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New Black Ork tank - looking for tips

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New Black Ork tank - looking for tips

Post#1 » Sat Jan 04, 2025 11:21 pm

I'm leveling my Black Orc as a tank and focusing on Path of Da Toughest, with a few points in Path of Da Boss.

However I'm a bit lost on which skills to use and in what order.

Any tips on skill priorities or a good rotation? I'm mostly following my intuition, but I'm not sure if I'm doing it right.

Still leveling.. Ty!!

Edit: if my opener get resisted/blocked i am not going tò the next Plan right? The skill need to hit the target to change the plan

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Re: New Black Ork tank - looking for tips

Post#2 » Sun Jan 05, 2025 1:24 am

A very basic rotation would be, Changin' Da Plan, Trip 'Em Up, Down Ya Go, Wot armor?, Trip 'Em Up, Skull Thumper.

Your snare has no cooldown, just the stance requirement, so abuse that. Being snared is awful for everyone.

You have some very good no plan abilities in, Wot armor?, and Follow Me Lead. Use them accordingly to debuff the target, or buff your mdps. When you get, Rock 'Ard, you can use that along with, Big Swing, to get into da best plan before reaching a target.

I would recommend going up the right tree first to get, Rock 'Ard, and Down Ya Go. A tank without KD is just dead weight.

Your stances will advance, even if your attack is defended against.
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Re: New Black Ork tank - looking for tips

Post#3 » Sun Jan 05, 2025 2:36 am

I've always loved Black Orcs, I think they're more versatile and useful than others think.

If you're going full tank (and i hope you do!), then the main thing you need to remember is that your primary job is to mitigate damage to other players. With that in mind, here's how I try to prioritise my skills:

Top Tier: Guard, Challenge, Rock 'Ard

Honestly, learning how to guard properly, and how/when to guard swop, is the most important thing for every tank. Make sure you've got the Enemy addon so you can see how close you are to your guarded target - 30ft is not far! Challenge is also a great skill, but learning when to use it is important. Many tanks just Challenge right at the start, but you're better off waiting a bit, or until you see your teammate getting focused. Rock 'Ard is a great group bubble, and on a 10s CD you can use it a lot. I use this every single CD and it really wracks up ur protection.

Next Tier: Trip 'Em Up, Savin Me Hide, We'z Bigger (when u get it....), Ya Missed Me,

You can perma-snare someone with Trip 'Em Up, which is a valuable ability! It can really help prevent someone escape, or their DPS from getting to your guys. Savin Me Hide is an underrated ability imo, but aside from the toughness buff, the 20% reduction in inc magic damage to the group is really great. Finally, when ur high enough to get We'z Bigger, it also reduces the groups incoming damage and gives stun/root immunity. Ya Missed Me is a great DPS debuff, but requires a block first. Put this on a slayer and watch them become impotent!

Utility Tier: Down Ya Go, Shut Yer Face, Not In Da Face, Right In Da Jibblies, Taunt

Full tank-spec BOs don't do much damage, but we've got a bunch of skills that can really annoy the enemy when used right. These are those skills! A knockdown, a silence, CD increaser, and two interupts. Altogether, you can seriously interupt a healer or DPS, allowing the rest of your team to do their thing. Learning to track KD immunity or Silence immunity is useful (u can use Buffhead addon for this) otherwise you'll waste these skills.

Pressure Tier: Skull Thumper, Wot Armor, Follow Me Lead

Sometimes, you need to add your damage to help kill someone. Even tho we don't do much damage, these three skills help. Skull Thumper does decent damage if there are a lot of peeps hitting ur target. Wot Armor for the debuff is good. Follow Me Lead is good for you or ur guarded melee dps to help with armor penetration.

Other Notables: Where You Going, Get Em, Cant Hit Me, Fly Gits,

Where You Going is a great AoE root. Sometimes you'll wanna use it to slow an enemy advance, sometimes use it for prevent them escaping. Get Em is group AP regen buff, either pop as ur starting a fight, or when u notice someone in grp with low AP. Can't Hit Me is an amazing skill! Makes us nearly unkillable in certain situations. Great for keeps and forts, but also it can keep u alive until ur healers have a chance to get to you. Fly Gits is our AoE knockback - very situational. Generally don't use it (the distance isn't great), but you can take the pressure off ur teammate getting focused, or knock people off the walls or a bridge.

WAR really isn't about rotations, the PvP moves too fast for rotations to make any sense. Hence priorities - mitigating damage, annoying enemies, applying pressure etc. See what the situation needs from you, then use the skills thatll help you do it.

Good luck and have fun!
Spitt - RR81 BO | Scrotling - RR6X Squig Herder | Scabrous - RR6X Shaman

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Re: New Black Ork tank - looking for tips

Post#4 » Sun Jan 05, 2025 8:41 am

What Anstalt said is pretty much spot on. The role of a Tank in almost any situation is Damage Reduction (Guard, Challenge, Morales, sometimes CC) > CC > Utility > Damage.
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Re: New Black Ork tank - looking for tips

Post#5 » Sun Jan 05, 2025 9:35 am

anstalt wrote: Sun Jan 05, 2025 2:36 am I've always loved Black Orcs, I think they're more versatile and useful than others think.

