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Black Orc: Chop Fasta!

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Posts: 5

Re: Black Orc: Chop Fasta!

Post#11 » Fri May 03, 2024 8:39 pm

People keep stating that You Wot? is "too strong" but is it? Yes, as an ability, it delivers a lot of value but if you zoom out to the context of the mastery and class, I do not recall anyone howling for blood because 2H Black Orcs were broken, OP, or otherwise over performing. It still falls within the realm of "meme-spec". Stripped of all of the defensive benefits, I don't see how the build will somehow improve. Chop Faster will only begin to be a net benefit damage wise when it starts being more than 10% of our overall damage and even then, it comes at a cost of all the defensive bonuses for a meager damage increase. Given a choice, I would rather keep what I have.

Posts: 91

Re: Black Orc: Chop Fasta!

Post#12 » Fri May 03, 2024 9:20 pm

My user' experience goes down by the BO's nerf. Wat I feel afta 5 hours of tests:

I lost damage much: Now I need 1 tactic slot for the new tactic and 1 potion for resists. So -15-25% crit. Down Ya Go as a finisher lost 10% crit (becuse it is a gud plan now).

I've got slightly better def in exchange and ...
The Chop Fasta is a ... filler. Not a 13pt abilty. It is too weak and too situational. Even rooted targets face out is better to hit with THC.

Overall is ... BO goes on hook till next revision.
Hope some day it will shine again.

Posts: 177

Re: Black Orc: Chop Fasta!

Post#13 » Fri May 03, 2024 11:41 pm

Change AA speed buff to 10% Dmg 10% Crit 10% Armour Pene 10% Parry then this skill would be fine : D

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Re: Black Orc: Chop Fasta!

Post#14 » Sat May 04, 2024 3:56 am

akisnaakkeli wrote: Fri May 03, 2024 11:41 pm Change AA speed buff to 10% Dmg 10% Crit 10% Armour Pene 10% Parry then this skill would be fine : D
also heal by 50% of damage :D
or change to ib ... blood of grimnir
"Iron Within, Iron Without!"

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Re: Black Orc: Chop Fasta!

Post#15 » Sat May 04, 2024 4:26 am

Chosen brings way more utility and far more survivability at the cost of damage, BG brings more damage and game defining debuffs like CD while also being more tanky than a BO.

Neither this nor You Wot ever did anything to fix the problems of a class whose whole kit that has any relevancy to the building of a group is a WS buff and an RNG stat steal. BO is still a dead class for any content that isn't a greenskin rp group.

Don't mind the fact that 95% of a BO's damage is THC so the auto attack speed is largely irrelevant. If this had ANY sort of group-wide component it would be a step in the right direction, but it's not.

You're spending 13pts for an upjumped Eagle's Flight. Should be scrapped and whoever made the original ability needs to return to the drawing board but hey, at least it's more clutter for the enemy to sever blessing you so they don't get something actually useful.
They done stole my character's names. Can't have **** in RoR.

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Re: Black Orc: Chop Fasta!

Post#16 » Sat May 04, 2024 7:04 am

You Wot wasn't a skill that was game breaking or overperforming.
For wb BO would most likely spec mid and right tree. So this change doesn't affect large scale.
For organized small scale it's good but often it's better to take Waaagh to boost mdps AA dmg and let them do their job.
This change looks like another try to kill solo play just like with IB.
Ris - 85rr BO
Risx - 83rr SH

Posts: 308

Re: Black Orc: Chop Fasta!

Post#17 » Sat May 04, 2024 4:49 pm

I've said it before in the PTR thread and will repeat the same message, this new ability is a mistake. They should read the feedback and realize players are not happy with it, for a good reason.

But giving 20% parry to it, is never going to happen because of the way parry stacks( tactics & abiilities) .

20 % parry as an ability stack with 5% parry 2h tactic and the new 10-20% tactic and you end up at 45% Increased parry, which is ridiculous. The other tanks sit between 20-30% parry with their respective tactics + abilities stacked. ( e.g SM eagle flight + 2h tactic = 25%).

So do keep in mind that abilities do not stack with each other ( like eagle flights and 10% Def proc weapon) but abilities and tactics do stack, and tactics it seems also stack with each other on top of it.

Tbh this is now a hard one to fix, since changes have been made not only with the You Wot removal but the new tactic must be considered when thinking about balance and how to fix this.

The best solution i can think of is to bring back You Wot in a modified and nerfed version.

New You Wot:

1)Requires 2H:
30 sec cd/20 sec uptime( like old)

2)10% damage increase.
3)20% armor increase.
4)Increases defences by 10%.

5)resistance buff( removed).
6)self-snare ( removed).


1)SnB does not need You Wot, 2H exclusive.

2)10% increased damage is more useful to the BO than 50% AA haste since their damage is very dependend on three hit combo. AA haste is '' meh '' at best.

3)20% increased armor is more than enough and fits the bulky physical resistant Black orc theme, 30% may indeed have been a bit overpowered.

4)Defences by 10% is a good number and with the new parry tactic in mind it can't be set higher.

5)Bo already has Da Greenest for reactive resistance buff, removed.

6) self-snare on a tank is a dumb concept, tanks get kited by everything anyways, whilst the new You Wot is a decent 13 pt ability it no longer has the power of the old buff nor does it need to be punished during cooldown.

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Re: Black Orc: Chop Fasta!

Post#18 » Sat May 04, 2024 7:56 pm

Honestly, I've finally just given up on the BO and rolled a BG. They have great buffs, even better debuffs, all their must take tank cc is core and don't require tactics to work, and they have loads of build variety with 2h being relevant in both RvR and smallscale. They're everything a BO isn't.

Just like in the past, BO is a class who's only relevance in any content is down to a single tactic (was Waaagh! tactic, now Linecraka) but now somehow we're even more nerfed than we were back then. Our block channel is now useless, our aoe snare makes the mechanic way harder to use, we over-rely on our tactics to do anything as our abilities are naff, and to top it off now we don't even have a working 2h spec.

Whatever the balance team's vision was for the BO, it's failed. BO has long been the worst tank in the game and yet while other already strong tanks are getting buffed we're getting nerfed. I hope the balance team have the humility to go back, accept what they're doing isn't working and listen to the feedback from the community. The tank patches aren't all out yet so there's still time to turn the ship around and give BO the attention it deserves so it can finally be a contender with the CH and BG in both RvR and group play. I don't have much faith it will happen, but would love to be proven wrong.
Bigun - 85 Black Orc
Brian - 70+ Choppa
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Posts: 308

Re: Black Orc: Chop Fasta!

Post#19 » Sun May 05, 2024 6:45 am

If they can't get the 2H spec right, at least Three hit Combo should be made available to SnB as it used to be, this was the ( correct me if am wrong) original vision of the Mythic devs.

And it makes sense since BO is supposed to be the most physical fighter, yet both BG /Chosen can use their respective channel attack with the SnB spec whilst BO can't.

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Re: Black Orc: Chop Fasta!

Post#20 » Sun May 05, 2024 12:20 pm

Farrul wrote: Sun May 05, 2024 6:45 am If they can't get the 2H spec right, at least Three hit Combo should be made available to SnB as it used to be, this was the ( correct me if am wrong) original vision of the Mythic devs.
This should be done regardless if they figure out 2h BO or not.
Nekkma / Hjortron

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