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Pet management for WL

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Pet management for WL

Post#1 » Wed Mar 24, 2021 12:33 am

Hey all, I'm only a couple of weeks into return to reckoning, but I did play way back in live. That said, I've put a ton of hours recently into my white lion and this game has me wrapped around its finger lol.

On to my question: is there any way to move the lion's pet abilities to my main action bar? I've my toon leveled to 32/33 right now and want to start micromanaging my pet more. Specifically I want to put my pets, cc skills on my bar for more control. I can't seem to figure it out though.

Also is there any way to make mouse over macros? I would like to also add mouse over macros to attack and ability commands for my pet.

Thanks for reading all.

Posts: 200

Re: Pet management for WL

Post#2 » Wed Mar 24, 2021 12:51 am

You should be able to right click the pet abilities and they won't have a flashing icon anymore, meaning they won't auto-cast.

Try this addon too ingame the command is probably /loyalpet

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Posts: 4

Re: Pet management for WL

Post#3 » Wed Mar 24, 2021 2:41 am

Right on man thanks for reply, I'll try that addon out.

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