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Game is boring without double XP

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Posts: 74

Game is boring without double XP

Post#1 » Sun Oct 15, 2023 3:45 am

In double XP time SC had a good mix of non premade and premade action. Same in the lakes (lots of pug wbs, lots of 6s, lots of solos) and everyone would fight their hardest even if they were gonna lose anyway (Scs usually had at least 20 kills from the losing side).

Now with XP off its back to one faction hiding in their keep/waiting for forts and SC full of premades farming pugs who don't even try and everyone running from solo fights because they don't want to be on the killboard.

Not the devs fault but if they could somehow find a way to make this game more like the gaming experience that was enjoyed during 2x xp then I think the game would be a lot more popular. As is the population was 2-3x more online consistently than now and probably would have continued to grow if we didn't go back this same old farming weaker opponents style gameplay.

Posts: 198

Re: Game is boring without double XP

Post#2 » Sun Oct 15, 2023 5:15 am

It's been this way for over a year. Zerg guilds pve keeps all night at least during NA. And the lack of a permanent rr/crest boost for players under 70 is a huge detriment to new people sticking around.

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Re: Game is boring without double XP

Post#3 » Sun Oct 15, 2023 12:05 pm

Game is boring with double XP :)
Kpihuss -- WP 88
Kpithrogrim -- IB 83
Kpigaragrim -- Slayer 81
Kpikossar -- SW 77
Kpirmedes -- RP 68+
Kpiboris -- KOTBS 65+

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Re: Game is boring without double XP

Post#4 » Sun Oct 15, 2023 4:47 pm

Game was awesome when we had 2x!

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Re: Game is boring without double XP

Post#5 » Mon Oct 16, 2023 12:03 am

Just give people 2x renown most of us are rank 80+ and at 80+ it's such an advantage it's not really fun. Keep the crest system with x2 renown and there will be more people. it's not like at 80 people just stop playing people grind for ranked ring etc.

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Re: Game is boring without double XP

Post#6 » Mon Oct 16, 2023 4:39 am

i don't think we need double xp rr but when the put it way to low to make the grind harder, it did hurt the game, going up a little would not be a bad thing, imho ;)

Posts: 1

Re: Game is boring without double XP

Post#7 » Mon Oct 16, 2023 8:13 am

I think it's a good idea to give 2x, we started with some friends, but they are affraid when we'll reach lvl 40 that we gonna be crushed by everyone more geared than us.

Plus, they don't have a lot of time to play, so i'm pretty sure they'll stop if they can't have fun at T4 which it's normal because we gonna get killed everytime, and the grind is to long for them.
More people would join if it was a little faster isn't it ?

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Re: Game is boring without double XP

Post#8 » Mon Oct 16, 2023 8:19 am

As a casual PUG player the biggest grind now are crests rather than renow. With a win ratio far below 50% in scenarios, gearing up a character takes ages compared to before when you could get a lucky gold bag in rvr. The current system heavily punishes non-organised play so much that you are pretty much forced to save every crest for Sov/Triumphant rather than gearing up progressively which was the original idea. This means you have to do pve for ward unlocks even though you'd much rather do pvp. A boost in the rate you acquire War Crests would be much welcome.

Posts: 25

Re: Game is boring without double XP

Post#9 » Tue Oct 17, 2023 1:41 am

Talladego wrote: Mon Oct 16, 2023 8:19 am As a casual PUG player the biggest grind now are crests rather than renow. With a win ratio far below 50% in scenarios, gearing up a character takes ages compared to before when you could get a lucky gold bag in rvr. The current system heavily punishes non-organised play so much that you are pretty much forced to save every crest for Sov/Triumphant rather than gearing up progressively which was the original idea. This means you have to do pve for ward unlocks even though you'd much rather do pvp. A boost in the rate you acquire War Crests would be much welcome.
Pretty much this.

Been playing mostly PUG scenarios (because limited play time) and i cannot afford new gear sets even if i PvP 100% of the time. If i want decent gear progression, i need to farm PQ tokens (which ofcrouse means more XP i dont really even want because last thing i want to do is to hit 40 in this game and get slapped in the face when Bolster goes away)

Posts: 126

Re: Game is boring without double XP

Post#10 » Tue Oct 17, 2023 5:10 am

BuddyBuzz wrote: Mon Oct 16, 2023 8:13 am I think it's a good idea to give 2x, we started with some friends, but they are affraid when we'll reach lvl 40 that we gonna be crushed by everyone more geared than us.
You won't be crushed, man. Tanks can get Full Conqueror (rr45 gear) and be nearly as tanky as a Full Sov tank, its such a good set that a lot of tanks will go Conq into Sov to save crests. Healers can do the same with dungeon gear, either Vale Walker (comes from doing HV) or a mix of Sentinel (CnT) and Conq, and then Vanquisher (rr58). DPS have the hardest time, with Vanquisher (rr58) being the most relevant powerspike on 8 out of the 12 DPS in the game. And rr58 is like 1/3 of the way from rr1 to rr80.

Endgame gear is just fine tuning, ppl that argue against this are either lying or have absolutely no idea of what they are talking about, cuz its EASILY verifiable - just look at WB scoreboards from any guild, most of them are public on their Discords. A Choppa/Slayer/WL/Mara with 4 pieces of Vanquisher will do 80% of the dmg that a full BiS player of the same class will do, or more if he has better positioning.

Truth is most of the complains posted so far in this thread are from ppl that aren't willing to do the smallest effort to fix their own problems, or are straight up lying. They forget about the social aspect of MMOs.

"Premades make SCs impossible to play" - Yeah, its a team game, so make your own. A full bis Choppa with no Guard is just a dead Choppa.
"Ppl just hide in keeps in rvr" - Pretending that happens during EU is just a lie. It can happen in NA, because WB Leaders make or break oRvR. No good pugleaders online when you're playing? Then become one. I'm new to the game so that's exactly what i did, and the bar is so low i promise you its not hard. Use Warband Leader Helper (addon), make 2/2/2 comps (literally 80% of the battle right there) and be communicative, you'll wipe the floor with every bad pugleader out there that simply opens a WB and barely talk to their players. Sounds like too much work? There are other options: join a guild, or fill their WBs when they LFM in /5, or fill the WBs of the good pug leaders out there (its ez to spot, they make 2/2/2s).

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