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[declined] Runie/Zealot Ap Ritual

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[declined] Runie/Zealot Ap Ritual

Post#1 » Tue Oct 11, 2016 8:43 am

First off, i would like to say that English is not my first language so i will keep this short.

Runie ap ritual effects all abilities used (Healing,Damaging,etc..) which makes a big difference with ap management as a healer.
Zealot ap ritual effects ONLY on Attacks, which makes it unworthy to spec for if you are running solo because it wont be beneficial to the class as the Rune Priest one is.

My proposal is to make some kind of change to the Zealot ap ritual so it would be similar to the Runie one.

Thanks for reading! :)


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Re: Runie/Zealot Ap Ritual

Post#2 » Tue Oct 11, 2016 3:06 pm

Armagdon wrote:Hello,
First off, i would like to say that English is not my first language so i will keep this short.

Runie ap ritual effects all abilities used (Healing,Damaging,etc..) which makes a big difference with ap management as a healer.
Zealot ap ritual effects ONLY on Attacks, which makes it unworthy to spec for if you are running solo because it wont be beneficial to the class as the Rune Priest one is.

My proposal is to make some kind of change to the Zealot ap ritual so it would be similar to the Runie one.

Thanks for reading! :)

First of all: We do not care about 1v1. Also the Zealot ritual is GREATLY beneficial to Melee trains, as it can procc on every autoattack, while the Runie one is more beneficial for skill users. Definitely nothing that will be changed because of a topic like this.

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