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[Tome tactic] Mainquest for progression midtier

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[Tome tactic] Mainquest for progression midtier

Post#1 » Thu Aug 17, 2023 6:35 pm


RoR removed the pvp-tactic slots but left the Tometactic slot in. And many new players over the years have asked in Advice chat what this tometactic slot is for.
How about we actually make something fit into that slot on RoR, something neat and interesting but not overly gamebreaking.
I suggest a mixture of Racial focus, and midtier progression handholding for new players to ease them in to RoR. But naturally also doable by veteran and BiS characters to benefit and enjoy.

Starting at level2 you will get your mainquest unabandonable quest + popup.
T1 tasks:
- Ride your packmule
- Enter Nordland oRvR zone
- Play a scenario
- Complete Empire/Chaos Chp 2 PQ
- Equip 4 accesories
Each task completed yield X amount of Warcrest, RP and Exp.
Completion unlocks Tometactic fragment T1 (1/4)

This page of the quest is viewable but not doable before previous page is done
T2 tasks:
- Buy a 50% mount
- Join a group or a warband
- Win a scenario 3 times
- Complete the Recruit + scout wards
- Complete a Hard PQ in Chpt 5.
- Visit your capital
- Talk to the AH NPC
Each task completed yield X amount of Warcrest, RP and Exp.
Completion unlocks Tometactic fragment T2 (2/4)

This page of the quest is viewable but not doable before previous page is done
T3 tasks:
- Equip a cloak
- Paricipate in an orvr bagroll
- Finish the Officer ward
- Ride a 60% mount
- Dye your gear once
- Learn a profession
Each task completed yield X amount of Warcrest, RP and Exp.
Completion unlocks Tometactic fragment T3 (3/4)

This page of the quest is viewable but not doable before previous page is done
T4 tasks:
- Finish the Conq ward
- Change your title
- Put one achivement on your Brag list
- Expand your crafting bag by reaching 100/200 in your profession
- Earn 100gold in your career
- Have no empty Talisman slots in your equipped gear.
- Drink a potion if Lasting Stanchion Unguent
- Activate a potion of Acclaim
- Get renown rank 40
- Drink a Draught of Recovery potion while below 50%hp in a scenario and unlock the title "Not today"
Each task completed yield X amount of Warcrest, RP and Exp.
Completion unlocks Tometactic fragment T4 (4/4) if all four are unlocked your tactic slot is now open and not locked.

Tactics to be unlocked:
- Kill 50 greenskins players in your tome of knowledge beastiary to unlock the greenskin tactics
1) Your chance to defend against Blackorc, Choppa, Squigherder, Shaman is now increased by 1%
2) Your chance to strikethrough against Blackorc, Choppa, Squigherder, Shaman is now increased by 1%

- Kill 500 greenskins players in your tome of knowledge beastiary to unlock the greenskin tactics
1) Your chance to defend against Blackorc, Choppa, Squigherder, Shaman is now increased by 2%
2) Your chance to strikethrough against Blackorc, Choppa, Squigherder, Shaman is now increased by 2%

- Kill 5000 greenskins players in your tome of knowledge beastiary to unlock the greenskin tactics
1) Your chance to defend and strikethrough against Blackorc, Choppa, Squigherder, Shaman is now increased by 2%

- Kill 50 Darkelve players in your tome of knowledge beastiary to unlock the darkelve tactics
1) Your chance to defend against Blackguard, DoK, Sorerer, Witchelf is now increased by 1%
2) Your chance to strikethrough against Blackguard, DoK, Sorerer, Witchelf is now increased by 1%

- Kill 500 Darkelve players in your tome of knowledge beastiary to unlock the darkelve tactics
1) Your chance to defend against Blackguard, DoK, Sorerer, Witchelf is now increased by 2%
2) Your chance to strikethrough against Blackguard, DoK, Sorerer, Witchelf is now increased by 2%

- Kill 5000 Darkelve players in your tome of knowledge beastiary to unlock the darkelve tactics
1) Your chance to defend and strikethrough against Blackguard, DoK, Sorerer, Witchelf is now increased by 2%

- Kill 50 Chaos players in your tome of knowledge beastiary to unlock the Chaos tactics
1) Your chance to defend against Chosen, Magus, marauder, Zealot is now increased by 1%
2) Your chance to strikethrough against Chosen, Magus, marauder, Zealot is now increased by 1%

- Kill 500 Chaos players in your tome of knowledge beastiary to unlock the Chaos tactics
1) Your chance to defend against Chosen, Magus, marauder, Zealot is now increased by 2%
2) Your chance to strikethrough against Chosen, Magus, marauder, Zealot is now increased by 2%

- Kill 5000 Chaos players in your tome of knowledge beastiary to unlock the Chaos tactics
1) Your chance to defend and strikethrough against Chosen, Magus, marauder, Zealot is now increased by 2%

So there is no all around best tactic to slot against everything and all classes. Instead you pick which race you want to be slightly better against.
All of these suggestion are ofcause just to give a rough overview over the idea. Any number, reward, task or tactic suggestion is fully up for debate or change.
If this should be implimented by Devs many more options could be added for tactics in the tometactic slot with tasks taking us all over the gameworld and into different activities.
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Posts: 1

Re: [Tome tactic] Mainquest for progression midtier

Post#2 » Sat Mar 09, 2024 12:17 pm

This is a really great post and I concur!

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