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[DoK] Sounding Board

Black Guard, Sorceress, Witch Elf, Disciple of Khaine
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[DoK] Sounding Board

Post#1 » Wed Aug 23, 2017 10:05 pm

This isn't a proposal thread, instead it is more of a sounding board, for those of us that don't have a 40/40* to bounce ideas off of one another as to what can be done to improve the career- similar to the Engineer thread.

This is mostly for the underperforming Path of Sacrifice:

We all know that one of the issues that impedes the effectiveness of this path is armor stacking and bubbles, both or which act as permanent to semi-permant healing debuffs.

One of my ideas is to add an additional effect to the Empowered Transfer tactic which would change the damage type of Path of Sacrifice's (life tap) abilities to Spirit Damage instead of Physical Damage so armor stacking wouldn't impact melee heals, while also providing greater synergy with other careers like Magus and Sorcerer; this wouldn't remedy the bubble issue, but one out of two isn't bad? This change would also mean reverting Rend Soul back to it's original damage type... Physical Damage.**

Another is to change Transferred Focus to closely mirror a Warrior Priest's Exalted Defenses where critically hitting an enemy would increase the effectiveness of you healing abilities/effects by 20%. There's really no point in equipping it as it is now since the only direct heals a Disciple of Khaine has are in Path of Dark Rites...

And finally... Switching the rank at which you learn Transfer Essence with Khaine's Invigoration to promote melee healing at lower ranks instead of backline healing.

What do you guys think? Have any more suggestions or comments? What about for the other Masteries?

*I rerolled mine when .ab ex was added
**These changes could easily be applied to a Warrior Priest as well.

Posts: 60

Re: [DoK] Sounding Board

Post#2 » Wed Aug 23, 2017 10:17 pm

Correct me if I'm wrong, but I don't believe Exalted Defense affects lifetaps in any capacity currently, does it?

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Posts: 5704

Re: [DoK] Sounding Board

Post#3 » Wed Aug 23, 2017 10:44 pm

just make heals always go on even if target block/parry is so hard?

make dmg spiritual wont change the fact that any slayer with shittons of parry or any tank with shitons of block/pary will still defned your attack; also while that is ok with chosen/KOBS around dcebuffing all the time other debuff as magus sorc suffer from same issue cleanse or hit target and anyway order only have to overcap spiritual (ele for st magus but who care?) and they will jsut do that, they will still have cap resistence after a debuff, also resistence are equal for all more or less with chosen/kobs around while armor is not. so a BW will definetly have more resistence than armor so you are possibly nerf the dmg on soft target rather than buff dok dmg overall.

again just make heals always go on even if target block/parry is so hard? aza ab have that ...just remove pesky multiplers and heal value get from no where and is fine.

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