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Returning player looking for Guild

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Posts: 6

Returning player looking for Guild

Post#1 » Fri Feb 11, 2022 12:16 am

Hi all.

I played the original release for a decent while, and was very pleased when I heard about Return of Reckoning. It's a special game to me, as a long time Warhammer fan there's something about the feel and the atmosphere of the game that just works for me.
Anyways, I had a few characters at max level, but never really did endgame (dungeons, city raids), mostly just faffed in scenarios and particpated in sieges when they were on. This time I'd like to get the full experience, which means not being a solo derp. I'm in GMT, playing mostly in the evening or sometimes late at night on the weekends. I'm in my 30s - looking for a relaxed, friendly and mature group interested in a variety of activites.
My two main characetrs at the moment are LordFale (WL) and Gussarion (SM), though I will probably end up with a healer and an RDPS too, like last time.



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