Force Open WBs to be 2/2/2s

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Posts: 127

Force Open WBs to be 2/2/2s

Post#1 » Thu Feb 01, 2024 3:29 am

I think it would go along nicely with the Dev's plans for Scenarios, published last August - "The primary focus of this redesigned system will be on optimizing team formation". The same care for team composition should be applied to Open WBs.

It will be an improvement for the game in a few ways:

- It makes the easiest to join content a better experience, helping with player retention. Most of the game's content is player created, but if there are no pugleaders out on the lakes when you log in, oRvR is essentially "locked" for most players who don't want the hassle of making and leading their own WB, or don't have the skills to do it.

- Open WBs as they currently are just aggravates blobs and makes the winning side stronger. Since a lot of this game's basic mechanics requires, for the most part, a basic distribution between classes - Guards, limited self healing, limited dmg by non dps specs - an Open WB with a random composition have no chance against a 2/2/2 WB, even if its also a "pugband" that aren't in Discord comms. So all an Open WB does - cuz its all it can do - is follow organized WBs and leech a tiny bit of renown.

- It will diminish the gap between organized WBs and pug WBs. How much so is hard to say, but as it currently stands, an open WB lacking Tanks and Healers will never beat a 2/2/2 WB.

- Will make the lakes more active during "low pop" time zones. Again, most of the game is player created content, by making the "Click and Play" WBs more capable of fighting on their own, it diminishes the necessity that specific players - the pugleaders - be present for there to be content in the game when there aren't 10 different guilds playing.

And it will not exclude stubborn players that abhor the basic idea that this is a team game. If they really don't want to play a Tank or Healer to fill in whatever 2/2/2 Open WB is out there, they can just make their own DPS heavy Open WB to feed proper enemy WBs or leech a tiny bit of renown, just like it is in the current system. Nor will it impede WB Leaders from making whatever composition they want, just don't click on the "Open WB" button and you have total control.

Also, hopefully its possible to make the game distinguish between a Healer and a Healer Class that is specced for DPS. You can become the Ranged Champion in City by slotting a "dps tactic" before the end of phase 2, so maybe this means it can be done here too.

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Re: Force Open WBs to be 2/2/2s

Post#2 » Thu Feb 01, 2024 3:58 am

Hard pass.

Implementing this idea would be the dumbest thing ever. And I’m not even gonna bother explaining why, as it should be obvious.

Leave it to warband leaders to manage their respective warbands any way they see fit - including no organizing at all. If you don’t like how a particular warband is managed, either volunteer to assist or take over. Or form your own. You even have silly addons to help you enforce the function you’re suggesting. It more than suffices.
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Re: Force Open WBs to be 2/2/2s

Post#3 » Thu Feb 01, 2024 4:07 am

I also agree. Open WBs are basic formation, let it stay that way. If anyone unhappy how those perform can easly join organised ones, or try run own warbands. Besides, what Ive learn over those years, pug warbands are nessesity for RoR. There always must be an option for quckly join in, play few battles and log off. You would be supprised how many people play RoR like that.

Posts: 127

Re: Force Open WBs to be 2/2/2s

Post#4 » Thu Feb 01, 2024 4:24 am

You can still play whatever you want. If want any composition just don't click "Open WB".

This would just flip the present barriers that making WBs have. Those that do respect the basic mechanics of this game, have a chance against other WBs and can siege will be more accessible, and those that can't do anything except follow other WBs will have to use /5.

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Re: Force Open WBs to be 2/2/2s

Post#5 » Thu Feb 01, 2024 8:36 am

current state is that organized wb's play 2/2/2 and fill open spots in /5 or region chat. Pug leaders that want 2/2/2 have their tools to kick dps automatically already. Rest is free to 0/24/0.
no matter how you want to 'force' players, you still need leaders for pugs, for forced 2/2/2 wbs and for organized ones - if they are optimized or not. if you want to have a closer look how good it works to force player in settings, there are enough discussions about sc-matchmaker and why people refuse to join parties. almost every week. you really want to extend this to rvr? not even talking about our stealth-classes.
Finally your forced pug 2/2/2 will still be kicked butt by any organized discord 12 man.

Posts: 20

Re: Force Open WBs to be 2/2/2s

Post#6 » Thu Feb 01, 2024 9:42 am

I don't know if i understand post creator corectly so prove me wrong. And i don't know if the expected/proposed changes will result in the effects you expect, or they will solve problem you notice.
Many Forum members notice accurate analyses but i can propose a conciliatory solution.

I see that examined problem is based on accessibility- Also on players engagement/gameplay in pug and.(where and from whom players are learning to play the game)

Curently to pug can join, and leave anyone because interface doesnt make any limitations.
Thear some leaders who use sertain addon witch kick redundant (classes levels ect) That leader have control on whitch classes are in his warband ect.
We can imagine situation when will be implememented two systems.
First for all players – it can be player who just join and want to discover the game and its mechanics . He is new player and know nothing.This is the place wher players meet game for 1st time.
Second for players who want to have 2/2/2 setup- Only.(and only in T2,3,4-T1 wher for obvious reasons any form of organisation doesn't exist.) One think that this second system will funnel will be 2/2/2 setup. But prove me wrond 2/2/2 setup didn't prevent anyone to be bad in teamplay. For sure it would be oportunity to use abbilitys effectivly when ther is 8 healer not when ther is 1 for 24 players. It can be same pug as in first system when players wouldnt know why this setup should be 2/2/2.
Anyways its not a bad idea- maybe your conclusions go beyond the evidence but suggestion is worth further considerations. At least for reason of beater understanding abstracts non directly involved in game mechanics.

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Re: Force Open WBs to be 2/2/2s

Post#7 » Thu Feb 01, 2024 10:47 am

I don't mind the WB lead being able to set up a template (like 2/2/2 or 1/4/1). But clearly 2/2/2 is not always possible. Especially during early hours.
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Re: Force Open WBs to be 2/2/2s

Post#8 » Thu Feb 01, 2024 11:13 am

This idea is final, crystalized form of Return of Reckoning mentality, dont understand all critic above. Its logic ( in ROR sense) answer to countless "make a party" advices on forum, we can kick usless dps already, so why not try this scheme?

I guess, this is a the final the final form, that the RoR game has to achieve, fully support this proposition!

Posts: 20

Re: Force Open WBs to be 2/2/2s

Post#9 » Thu Feb 01, 2024 11:34 am

Dajciekrwi wrote: Thu Feb 01, 2024 11:13 am This idea is final, crystalized form of Return of Reckoning mentality, dont understand all critic above. Its logic ( in ROR sense) answer to countless "make a party" advices on forum, we can kick usless dps already, so why not try this scheme?

I guess, this is a the final the final form, that the RoR game has to achieve, fully support this proposition!
This is also good argument "ad hominem" to not do anything - and not support this idea.

Posts: 1430

Re: Force Open WBs to be 2/2/2s

Post#10 » Thu Feb 01, 2024 12:04 pm

This suggestion gets the very special award of the year, nice job.
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