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Proposal: Discordant SC Weekly Event

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Proposal: Discordant SC Weekly Event

Post#1 » Sun Jan 14, 2024 6:44 pm


Recently there has been a lot of talks about Scenarios as an alternate way of having fun, and the state they are in. One of the major feedback from a lot of players is that Scenarios have become very unfun to play unless you play with a Premade Group otherwise you are the one more likely who will face another enemy Premade Group that farms your team. With the low population of RoR, this system makes you be at the mercy of the opposing Premades, and when they would stop! It is also a huge wall and a negative experience to new players trying the game out, before getting to know others to play with. They get farmed, taken advantage of and quit.

To fix this issue, Discordant Scenarios have been created, where you can only queue up alone and players would only be matched against each other who are queuing for this particular Scenario, attempting to create a healthy Solo Queue System. Unfortunately the system can be still abused if certain people queue at the same time and this way players can still attempt to premade vs solo players, essentially ruining this game mode.

As a consequence of this, popularity of Discordant Scenarios have been diminishing, lots have stopped queuing for it, making it even easier to play the system and it became a snowball effect. Nowadays it is back to Queuing for All Scenarios and forming your own Premades or be at the mercy of RNG.

[Weekend Scenario Events]

Another complaint has been regarding the Weekend Scenario Events, or rather the lack of Solo Queue option for them, as while there is an incentive to queue up for Weekend Scenarios...the offer of rewards have made this event a playground of organized Premades stomping Randoms even more - making it a horrible experience for a lot of people who play alone, have no time to make a premade or whatever other reason they have for trying to complete it solo.

While encouraging people to play in a team is a good intension, the reality we all know is that there is a difference between /5 Premades and organized Guild Premades with Voice and the nature of really good teams farming pugs will not change no matter how much people try. Also in the end, a lot of players still love to play solo and ignoring them isn't necessarily a good strategy for the server's health and player retention.


After a discussion on official RoR Discord a couple of people, including myself, agreed that perhaps a brand new [Weekly Event] similar to [Weekend Scenario Event] could be created solely for Discordant Scenarios, to revive the popularity of this mode and give a viable option for solo PvPers who would like to engage in more fun random solo queue action, rather than stop playing in fear of getting farmed by premades constantly.

This Weekly Event could give usual rewards such as War Tokens, Potion of Acclaim but even Liniments or Battle Potions to encourage not only leveling characters but old-time players to engage in queuing for Discordant Scenarios. I believe this would greatly increase the popularity of the mode to get it going again, and while it could still be abused by bad-apples to queue up together into mini-premades, it could potentially increase the popularity of Discordant SCs to the point it would be much harder to do so. Additionally people who regularly are seen in the same groups on a massive scale, could be reported to Gamemasters for further review on their behavior to keep a fair playground for everyone and keep Discordant SCs healthy.

Additionally, a healthy and popping Discordant Scenario would also fix the problem presented in the previous section concerning [Weekend Scenario Events] as Solo Discordant Players would now have a chance, albeit lower, to get into the Weekend Scenario and attempt to complete both the Weekly Discordant and Weekend Scenario event at the same time - while avoiding getting stomped by Premades.

This proposal would potentially fix both problems.

[Scenario Queue Rewrite]

There is already a Scenario Code Rewrite happening, that you can read about at:viewtopic.php?t=51520
The proposed changes written there aim to fix many of the issue listed here, to avoid continuous matching against premades, abuse the system or have unbalanced archetype teams against one another.

If that rewrite happens and is sucessful there might be no need for separate queue for Discordant scenarios or normal Scenarios, but since it is a huge undertaking, this could also offer a temporary solution for the developers until the rewrite is done!


This thread has been created to give more visibility to the state of scenarios and Discordant Scenarios - let everyone share their viewpoints, whether you agree or disagree if there needs to be a change for them, and give opinions on what and how you would change anything!

Please keep the discussion on topic, don't derail, and avoid making personal attacks, stay classy and respectful!
Last edited by Caleb on Mon Jan 15, 2024 2:17 am, edited 3 times in total.

