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Changelog 03/11/16

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Changelog 03/11/16

Post#1 » Thu Nov 03, 2016 9:38 pm


- Fixed a number of abilities which incorrectly dealt Physical damage instead of Spiritual, Corporeal or Elemental damage.



- Reordered the Path of Loathing tree. The new order is:

13: None Shall Pass
11: Feeding on Pain
9: Wave of Scorn
7: Anger Drives Me
5: Force of Fury

[Open RvR Tier 2-4]

- Supply caps for artillery and siege have been slashed. A rank 5 keep supports 6 artillery pieces and 8 cannons.
- Fixed the regeneration code. A rank 5 keep will respawn one cannon and artillery piece every 2 minutes rather than 4 of each every minute.
- Fixed an issue causing oil to damage rams.
- Cannon durability against other cannon has been increased.
- Rams are available at keeps of rank 1 or higher. The respawn time for a ram is 20 minutes at rank 1, 15 minutes at rank 2 and 10 minutes for rank 3+.
- Heavily nerfed cannons against doors.
- Improved the resilience of rams by 400%.
- Artillery weapons consider targets within 15 feet of you instead of 20 feet of you for increasing damage dealt to you.
- Artillery weapons no longer consider pets for the purpose of increasing damage/knockback.

A reminder: an artillery piece will only knock you back if 3 additional allies are within 15 feet of you.

- The keep lord will regain abilities as the population of the enemy realm increases, rather than with the rank of the keep.
- Siege weapons other than rams suffer significantly more damage from players, and will receive double damage when hit with two-handed melee weapons. They will continue to block physical ranged fire outright.
- Dynamic lock timers are now based on your own population rather than the average of both realms' populations.

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Re: Changelog 03/11/16

Post#2 » Thu Nov 03, 2016 9:42 pm

I guess this is what the populous wants.... they spoke out in /t4, so I hope the whining stops.

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Re: Changelog 03/11/16

Post#3 » Thu Nov 03, 2016 9:48 pm

Just wanted to say thank you guys, the whole team. It seems these changes are all spot on, putting rams back into focus as main door siege weapons.

the resilience buff to rams is also really great.

i hope the population based changes help to balance pops as well, and thank god for the planned fix to xrealmers, thanks Azarael and the entire team.

PS. shouts out to Sullemunk!
Unkillachosen - Destro
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Re: Changelog 03/11/16

Post#4 » Thu Nov 03, 2016 10:03 pm

Can you (will you) please detail the attacks that were incorrect and are now dealing correct damage types?

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Re: Changelog 03/11/16

Post#5 » Thu Nov 03, 2016 10:28 pm

I can't remember, tbh. I can tell you that one of them was the Chosen DoT Seeping Wound.

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Re: Changelog 03/11/16

Post#6 » Thu Nov 03, 2016 10:36 pm

I enjoy both realms. However I usually stick to only one a day. Order one day then destruction another. Will the upcoming changes affect me, or are they to prevent players logging the other faction quick to take advantage of something.

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Re: Changelog 03/11/16

Post#7 » Thu Nov 03, 2016 11:07 pm

Ram dies to 1 drop of oil :/

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Re: Changelog 03/11/16

Post#8 » Thu Nov 03, 2016 11:26 pm

Azarael wrote:I can't remember, tbh. I can tell you that one of them was the Chosen DoT Seeping Wound.
Thank you! I wish I had more time to test instead of Play, but life happens. I think your ORvR changes are for the better. We will all see.

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Re: Changelog 03/11/16

Post#9 » Thu Nov 03, 2016 11:28 pm

Ram dies in 1 hit from the oil. Cannons die to 2-3 shots from other cannons, which means attackers can't get their cannons in position, aim and shoot before they are destroyed. And since you can't shoot the door anymore, what all this boils down to, is that you just made it pretty much impossible to take a keep / zone. Defending a keep just got even easier.

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Re: Changelog 03/11/16

Post#10 » Thu Nov 03, 2016 11:40 pm

Notes edited. Response time: 12 minutes.

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