If you're going full tank (and i hope you do!), then the main thing you need to remember is that your primary job is to mitigate damage to other players. With that in mind, here's how I try to prioritise my skills:

Top Tier: Guard, Challenge, Rock 'Ard

Honestly, learning how to guard properly, and how/when to guard swop, is the most important thing for every tank. Make sure you've got the Enemy addon so you can see how close you are to your guarded target - 30ft is not far! Challenge is also a great skill, but learning when to use it is important. Many tanks just Challenge right at the start, but you're better off waiting a bit, or until you see your teammate getting focused. Rock 'Ard is a great group bubble, and on a 10s CD you can use it a lot. I use this every single CD and it really wracks up ur protection.

Next Tier: Trip 'Em Up, Savin Me Hide, We'z Bigger (when u get it....), Ya Missed Me,

You can perma-snare someone with Trip 'Em Up, which is a valuable ability! It can really help prevent someone escape, or their DPS from getting to your guys. Savin Me Hide is an underrated ability imo, but aside from the toughness buff, the 20% reduction in inc magic damage to the group is really great. Finally, when ur high enough to get We'z Bigger, it also reduces the groups incoming damage and gives stun/root immunity. Ya Missed Me is a great DPS debuff, but requires a block first. Put this on a slayer and watch them become impotent!

Utility Tier: Down Ya Go, Shut Yer Face, Not In Da Face, Right In Da Jibblies, Taunt

Full tank-spec BOs don't do much damage, but we've got a bunch of skills that can really annoy the enemy when used right. These are those skills! A knockdown, a silence, CD increaser, and two interupts. Altogether, you can seriously interupt a healer or DPS, allowing the rest of your team to do their thing. Learning to track KD immunity or Silence immunity is useful (u can use Buffhead addon for this) otherwise you'll waste these skills.

Pressure Tier: Skull Thumper, Wot Armor, Follow Me Lead

Sometimes, you need to add your damage to help kill someone. Even tho we don't do much damage, these three skills help. Skull Thumper does decent damage if there are a lot of peeps hitting ur target. Wot Armor for the debuff is good. Follow Me Lead is good for you or ur guarded melee dps to help with armor penetration.

Other Notables: Where You Going, Get Em, Cant Hit Me, Fly Gits,

Where You Going is a great AoE root. Sometimes you'll wanna use it to slow an enemy advance, sometimes use it for prevent them escaping. Get Em is group AP regen buff, either pop as ur starting a fight, or when u notice someone in grp with low AP. Can't Hit Me is an amazing skill! Makes us nearly unkillable in certain situations. Great for keeps and forts, but also it can keep u alive until ur healers have a chance to get to you. Fly Gits is our AoE knockback - very situational. Generally don't use it (the distance isn't great), but you can take the pressure off ur teammate getting focused, or knock people off the walls or a bridge.

WAR really isn't about rotations, the PvP moves too fast for rotations to make any sense. Hence priorities - mitigating damage, annoying enemies, applying pressure etc. See what the situation needs from you, then use the skills thatll help you do it.

Good luck and have fun!
Great write up! Not much more to add after that.

For addons; download enemy, guardpack, and buffhead at a minimum. You'll need to have all of these to guard and CC effectively.

For mastery points; go up to Down Ya Go in Da Boss tree, grabbing Rock 'Ard on the way, then up to We'z Bigger + Linecraka in the toughest tree. We'z Bigger + Linecraka is the main reason SnB BO is a top tier tank and any group you join will want you to be running it. - Black Orc

Welcome to da Waaaagh!
Bigun - 86 Black Orc
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Re: New Black Ork tank - looking for tips

Post#6 » Sun Jan 05, 2025 10:29 am

Thank you for the replies!
There’s a lot of cool information here to check out. I 'm going to spend some time to test out the skills maneuver and the addons

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Re: New Black Ork tank - looking for tips

Post#7 » Sun Jan 05, 2025 10:45 am

Oh and one extra thing, also get the swift assist addon. This will allow you to set an assist on your guard target. You can then target the same enemy as them, allowing you to apply debuffs/cc to the correct targets and giving you an idea of where your guard target will move next.
Bigun - 86 Black Orc
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Re: New Black Ork tank - looking for tips

Post#8 » Fri Jan 10, 2025 6:04 pm ... ha-O5RrmKV Giving this as a core lvl 40 skill to blorc because 2H Blorc Needs something and this is a good start. Then 2x WS buff about 240Ws back would help for blorc purpose overall
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Re: New Black Ork tank - looking for tips

Post#9 » Sat Jan 18, 2025 6:35 am

for BO i like going waaagh with down ya go and rock ard, then toughest tree with cant hit me and stop hittin da runts tactic for pretty much infinite cant hit me and hold the line. big dps boost for your wb with waaagh spec and da greenest war below helps mitigate a lot of damage throughout the group.

the other spec is the wez bigger with linecracka which is quality of life moving the warband into positions and helping initial pushes, all you would do is drop stop hittin da runts for linecracka, and drop waaagh for wez bigger.

both good specs, both fun, both have their idea of what you wanna bring to the warband.

BEST ADDON IS PLAN B, makes the class feel like you can use an IQ of room temp to be god tier.

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