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I kinda want a huge final battle instead of current city format...

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Poll: Which format do you want the final climactic battle to be?

24v24 warband clash
240v180 fortress clash
ORVR all in
Total votes: 99

Posts: 208

Re: I kinda want a huge final battle instead of current city format...

Post#11 » Sun Sep 13, 2020 12:41 pm

I would like a 4th option for 12v12

For a short bit 12v12 cities were a thing it encouraged highly organized skilled gameplay which end game content for any mmo should be

24v24 is all about aoe bombs no skill required

Anything larger is absolutely mindless gameplay where you only have to afk/1 button spam for rewards

With 12v12 you would have higher city instances for people that want to pug along with more tough balanced fights for those that like a challenge not to mention server population simply does not support 24v24 system and a orvr large battle would be even worse

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Re: I kinda want a huge final battle instead of current city format...

Post#12 » Sun Sep 13, 2020 1:18 pm

I could see 12v12 as more designed for those that are rr 80+ and have full sov. That mode would be for possible guild v guild premade ranked. Winners get new gear or cosmetic warpforged ;) while losers nothing. Reason why i say this is so that players in that dont throw a match.

Leaning more towards warpforge being cosmetic item rather then acual gear because new gear atm might be too hard to balance.
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Re: I kinda want a huge final battle instead of current city format...

Post#13 » Sun Sep 13, 2020 2:13 pm

I like cities in their current iteration, I think they're amazing if you actually take care and bring a good group.

As an endgame, end of the campaign thing, it is a bit anticlimactic and meh concept wise. But with how badly the game runs on most systems, yeah I think it's about as good as it can get.
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Re: I kinda want a huge final battle instead of current city format...

Post#14 » Sun Sep 13, 2020 2:52 pm

Rekoom wrote: Sun Sep 13, 2020 12:09 pm Whoever suggests full on oRvR is not thinking straight imo. It works for you if your faction outnumbers the other but what happens when you suddenly have 40%-60% AAO?

The 24v24 warband clash without objectives is going to be a little boring fast no? I mean it's basically stage 3 for a whole hour? Over once a WB wipes?

Objectives introduce an element of strategy beyond "brute force" and WB with less than meta comps can actually compensate by playing smarter like what we see all the time in scenarios - and fair enough that they get rewarded for that.

I would expand on the city concept, probably huge development work but having the elf/dwarves cities would be fantastic indeed.
Perhaps a 240v180 format similar to fortresses would solve the AAO?

My bad maybe I wasn’t clear in my post, the 24v24 warband clash option is the current system we have for cities.

If cities instead would be a larger battle, then I still believe there should be a 24v24 format, in this case my suggestion was to utilize the Garden of Qu’aph. Since imho the current wb vs wb format feels too small to represent the final epic end of the campaign conclusion.

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Re: I kinda want a huge final battle instead of current city format...

Post#15 » Sun Sep 13, 2020 3:35 pm

Large battles are **** shows. They can be fun to some but I dont think its a good way to give away the best gear in the game. Unless you just want that gear to be a random participation prize.

Posts: 249

Re: I kinda want a huge final battle instead of current city format...

Post#16 » Sun Sep 13, 2020 4:08 pm

I'd much rather have the option for some sort of scenario/PQ that allows you to get a small amount of medallions and that's it, you've looted the city essentially. Why does the culmination of RvR have to be ANOTHER attempt at a peak? Forts are fun, people enjoy forts, let's have forts be the end for people who are enjoying the game and then open city instances for those who want an uber-meta top tier elite scenario with extra rewards and those willing to put in some extra effort for extra rewards.

For me I don't see why we need to "fix" cities, cities are fine, they're just very exclusive in terms of enjoyment, everyone knows you enjoy one city out of like 50, so why not provide an alternative?

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Re: I kinda want a huge final battle instead of current city format...

Post#17 » Sun Sep 13, 2020 6:42 pm

While the matchmaking (solo, 12 or 24 against similar enemies and balanced numbers) isn’t working as expected most of the time, I prefer City fights to not be the same zergfest like the whole campaign beforehand.

There’s already enough hiding in warbands, leeching rewards and plenty occasions for obtaining gear without having to actually contribute in an appropriate manner imho.

Especially in City you get rewarded for losing and even being afk by a totally random roll system with a mostly assured instance spot (Order PoV here). That is something that needs addressing, and not making the last step towards endgame gear another brainless lagshow.
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Posts: 102

Re: I kinda want a huge final battle instead of current city format...

Post#18 » Sun Sep 13, 2020 8:57 pm

While huge fights sound epic they just end up being zerg fests where individual skill is washed away in a huge mob.

I'd much rather see different maps/places open up with 12v12/24v24 with stages with a few objectives to give way to small scale fights that culminate in a big fight part. Much like elite teams being sent to crush the last remnants of hope in little pockets.
There could even be an option for a pve only instance for those interested where you fight the king npcs or high ranking officials

Posts: 1295

Re: I kinda want a huge final battle instead of current city format...

Post#19 » Mon Sep 14, 2020 8:43 am

big numbers fights into small places (aka fortress) is the worst pvp experience atm => that **** lag spikes make the game unplayable, i have disabled mostly addons/features to improve but when big push comes always comes with a big lag.

My vote was for 24 vs 24 because that was the only option => could be 18 Vs 18//36vs36 or whatever always with even numbers for factions

Posts: 898

Re: I kinda want a huge final battle instead of current city format...

Post#20 » Mon Sep 14, 2020 9:31 am


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