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Invader/Royal crest again in game

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Invader/Royal crest again in game

Post#1 » Tue Oct 18, 2022 2:16 pm

Hi there

Since the launch of the new currencies, many aspects of the game have lost motivation to be played by many people, among this content we can see how the forts and the sieges of the cities do not arouse the interest of many people right now, and important guilds refuse to join to this content, or only do a 6 man groups

The idea is that the cities and forts have their own currency again, in the same way that LOTD has the golden scarabs and ranked has the Triumphant insignia, add the Invader Crest and the Royal Crest back into the game. That the three sets (Sovereign, Warlord and invader) can be bought with War Crest, and with their corresponding currencies, but that it is cheaper with their specific currencies than with just the War Crest. In the similar way to Ranked Jewelry.

These Invader/Royal crests could only be obtained in City siege and Fortress bags.

This can motivate again to the people to play endgame content and not skip it
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Re: Invader/Royal crest again in game

Post#2 » Tue Oct 18, 2022 2:44 pm

For me it is a major mistake to hide content behind unique currency.
If the content is good enough ppl will play it. It is simple as that.
So make the content feels better. Personally I like city sieges, I like that there is a schedule for it but at some hours its impossible for me to play it. Probably for many ppl is like that so brineging unique currency wont help these ppl and they imo are majority
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Re: Invader/Royal crest again in game

Post#3 » Tue Oct 18, 2022 2:57 pm

I agree with this and don't at the same time. It was nice having more guilds doing cities back then, but it's also really nice now that we can pretty much organise to vs other 24 mans or at least strong groups in city because the vast majority of people forming premades for it now are doing it because they want to compete.

People who weren't interested in the competitive aspect of city were there in guild groups or premades because they had to be, but they'd rather be out in the lakes fighting 9/10 times instead of playing in a cointoss city where they might end up against some of the strongest guilds and 6/12 man premades on the server and spend an hour waiting for phases to end so that they could collect their pittance of royals to get sov. I really doubt they're in a rush to return to that and tbh I can see why
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Re: Invader/Royal crest again in game

Post#4 » Tue Oct 18, 2022 3:19 pm

It is one of those situations where the differenent systems are not really working together.
On one hand Warhammer Online was cool because of its campaign and how everything was tied together in the Victory Point zonelock system, every gamemode and espect mattered in locking a zone and pushing your realm forward. Each racial pairing mattered, 6man scenario groups mattered, midtier mattered.

But in a 2022 model where you need to allow crossrealming for the obvious reasons on a free to play server which allows multiple accounts per player, this model is outdated along with "realmpride" and on a private server the communities very often end up playing way more nostalgia driven instead of tryhard, leading to focus on retaining and catering to the more casual player needs instead of the 1%ers.

And that is what we have, and thanks for providing it on RoR for so many years!! we have a reroll nostalgia game where the gamemodes are serving different purposes instead of being tied together, scenarios is your pvp-on-demand with option of premade or pugging, scheduled cities are for tryharding bigger scale, and lotd is for realm-pride zerg objective gameplay, while orvr is the "for everyone" mode where you can roam for kills, play for objectives, push for pride, or play with whatever gearlevel you have in whatever numbers you want.

But all of these freedoms come at a cost of the purpose and motivation is taken away from the gamesystems and instead its more now than ever up to the players to make their own reasons to log on when they are done treading the crest/ward/renown grind, either you reroll, you stay topdog rr80 BiS, or you disappear.

The unified crest allows the players to play what they find fun, without feeling forced to attend certain modes to get sense of progression or closing a powercreep, at a cost of motivation handholding though.
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Re: Invader/Royal crest again in game

Post#5 » Tue Oct 18, 2022 4:32 pm

Simply just keep the scheduled cities but make it so that taking 2 forts also triggers city again, like it used to be with the old system. Gives people more motivation to fight for zones and acually defend/pride forts.

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Re: Invader/Royal crest again in game

Post#6 » Tue Oct 18, 2022 5:43 pm

The issue as I see it isn't the fact that the currencies were united removing the reward. The issue was the process of doing the campaign gave you the reward of the city, which was the only place to get Royal crests. Now aside from the obvious like and hate issues of cities. The problem with the campaign system is that there's no reward at the end of it. A city will happen regardless of if the campaign is played or not.

