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New player Here: How bloated with skills is RoR?

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New player Here: How bloated with skills is RoR?

Post#1 » Wed Mar 25, 2020 8:07 am

Hello, community! I've been looking for an MMO to play recently and stumbled upon RoR. Since I am a big fan of Warhammer Lore, it seemed like a good match. I wanted to have this friend of mine join me in this new endeavor. He prefers PvP over PvE so I thought it could work.

However, he is a bit reluctant due to the Combat system. He's afraid it might be too much like WoW (older wow not newer), where you had many skills and many of those were often useless (his words not mine). So, how is RoR in this regard? Are classes bloated with relatively useless skills? How are the rotations?
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Thanks in advance!
Last edited by BrysonParker on Mon Mar 30, 2020 4:08 pm, edited 2 times in total.

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Re: New player Here: How bloated with skills is RoR?

Post#2 » Wed Mar 25, 2020 9:00 am

I'm a new player as well (a few weeks in). I don't think it's too bloated with skills, and some classes seem to be less bloated than others. As you level up you kind of specialize by putting points in skill trees. Those trees improve the skills associated with them, so it feels like you'd rather be using those improved skill sets more than others depending on your build. So that cuts down on skill bloat too. But like I said I'm still new, so I may be off base by ignoring skills that are weaker for the build, or just weak feeling.

Posts: 92

Re: New player Here: How bloated with skills is RoR?

Post#3 » Wed Mar 25, 2020 10:27 am

Some classes have a lot of skills to rotate or situational use, however I wouldn't call them bloated. This game requires you to debuff, self buff, cc, etc; it's not a simple button masher if that's what your friend is looking for. I would avoid classes like the Blackguard/Ironbreaker for example and stick to something like Choppa/Slayer as they have a straight forward playstyle.

You could also look into Nerfed Buttons mod, if this is such an issue against him playing. This mod lets you macro skills into rotations and such and will greatly free up buttons required. Some people may frown on it's use and I personally don't use it because I feel like it plays the game for me, but it's not a huge deal.

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