wouldnt be hard to gather more old slayers to give you the same information.
Nope, you got to get some video evidence and probably bug tracker it pal.

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Re: [Slayer] Numbing strike was and should be undefendable

Post#6 » Mon May 23, 2016 8:23 am

Is it the Parry Block debuff? In that case it should be yeah. Same for Choppa.

Posts: 929

Re: [Slayer] Numbing strike was and should be undefendable

Post#7 » Mon May 23, 2016 9:07 am

Simtex wrote:2 players who played the class for 5 and 3 years enough?
not going to namecall anyone but if the devs would listen to all of those proud veterans who claim to have an idea about the game bc they were playing WAR for 3-5 years, we would have gone through some nice changes, especially chosen ones.

meanwhile: l2rampage, most op ability in ze game. you can ask the other veterans for evidence.

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Re: [Slayer] Numbing strike was and should be undefendable

Post#8 » Mon May 23, 2016 9:26 am

Bretin wrote:
Simtex wrote:2 players who played the class for 5 and 3 years enough?
not going to namecall anyone but if the devs would listen to all of those proud veterans who claim to have an idea about the game bc they were playing WAR for 3-5 years, we would have gone through some nice changes, especially chosen ones.

meanwhile: l2rampage, most op ability in ze game. you can ask the other veterans for evidence.
It is not an idea or opinion, just fact.

thanks for your knowledge

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Re: [Slayer] Numbing strike was and should be undefendable

Post#9 » Mon May 23, 2016 9:33 am

since the spell deals no damage (hence has no attribute assigned to it) it _could_ be true yes. but it most likely will not be changed unless you really bring any proof. (perfect case would be hitting with that against a shield wall using tank : > )

Posts: 929

Re: [Slayer] Numbing strike was and should be undefendable

Post#10 » Mon May 23, 2016 9:41 am

simtex wrote:It is not an idea or opinion, just fact.

thanks for your knowledge
fact provided by whom and which source? a self-proclaimed WAR vet? please, your word counts as much as the one of any other community member unless you have a proof.

and on a srs note i played a slayer myself for the same amount of time you and cryst did and i am pretty sure it was defendable.

oh, since you mentioned the word knowledge: alone the fact that you are saying it "SHOULD" be undefendable is a proof of your limited balance/game knowledge son. thanks for sharing it. so almost any tank/mdps SHOULD have 0% block/parry against a slayer after a succesfull defense? hell why do you even have rampage then? to ignore both confusing movements and base block/parry by 100%? nice troll m8 i suggest you should try harder or come back when you do have a more credible proof.

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