The formulas that I could find in publicly available resources left me unsatisfied due to both the lack of evidence behind them and due their vagueness regarding Off-Hand Auto Attacks. So I decided to investigate on my own. I'm putting my entire methodology as well as my findings up here on the forums so that other people can access it directly without the effort of going through similar testing.
Here is analysis including the formulas discovered and the complete methodology followed to get to those results: ... sp=sharing
Here are the formulas that describe how AAs work currently:

Here is a brief glossary for the above formulas:
- AA = Auto Attack
- dmg = damage
- dps = damage per second
- wSpeed = weapon speed
- wDps = weapon dps
- DB = damage bonus
- AAspeed = Auto Attack speed (every how many seconds you perform an AA)
- Haste% = how much faster you perform auto attacks (base value is 0% but if you have some you can see it via the ]getstats command on yourself)
- MH = main hand
- OH = off hand