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Dark Elf Lands Quest Guide

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Dark Elf Lands Quest Guide

Post#1 » Wed Aug 30, 2023 8:22 am

I am still working on it an there are a handful of quests that need to be address due to possible glitches so soon as I can make sure an get it reported ill finish them up. I will be adding to the guide as time go on much like I have done with all the others with the long term goal this will be on the wiki but for now it will be here on the forums an linked to my twitch an kick channels so enjoy gang been alot of work. ... sp=sharing

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Re: Dark Elf Lands Quest Guide

Post#2 » Wed Aug 30, 2023 9:05 pm

Nice work Toth
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Re: Dark Elf Lands Quest Guide

Post#3 » Thu Aug 31, 2023 6:18 pm

Great job! Thank you for all the work and support for Destro! :!: :!: :idea: :D
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Re: Dark Elf Lands Quest Guide

Post#4 » Fri Sep 01, 2023 8:35 pm

Hey gang I have gotten more then a few tells already asking why I don't have more information or when am I going to have the next one done. The simply answer is for the most part I am doing this all solo so cut me some slack on top of it I am working on this while trying to recover from a stroke gang. I have said repeatedly I will be making adjustments I will be adding the influence rewards as well but it will be some time as I need to redo some stuff an make some reports on some bugged stuff I found. So please try to be understanding.

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Re: Dark Elf Lands Quest Guide

Post#5 » Thu Sep 21, 2023 8:46 pm

To answer some people that have been asking if there will be other guides the answer is yes. I am currently working on the orc an goblin one before I move onto the chaos one it just takes me time.

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