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WLs are the new SHs

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WLs are the new SHs

Post#1 » Tue Jun 02, 2015 11:12 am

Hi there,

First of all this is not a whine thread. I've noticed that every time someone points out a powerful or beneficial feature of a class many people who play that class wil take it as a personal attack, while the poster's intention doesn't necesarily have to be motivated by unjust frustration or envy. (Although most of the time that's actually the case. I hope you understand it's not the case this time.

I'm not even claiming that WLs are OP now or anything of the sort.

In fact I just wanted to check if some of you have the same impression. I seem to recall that WL pets didnt do as much damage as they do now and that they were much more durable then.

That, if it is indeed true, has propitiated a curious phenomenon, which already existed but has become more popular recently. WLs playing hide and seek while their pet gets the job done, much in the classical SH style. In short, I had never seen WLs play more like Shs than recently, now that their pet is more reliable. In fact, when I played T1 on live and had to face WLs 1v1 I almost never recall the WL charging away and only returning when the pet had softened the enemy to the point of being under 5% health like I see them doing now. Some don't even bother to finish the foe by their own hand and prefer the security of distance.

This is just an observation on the differences between the game now and how it used to be. I know it's Alpha and, again, I'm not complaining.I was just curious to check if my perception was true. I think maybe WLs used to play that way too in old WAR and I just don't remember correctly, and obviuosly they have all the right to employ any strategy that helps them be efficient and useful top the group or 1v1. If someone said its not fair then SH's fighting style couldnt be said to be fair too.

Your opinions?

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Re: WLs are the new SHs

Post#2 » Tue Jun 02, 2015 11:22 am

The pet actually has too much HP right now. It needs fixing.

Otherwise, the pet's ability damage should match live. Don't know about the auto attack, because I had to guess at it. I think the AA is classed as that from a green one-handed weapon of the pet's level.

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Re: WLs are the new SHs

Post#3 » Tue Jun 02, 2015 11:24 am

The problem with WL pets back on live and on RoR was that thier ai was pants on the head retarded and WLs were the most unpolished class on live so they had some trouble dealing damage and being durable in later stages of the game, in the last patch the ai of the lions were updated to better follow commands making them more effective and their damage more noticeable. No I don’t play Wls but if some one with more knowledge of the class can come and explain the specifics to what was changed to the OP id appreciate it.

Being perma snared and kited by WL’s is soo much fun now guyz

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Re: WLs are the new SHs

Post#4 » Tue Jun 02, 2015 1:44 pm

Pets were really strong in t1 so their dmg prob does match live, and WLs in general were really strong as well (in t1). Using the lion and kiting away was def a strategy the more experienced ones used though, was the reason why, e.g., WEs didn't stand a chance, even out of stealth: cleave -> get out of melee till their hp's down a bit and vehement blades is coming to an end -> move bk in and kill em. They can't even escape mid-fight what with lion's perma snare + cleave if needed (10s duration, 5s cd). So maybe it just seems more common cos there's more WLs around after last patch, and also cos the strategy wouldn't really have been as effective in later tiers on live as pets got weaker.

I actually don't personally like that WLs can pretty much play as rdps, and I wonder how it'll develop in t4 if/when they're buffed (stats scaling better and maybe nature's bond, and especially if things like getting portions of heals/gheals are introduced). Not fear mongering or saying these things shouldn't be done, it's more just curiosity to see how it unfolds... I just have an image of a pride of unkillable lions constantly harassing the backlines, or worse, focusing down targets :P :D

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Re: WLs are the new SHs

Post#5 » Tue Jun 02, 2015 1:49 pm

And if such a doomsday scenario occurs, it will be dealt with. WL pets seem to operate under almost constant power, being great in T1 and becoming worse and worse as the tiers increase and the master is continually empowered by buffs and gear the lion does not have access to.

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Re: WLs are the new SHs

Post#6 » Tue Jun 02, 2015 2:03 pm

Nothing to see here, move along.

Pets always did good damage in T1. Their damage becomes less powerful as the tiers progress.

I get where the OP is coming from (in regards to RDPS WL), but there are classes/mechanics/things that are a lot more imbalanced atm.

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Re: WLs are the new SHs

Post#7 » Tue Jun 02, 2015 2:23 pm

Coming from experience, playing the class from T1 to T4, I know the pet was very good in T1 and T2 if you switched stances and used their abilities but became less powerful in T3 and T4 mainly due to scaling with gear and stats. In T3, the pet mainly becomes just a resource to use against mdps or tanks that you think you can't 1v1 fairly. So you'll kite a mdps DoK or WE and the like and then start attacking them if they attack your pet because that means they used some of their AP on your pet and would then in turn use less on you.

So for now I guess we should suck it up, focus the WLs down and enjoy our marauders instead. ;)
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Re: WLs are the new SHs

Post#8 » Tue Jun 02, 2015 3:10 pm

Yes white lions are stronger than on live server. But that is fair enough to be honest.
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Re: WLs are the new SHs

Post#9 » Tue Jun 02, 2015 3:38 pm

Jayzboi wrote:Yes white lions are stronger than on live server. But that is fair enough to be honest.
Yes and where is the argument? how in the hell is that fair? :lol: :lol: :lol:

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Re: WLs are the new SHs

Post#10 » Tue Jun 02, 2015 3:52 pm

Bullen1995 wrote:
Jayzboi wrote:Yes white lions are stronger than on live server. But that is fair enough to be honest.
Yes and where is the argument? how in the hell is that fair? :lol: :lol: :lol:
A chosen talking about 'fair' is most comical indeed.

Witch Elf


White Lion
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