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Clarify / Improve City+LOTD Scheduling

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Posts: 107

Clarify / Improve City+LOTD Scheduling

Post#1 » Fri Feb 16, 2024 4:10 pm


Explain the exact system for determining when LOTD is scheduled and how City is rescheduled around it. Additionally, consider adjusting the rescheduling mechanism so that Saturdays always have a City or an LOTD and ensure that the City rotation doesn't get disrupted or off set on days. This will better serve the objective of ensuring that people with different work schedules have similar access to cities.

It is not entirely clear to me how City/LOTD scheduling works.

City is every 3 days
LOTD is once a week

City or LOTD will be moved if they fall on the same day. It appears that sometimes City is moved and sometimes LOTD is moved, but I am not able to see how this is determined and it is not announced in advance.

My guess is that both city and LOTD work on slightly rotating schedules so that someone who has a standing obligation on Saturday's during LOTD time wont always miss LOTD, similar with city as it gets scheduled on rotating days of the week.

Currently the scheduling system seems a bit stuck and keeps scheduling EU Monday cities instead of rotating them.

This weekend for example, LOTD was moved a day forward to Sunday when a City was scheduled for Sunday on the rotation. Then city was moved to Monday.

It would make more sense to me to move LOTD off of Saturday on days that the City rotation naturally hits Saturday. This would naturally give you 2/7 LOTDs moved, and if you alternated the move you would end up with a reliable pattern of 5/7 LOTDs saturday, every saturday guaranteed city or LOTD, 1/7 Friday LOTD and 1/7 Sunday LOTD. Given that Saturday is the highest pop day, and the day that most EU/NA/AU players can play at the same time, it makes a lot of sense to have a reliable server wide event for people to play that day.


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