Mara pull is a nice idea but...

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Mara pull is a nice idea but...

Post#1 » Mon Apr 15, 2024 9:25 pm

currently the skill is 1) completely broken and 2) rewards poor and unskilled gameplay.

1) - Skill is all kinds of broken:
- It ignores immunities most of the time, it doesn't matter what immunities you have, you can still be pulled the majority of the time. (happy to provide video evidence to prove this)
- It can be used to pull people off keep walls in most keeps now, and Des WB leads are doing this constantly. (happy to provide video evidence to prove this)
- It can be used through a huge amount of terrain, trees, rocks, walls, doors etc etc which gives people even fewer ways to avoid it. You can click a keep door, see yourself inside the keep, and still get pulled back outside. 100% not acceptable. (again, happy to...)
- The only way to stop a mara pull on the open field is a very fast taunt from a tank, but this doesn't even help as it does not put the skill on CD, so the skill can just be recast.
- If you get pulled by more than 1 mara you end up bouncing around in the air, completely defenseless which is a death sentence.
- Often the skill animation - the purple chain - does not even show up, making it impossible to defend against.

2) - rewards poor and unskilled gameplay.
As mentioned above, there is very little that we can do to stop this in an open field, and it massively rewards poor and unskilled gameplay. As an example, there was a mara on the killboard earlier this month with over 1k kills and almost no deaths, I wanted to see what he was doing to get such a high KDA. OFC, what he was doing was pulling single targets into his death ball in SC's and then running away when pressured, if he died, he would just sit in the WC for the rest of the SC.

Thoughts: 4 options -
1: Just remove the skill, sure its great for competitive 6v6, but that is a tiny piece of a much larger game.
2: A complete reworking of the skill so it is affected by immunities and can no longer ignore terrain.
3: Rework the skill so it takes a large mastery investment to get in one of the less popular specs.
4: Give the same skill to an Order DPS. Order have so few unique gameplay mechanics at the moment that this could be a great change for a less utilized class.
Knutkrusher - The man, the myth, the dead body on the floor.

Posts: 8

Re: Mara pull is a nice idea but...

Post#2 » Mon Apr 15, 2024 9:51 pm

Agreed on this matter. But I personally don't like the pulling mechanic at all, because any pull in RvR is a death sentence ability, because of the body block, and it denies pulled players fun of combat as well.

Not only that, but it seems very weird for me that such mechanic exists, because in my opinion player should be safe in a 100 man crowd, but apparently not, because mara can pull a player out of it. It shouldn't be possible to do that, as it is impossible for a tank to walk in and punt a person out of a 100 man blob. You should be able to move players around only in even fight in close combat in my opinion.

Mara pull also creates a possibility to abuse this mechanic turning a played experience into hell if he gets targeted all the time on purpose, and this is something order warband leaders facing every day, being triple mara pulled all the time on call, with this ability working through immunity even, and not going on cooldown after a failed attempt.

There is no nerf for a poor game design mechanic, it should just be removed, with punts taking it's place.

Posts: 327

Re: Mara pull is a nice idea but...

Post#3 » Mon Apr 15, 2024 9:55 pm

Damn, all lot of whining in this one. Please send videos where immunity gets ignored.
If this really is the case, it is a bug and should be fixed.

"1: Just remove the skill, sure its great for competitive 6v6, but that is a tiny piece of a much larger game."

It´s literally useless in 6v6 ? I mean it´s nice to pull healers but your mostly playing vs meele grps anyways. Mara pull is mostly used to fanboy in rvr.

"2) - rewards poor and unskilled gameplay."

I mean you could make this claim for like 1/10 of all abilities in this game.
Overall really weak arguments and slightly order based. Most points you mentioned seem to be bugs, fix those bugs and everything should be fine.

Posts: 117

Re: Mara pull is a nice idea but...

Post#4 » Mon Apr 15, 2024 10:09 pm

"mara pull is mostly used to fanboy in rvr" - sort of admits the issue

I think its a good skill in principle. However, it seems to be reliably bugged and tends to get used to target specific people.

I think people can have legitimate disagreements about whether or not the mechanic is toxic, but having a mechanic that seems to never function properly and is hugely abusable when bugged causes a lot of problems on a pserver with slow bug fixes.

Posts: 327

Re: Mara pull is a nice idea but...

Post#5 » Mon Apr 15, 2024 10:36 pm

The ability exists since live but now its a problem all of a sudden ?
Fix the bugs and its fine

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Re: Mara pull is a nice idea but...

Post#6 » Mon Apr 15, 2024 10:38 pm

Can we please end the dream that some of you have about skill? Because of so called "No Skill" kills, there is no renown gain for drooping oil, and now you do not get kill credit either, for oil, or siege.

90% of the time what decides who lives and who dies is PING. Faster connections, beat slower laggy connections. Throw in a few hundred players, on both sides, and there is no skill involved at all.

So, sorry to inform you. You are not skilled. You just have a better, or closer connection to the server than the person whose avatar you killed, who lives on the opposite side of the globe.

Posts: 220

Re: Mara pull is a nice idea but...

Post#7 » Mon Apr 15, 2024 10:39 pm

Funniest thing is you never hear any destro complain about getting pulled by a wl guess why? Because it requires a pet that can be seen a mile away and with how bugged/broken it is, Wls just end up ditching the pet completely. In short destro never gets pulled ever and if its by a engi :D

This has resulted in Wls running full AOE build doing more damage than Slayers and Choppas and looking at the Killboard tells a clear picture what classes benefits from the insane proc aoe spam meta. In short nerf the aoe spec and fix the pet so people play with it again as well as adjust/nerf the procs for classes that benefits way to much from them.

The Mara pull should be lowerd to 55/60 ft to account for the server lag and the fact that some range classes abilities is 65 ft for skills that can be casted while moving or it needs a longer cast time so player can react in time to possibly run away.

Posts: 50

Re: Mara pull is a nice idea but...

Post#8 » Tue Apr 16, 2024 12:13 am

lemao wrote: Mon Apr 15, 2024 9:55 pm Damn, all lot of whining in this one. Please send videos where immunity gets ignored.
If this really is the case, it is a bug and should be fixed.

"1: Just remove the skill, sure its great for competitive 6v6, but that is a tiny piece of a much larger game."

It´s literally useless in 6v6 ? I mean it´s nice to pull healers but your mostly playing vs meele grps anyways. Mara pull is mostly used to fanboy in rvr.

"2) - rewards poor and unskilled gameplay."

I mean you could make this claim for like 1/10 of all abilities in this game.
Overall really weak arguments and slightly order based. Most points you mentioned seem to be bugs, fix those bugs and everything should be fine.
can you just imagine world of warcraft with a death knight only on one faction, the game would die. literally have a population of 500, oh wait.

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Re: Mara pull is a nice idea but...

Post#9 » Tue Apr 16, 2024 12:17 am

Same can be said for WL pull..
Stop complaining about it and just deal with it. Its not that big of an issue.
Veretta the Witch Elf

Posts: 37

Re: Mara pull is a nice idea but...

Post#10 » Tue Apr 16, 2024 1:01 am

Moat of these claims are flat out false. It does respect immunities. Does not pull thrue terrain if you break los before pull. There are very few keeps that have low enough points for you to pull off walls. And as far as rewarding bad play, you have many abilities that can interrupt the cast. What are your tanks doing? And if you get caught by that pull, then you were already out of position. In small scale, yea GG you lost. In WB, that's one healer. More than capable of recovering.

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