kotbs how to play

Knight of the Blazing Sun, Bright Wizard, Witch Hunter, Warrior Priest
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kotbs how to play

Post#1 » Sat Jul 22, 2023 7:12 pm

I was looking around and did not see an answer also most is old, but that might not matter.
As a knight in RvR who are your targets? For example: if I'm in a group am I standing by the casters/dps all the time? Or the healer?
Who takes priority to protect?
When attacking who is my target-
dps? Other tanks?
I assume if a target runs off i do not give chase as that would leave my group unprotected. Do I ever try to push or am I just following my healer or dps I am guarding.

I am trying to have in my head when I enter into RvR where am I standing, what am I doing, who takes priority.

If this is answered elsewhere please direct me. Thank you.

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Re: kotbs how to play

Post#2 » Sat Jul 22, 2023 10:14 pm

Your priority is keeping party alive. That usually means staying in guardrange, but it might also mean going to save healer who might be attacked by something.
When attacking your target is either positioning yourself so that you take as little damage as possible, tanks (specifically removal of those by punting) or dps (specifically applying KD on the ones leader focuses). First is always important, second and third should be done on cooldown. You might also consider punting dps if you see your group/ warband is losing stability.
Awareness should be exercised, if there's no real opposition left you can chase a bit and try to catch some extra kills for your dps. If the winner is still uncertain generally sticking to your job is advised. You can usually leave your dps for about 5 seconds without them instantly dying (assuming they weren't already in the process initially), so if you see a particularly juicy CC to apply, say, punting a healer off the ledge or kd on a kiting target, you can consider going for it. Common sense always takes priority tho.
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Re: kotbs how to play

Post#3 » Sun Jul 23, 2023 2:06 am

its easy you just spam knockdown and then superpunt someone thats how 100% of knights plays
Chosen Dahaka RR88
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Re: kotbs how to play

Post#4 » Sun Jul 23, 2023 5:09 am

that how i play mine too :)
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