[KOTBS] Give to Kotbs the choise

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Posts: 83

[KOTBS] Give to Kotbs the choise

Post#1 » Tue Jan 15, 2019 8:27 pm

Hi to all. I play as Kotbs with 67 rr with full vanq set. Yes, yes, i know - kotbs is a great tank. But knight always had a choice - either more defense and control, or a powerful buff for the group, even in the absence of damage from the knight (that is, even considering the buff for the group it was weaker in attack than any other tank). Now you has taken away all the alternatives when you nerf the strongest buff for the group of offence knight. Tactic that increase the critical chance of a group for 10% (Overpowered Swing) now does not work with aura. It works from debuff Arcing Swing. Now offence knight does no damage, and does not give anything useful to the group. Yes, definitely a knight as a tank is very good, but player should have the choice of either playing from attack (losing many of the tank's advantages) or playing solely from defense. All tanks have this choice. Except for the knight. Now in plan of attack, knight while he wears great weapon loses much, but get nothing and is inferior in damage to any class in the game - not only tanks, but healers too. Or you're suggesting the knight lose a huge chunk of his survival by removing the shield just to get wounds debuff?)
Of course, if you increase the damage to the knight, you need to reduce his ability to defend when the knight uses a great weapon. So, my suggestion for balancing - add shield requirement for the most powerfull tank ability (viligance). But if devs will do this - buff the attacking abilities of a knight must be very serious. I would suggest something like the following.
1. Remove Slice Through tactic from the game and adds a tactic like Chosen's Feed on the Weary, but "good orientation'. Something like "your Shining Blow skill also increase your morale gained by X in second for Y seconds" or "your Shining Blow skill also increase your and your group morale gained by X in second for Y seconds". Or the same, but for the Arcing Swing (will be better, because then 1h knight will not be able to use that tactic).
2. Overpowered swing tactic shouls just add 15% crit to knight (with 2h weapon), like a Chosen's Opressing Blows tactic.
3. Maybe add some strike that increases the protective characteristics, such as Chosen's Suppression or Opposition (with 2h weapon requirements maybe).
4. Maybe rework Now's our chance aura (now its useless) like a chosen's Discordant turbulence.
5. Maybe rework Efficient swings tactic - instead of reducing the cost of action points, it will allow the knight to ignore some of the opponent's armor.

Of course, I suggest not to make all these changes at once. I suggest that we think about and discuss all these ideas and find appropriate solutions.

Thank you for your attention and forgiveness.

UPD. 27.01.
After playeing as chosen (now i have a chosen with 55 rr) I realized two more important knight's flaws:
6. All Out Assault aura is too weak. Need to rework it and make it deal elemental damage. There is another option - completely rework the aura and make it like Prayer of Righteousness (warrior priest). Let it add some amount of damage (100-200 for example, maybe elemental) to each attack. You can also make this effect work for a group.
7. Staggering impact (PoC last skill). Now absolutely useless. Too weak for last skill at path of mastery and too weak debuff with long cooldown. Need to fully rework that skill and make it something like Chosen's Rending blade - aoe with medium damage and small cooldown.
UPD. 06.02.
8. Rework debuff from Gather your Resolve! aura. Now its debuff all enemy reasistance to 236 (basically). This debuff "a bit of everything", and in fact - too weak. I propose to make this aura debuff only for elemental damage, but much stronger, for example, 450 (basic). It is not too much, as some classes have debuffs on different schools of magic in the amount of 450+. This change will allow to carefully select the composition for the battles 6x6 and make knight really useful for certain classes, not "a little useful" for all. Also this will sightly increase damage dealt by knight.
UPD #2
9. Greatly increase Shining Blade damage (twice) against wounded enemy with 2h weapon
add this property to specific tactic (Overpowered swing looks the most suitable). This will not give to knight any burst, but will allow him to help his team to finish the enemy healer or dangerous dps.
Duis - Chosen 79
Tobiasx - KotBS 70


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