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Re: Proposal: Discordant SC Weekly Event

Post#2 » Sun Jan 14, 2024 6:51 pm

I'd much see a new sc mechanic with no spearation, no surrender and fair queue meaning you don't loop the premades vs pugs untill everybody stop queue. Only split the player pool in half 1-40/59 and 40/60 -40/XX
Last edited by Bozzax on Sun Jan 14, 2024 6:56 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: Proposal: Discordant SC Weekly Event

Post#3 » Sun Jan 14, 2024 6:52 pm

Imho they should just make discordant have only weekend warfront scenario in its pool during weekends. X
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Re: Proposal: Discordant SC Weekly Event

Post#4 » Sun Jan 14, 2024 6:56 pm

Bozzax wrote: Sun Jan 14, 2024 6:51 pm I'd much see a new sc mechanic with no spearation, surrender and fair queue meaning you don't loop the premades vs pugs untill everybody stop queue
This is apparently in the making already according to the August blog, though we will need further updates on that I guess?
Absinth wrote: Sun Jan 14, 2024 6:52 pm Imho they should just make discordant have only weekend warfront scenario in its pool during weekends. X
That's a good idea if it's easy to change that.

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Re: Proposal: Discordant SC Weekly Event

Post#5 » Sun Jan 14, 2024 8:33 pm

People should be encouraged to build groups, not to play solo. Forcing people to play solo for a new reward system does not make any sense.

A new weekly sc event for all (No matter what you que) would be refreshing. But If you want solo que to pop you need to force solos to play discordant.

I play lot of both these days, and can't confirm your abuse accusations. It's always the same complain without substance.

The reason there are often the same people in discordant is there are just not enough people queing.

The reason stomps happen is because some people play like they are facing away from the monitor.

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Re: Proposal: Discordant SC Weekly Event

Post#6 » Sun Jan 14, 2024 9:56 pm

If people get stomped in pug vs pug event SC, the next topic will be about op classes or gear gaps?
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Re: Proposal: Discordant SC Weekly Event

Post#7 » Mon Jan 15, 2024 12:34 am

Everdin wrote: Sun Jan 14, 2024 8:33 pm People should be encouraged to build groups, not to play solo. Forcing people to play solo for a new reward system does not make any sense.

A new weekly sc event for all (No matter what you que) would be refreshing. But If you want solo que to pop you need to force solos to play discordant.

I play lot of both these days, and can't confirm your abuse accusations. It's always the same complain without substance.

The reason there are often the same people in discordant is there are just not enough people queing.

The reason stomps happen is because some people play like they are facing away from the monitor.

Because forcing everyone to premade is really working out isn't it.
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Re: Proposal: Discordant SC Weekly Event

Post#8 » Mon Jan 15, 2024 12:52 am

Everdin wrote: Sun Jan 14, 2024 8:33 pm People should be encouraged to build groups, not to play solo. Forcing people to play solo for a new reward system does not make any sense.

A new weekly sc event for all (No matter what you que) would be refreshing. But If you want solo que to pop you need to force solos to play discordant.

I play lot of both these days, and can't confirm your abuse accusations. It's always the same complain without substance.

The reason there are often the same people in discordant is there are just not enough people queing.

The reason stomps happen is because some people play like they are facing away from the monitor.
What's up with this community and gate keeping people how they want to play? What's the issue of someone wanting to play solo for a bit? Or maybe they don't have the time it takes to form a premade then que? This instant lash back of "Oh they shouldn't play solo they should only play with a group" is such a toxic way of thinking and has the consequence of pushing new players away.

Honestly there should be two ways of queing. Solo/Duo and then Permades. They should have their own ques and que timers. Also there should be punishments for people trying to manipulate the former. It's simply in the best interest of the server, not groups ego's.

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Re: Proposal: Discordant SC Weekly Event

Post#9 » Mon Jan 15, 2024 1:54 am

It doesn't help when on the last day you have 2 destro pre-mades farming the weekend event SC for 6 hours... I would rather a fair match maker be introduced that biases against people you lose to prevent loss streaks.
Last edited by Scottx125 on Wed Jan 17, 2024 4:50 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Proposal: Discordant SC Weekly Event

Post#10 » Mon Jan 15, 2024 4:30 am

Since the new abilities patch some queu addon broke and prems could go discordant. It is by no means on purpose but it does happens so that should be fixed first.

Other than that I would change the matchmaking so if one of the sides got premade the system wait to find prem on other side then fill with pug other groups on both sides. Or put 2 groups of pugs on both sides. So by that the system should remove the possibility of 2 pug vs prem+pug and you will always got prem + pug vs prem + pug or pug vs pug
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