So.. what about a spoils of war system? Have campaign progress and fort locks contribute to a spoils pot, of which when a city fires gives players the opportunity to win extra rewards if they succeed, if they lose, the defenders get 50% of the spoils and the system resets? It gives everyone an incentive then to try and push zones to get more payout at the end of each campaign (rewards would only be given to those who participated in the city). You could even make it a unique currency that could be converted into anything, warcrests, genesis shards, soul stones etc. Make it tradeable across mail to give it an extra bit of spice.

So even though you will get a city at the end of a campaign, you will get more or less spoils based upon how many locks are achieved before the city fires.
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Re: Invader/Royal crest again in game

Post#7 » Tue Oct 18, 2022 7:00 pm

Scottx125 wrote: Tue Oct 18, 2022 5:43 pm The issue as I see it isn't the fact that the currencies were united removing the reward. The issue was the process of doing the campaign gave you the reward of the city, which was the only place to get Royal crests. Now aside from the obvious like and hate issues of cities. The problem with the campaign system is that there's no reward at the end of it. A city will happen regardless of if the campaign is played or not.

So.. what about a spoils of war system? Have campaign progress and fort locks contribute to a spoils pot, of which when a city fires gives players the opportunity to win extra rewards if they succeed, if they lose, the defenders get 50% of the spoils and the system resets? It gives everyone an incentive then to try and push zones to get more payout at the end of each campaign (rewards would only be given to those who participated in the city). You could even make it a unique currency that could be converted into anything, warcrests, genesis shards, soul stones etc. Make it tradeable across mail to give it an extra bit of spice.

So even though you will get a city at the end of a campaign, you will get more or less spoils based upon how many locks are achieved before the city fires.
There is already plenty of incentive for pushing zones as it stands. It is very easy to get rewards far outweighing your contribution just by showing up on the zerg side, running a couple of boxes and hitting the lord. It is that simple and you will often get more than the poor folks who were desperately fighting on the AAO side with groups getting run down by entire guild warbands b/c the guilds are bored after they stacked a side for any given day.

Zone progression is only a problem when the sides are equal (a rare event) which everyone says they want for "fair fights" but then complain about lack of progress.

TL;DR if you increase rewards for zone flips you reward zerg behavior even more.

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Re: Invader/Royal crest again in game

Post#8 » Tue Oct 18, 2022 7:55 pm

Aethilmar wrote: Tue Oct 18, 2022 7:00 pm There is already plenty of incentive for pushing zones as it stands. It is very easy to get rewards far outweighing your contribution just by showing up on the zerg side, running a couple of boxes and hitting the lord. It is that simple and you will often get more than the poor folks who were desperately fighting on the AAO side with groups getting run down by entire guild warbands b/c the guilds are bored after they stacked a side for any given day.

Zone progression is only a problem when the sides are equal (a rare event) which everyone says they want for "fair fights" but then complain about lack of progress.

TL;DR if you increase rewards for zone flips you reward zerg behavior even more.
You could say that about anything. Zerging is a conscious effort. Regardless of the rewards. The point of the rewards is to give the fort push part of campaigns a purpose. Because as it stands they're irrelevant. If you push or don't doesn't matter, there will be a city after 3 days. Zerging can only be stopped by ceasing to reward zerging. Which means removing the power from zerging by preventing it from becoming a death ball.
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Re: Invader/Royal crest again in game

Post#9 » Tue Oct 18, 2022 8:12 pm

People losing motivation has nothing to do with the War Crests. People are losing motivation because this is a 14 year old game that at it's core has continuously had the same content. That is because in 2013 Warhammer Online was actually shut down. No more money, no more development. It's a miracle we got the Dwarf and Greenskin capitals and as much as people complained about them they probably can't even begin to imagine the work it took to get them to this stage.

Maybe more could be possible with a donation-style system similar to Turtle WoW, that managed to do a lot of new things for WoW. But for some reason, EA and GW lawyers are scarier than Acti-Blizzard ones.

War Crests were a great change and a natural one for a community that has stagnated in age to the point where most of the players have to allocate time for other more serious topics, like careers and families.
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Re: Invader/Royal crest again in game

Post#10 » Tue Oct 18, 2022 8:43 pm

Instead of making currency to force ppl do end game, make end game fun instead. Imho City and LotD is snooze fest
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