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People Joining SC in Warband

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People Joining SC in Warband

Post#1 » Sun Dec 20, 2015 6:57 pm

Is there a way we can take screenshots of this and submit so they can be banned or something. They affect 23 other players by bugging out warbands and it had ruined alot of the fun when they do it. This can ruin a warband when you cannot move people around and they take up a spot when they leave. Also when low level toons join you cant kick them from group because of bug. Is this not abuse of a bug because after they join most say kick me and laugh cause they know you cant kick them.

Posts: 376

Re: People Joining SC in Warband

Post#2 » Sun Dec 20, 2015 7:17 pm

So because a person is joining a scenario while being in a warband, he should be banned? In 2 weeks there will be no more players if that would be banable.

- Alex

Posts: 5

Re: People Joining SC in Warband

Post#3 » Sun Dec 20, 2015 7:27 pm

So abuse of a known bug is ok then?

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Posts: 37

Re: People Joining SC in Warband

Post#4 » Sun Dec 20, 2015 7:37 pm

So not knowing who's in your warband and who's not paying attention is a "OK" warband?

I'd say by then you are not fit to lead.

A OK warband leader always follows up who's present and not.
Celestisma - Warrior Priest

Posts: 309

Re: People Joining SC in Warband

Post#5 » Sun Dec 20, 2015 8:08 pm

I don't think this is so much abuse as ignorance. There is talk about this bug in the game, but not so much that everyone'd be aware of it. It would be much better to disable the ability to join SCs (not just queues) at all while in a WB. Probably some form of solution is on the devs' to do list already.

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Posts: 256

Re: People Joining SC in Warband

Post#6 » Mon Dec 21, 2015 12:55 am

I believe taking a ss and attempting to ban a player or players is a terrible way to go about this issue.

1.) The players who are taking scenarios may not even be aware that this an issue or may simple forgot.

2.) I could be out off touch with this one but this issue sees that it can be prevented on a player level. Warband locks and using the player invite. A bit tedious yes, but if its causing this much grief is it worth it? Probably

Best bet is to take a diplomatic route and informing the players what there doing wrong and why its an issue.

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Re: People Joining SC in Warband

Post#7 » Mon Dec 21, 2015 12:58 am

bwdaWAR wrote:I don't think this is so much abuse as ignorance. There is talk about this bug in the game, but not so much that everyone'd be aware of it. It would be much better to disable the ability to join SCs (not just queues) at all while in a WB. Probably some form of solution is on the devs' to do list already.
Just saw your post +1

Should have read all the replies first.

Posts: 6

Re: People Joining SC in Warband

Post#8 » Mon Dec 21, 2015 1:50 am

That is like saying the car engine was running and no one was around so i took it. By the time you are in t3 you know full well what it does to a warband.

Posts: 309

Re: People Joining SC in Warband

Post#9 » Mon Dec 21, 2015 6:55 am

Cloakedstranger wrote:That is like saying the car engine was running and no one was around so i took it. By the time you are in t3 you know full well what it does to a warband.
Real life property laws and customs get thrown at you during your childhood and youth from infinite sources. This particular information however isn't that easy to come across. It is not there when you join the game. Even if you take that extra step which many players don't and come to the forums to read the rules, stickied threads and whatever topic may be new, you won't find it. So unless you are told by a helpful player or chance upon it by coincidence, you won't know this problem even exists. It's very easy to become biased once YOU personally know something and think that "everyone knows this", and forget what it's like to be a new player in a new game. People who do not speak English very well - and there are many people like that on RoR - face additional difficulties. The community isn't exactly supportive of them.
Do not underestimate the ignorance potential of the casual player. Statements like this get thrown around a lot, but when you look at how PUGs work even in T3, it's pretty clear that the time spent ingame does not make everyone an expert.

Posts: 6

Re: People Joining SC in Warband

Post#10 » Mon Dec 21, 2015 7:32 am

Zelera wrote:Is this not abuse of a bug because after they join most say kick me and laugh cause they know you cant kick them.
Are you missing this part of the post. Most of them do know that is the issue.
Last edited by Cloakedstranger on Mon Dec 21, 2015 7:33 am, edited 1 time in total.

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