Invader/Warlord/Sov Token System

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Invader/Warlord/Sov Token System

Post#1 » Sat Mar 07, 2020 6:26 am

I'm being encouraged to share this here.

As it stands, returning players with RR above 70+ RR are being punished by the invader gear gate. Lower RR players can receive these tokens in cities, however 70+ only get these tokens during forts. As a result 70+ players have Sov gear sitting in their bags or unable to wear any Sov gear that they could otherwise purchase. I get the gear gate and understand why it is there, which leads me to my other thought regarding this; Warlord gear.

Right now people are skipping Warlord gear sets and going straight to Sov gear. Honestly Warlord should have its own currency so that Warlord has its time in the spotlight as well.

So the thought here is this:

- Have Warlord have its own currency, just like it did in live.
- Warlord tokens drop off of high RR players in SCs, RvR lakes, and fort/cities.
- Warlord has its own gear gate before Sov gear can be equipped, just like how invader stands right now (Invader > Warlord > Sovereign).
- Allow Royal Crests to break down to Warlord Crests.
- Allow Warlord Crests to break down to Invader Crests.

Would love to hear more thoughts on this
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Re: Invader/Warlord/Sov Token System

Post#2 » Sat Mar 07, 2020 7:52 am

100% with you on this, as I just came back myself a week ago.

Barely made it to Vanquisher, now I'm sittin on a grand total of 4 Invader crests.

Other than what you already suggested, maybe increase the accessibilty of forts and slightly up the amount of rewarded crests for them.
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Re: Invader/Warlord/Sov Token System

Post#3 » Sat Mar 07, 2020 8:40 am

This Ward system is annoying in PVe and even more in PvP.

I never farmed invader set because i did not like the bonus of it (really crap for melees except SL/choppa)
My chars are all 70+ or 80 and i finally manage to get the set on the WL to be able to farm Sovereign now.

Speaking of Sov, i was called a babycry when they removed the gold bag loot in city siege. I was not playing at 3am or 9am in the morning (due to work) and did not loot any pieces. A week later, it was not possible to loot pieces anymore,but some players had already 3 or 4 sov pieces in just one week while it will take 6months for players who can only play during EU prime Time. Is it fair ? i think not.

I am playing this game for 4 years, got 4K medallions of each that are useless, and i am far behind some players who began 3 months ago and not even RR80.

Lets be clear, i am not complaining, its just my own opinion as a long time player, and i think it was not fair for 90% of players like me who can only play during prime times when cities never pop. I am happy for those who looted 3 pieces during first week and are now full gears but jealous at the same time ^^

I agree with stirling for some points, but what you gonna do with those who are full Sov already ? It will just make us more far behind them to reach the final set...
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Re: Invader/Warlord/Sov Token System

Post#4 » Sat Mar 07, 2020 11:48 am

Maybe the upscale system for vanq -> inv -> royal tied to renown rank(80 as example) would leave a sensible feel of progression to all people caught in that situation.

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Re: Invader/Warlord/Sov Token System

Post#5 » Sat Mar 07, 2020 12:02 pm

I think that should be enough to let break down royal crest to invader 1 to 1, due to the high quantity of royal u can get from cities. About warlord I think that it highly valuable for many spec so I think that it's fine as it is now

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Re: Invader/Warlord/Sov Token System

Post#6 » Sat Mar 07, 2020 12:44 pm

Posts: 46

Re: Invader/Warlord/Sov Token System

Post#7 » Sat Mar 21, 2020 1:22 am

I dont really agree with all the breaking down as you propose tbh, would make the gearing go really fast. But i do get the 70+ rr invader part. My zealot got made a month ago, did xp/renown bonus weekends/week and hit rr70+ with currency for two invader pieces. Then i notice in city sieges and after finally winning a gold bag in fort that i get royals only and a few invader for losing forts. My royal crest income is effectively way higher than invader. You roll vs way less ppl in cities so you get more royals. Id love to maybe break down or trade up on a wicked ratio. 10 (or more) vanqs = 1 invader, hell even 2royal for 1 invader. Atm im looking at still 35 to 40 fort sieges which you dont make mostly due to reservation system so the gains are weak.

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Re: Invader/Warlord/Sov Token System

Post#8 » Sat Mar 21, 2020 1:28 am

Gearing fast at least up to a point isn't a bad a thing. It's something I at least always liked about WAR on live, and something that has been the case longer than not on this server. If you remember getting into anni/merc was fairly fast when conq/dom was the bis gear etc... however now you have people struggling to get into conq when a good chunk of mains are in inv/sov/bloodlord/sent mixes.

Endgame gearing also isnt something you just casually get on and do like before, you absolutely have to be on at the correct times during the day to get any progress at all.

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Re: Invader/Warlord/Sov Token System

Post#9 » Sat Mar 21, 2020 6:51 am

Starx wrote: Sat Mar 21, 2020 1:28 am Gearing fast at least up to a point isn't a bad a thing. It's something I at least always liked about WAR on live, and something that has been the case longer than not on this server. If you remember getting into anni/merc was fairly fast when conq/dom was the bis gear etc... however now you have people struggling to get into conq when a good chunk of mains are in inv/sov/bloodlord/sent mixes.

Endgame gearing also isnt something you just casually get on and do like before, you absolutely have to be on at the correct times during the day to get any progress at all.
People who struggle to get conq are people who don't downgrade their vanq. So, they are the ones to blame.

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Re: Invader/Warlord/Sov Token System

Post#10 » Sat Mar 21, 2020 7:19 am

I also agree that Invader servers as a bottleneck at the moment for various reasons (reservations system back again, double fort pushes so you can only attend one at a time and after that the others are already locked).

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