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Open Letter from Community to Devs

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Open Letter from Community to Devs

Post#1 » Sun Jul 27, 2014 8:43 pm

Good Evening Development Team,

I would like to take a few minutes to discuss the priorities of the game based on the bug report. I noticed that a lot of core bugs that make the game functional aren't your highest priorities and that to me and many other players here are concerned about it. I understand there are situations that come up where it's difficult to work with the game. However, it doesn't excuse the fact that the core items like mechanics, interface, stats, and abilities don't have the highest priority when they really should be.

Take your abilities tab under the bug report for example. I noticed that 1 item is on the high priorty list while the others are pushed aside. I would think that somebody there has their priorities in order and knows that core elements need to be done. From the people that I have talked to, they are in agreement with this and would like to see this stuff fixed before anything else gets done. It was also mentioned that the team focus on T1 first before branching out to work on the rest of the game.

When you go to work, there are certain things that are of the highest priority for the business to function. It's pretty much the same concept. Sort out those priorities. make them of the highest, especially if you want people to stick around. Your core elements are 50%-80% of the work. From there, everything else will come easy. Some players have even said that after 6 months now, there has been no significant changes and now that I think about it, he's right. You're going to have your few die-hard players like myself, but when the core stuff isn't being worked on as one of those MUST do things that HAVE to get done, then even a player like me begins to lose interest in a game that myself and countless others have enjoyed for so many years.

This is just some of the things that myself and others agree on. People want to see the team get together collectively as a whole and work on these core elements. If they see those core elements being worked on with patches than they start to tell others about it and collectively get a bigger player-base. I'm pretty sure that's what you guys want and well as everybody else. Thanks for taking the time to read the feedback and I mean no offend to the team as they're doing a fantastic job so far.
Last edited by masterlucian666 on Sun Jul 27, 2014 8:54 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Priorities

Post#2 » Sun Jul 27, 2014 8:45 pm


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Re: Priorities

Post#3 » Sun Jul 27, 2014 8:49 pm


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Re: Priorities

Post#4 » Sun Jul 27, 2014 8:50 pm


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Re: Priorities

Post#5 » Sun Jul 27, 2014 8:53 pm


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Re: Open Letter from Community to Devs

Post#6 » Sun Jul 27, 2014 8:55 pm


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Re: Open Letter from Community to Devs

Post#7 » Sun Jul 27, 2014 9:02 pm

Some players have even said that after 6 months now, there has been no significant changes
the server started in june?!
Shauree - Zealot

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Re: Open Letter from Community to Devs

Post#8 » Sun Jul 27, 2014 9:10 pm

Spongel wrote:
Some players have even said that after 6 months now, there has been no significant changes
the server started in june?!
actually, this project has been going on since the original closed.
Violet - RR 100 WE
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Re: Open Letter from Community to Devs

Post#9 » Sun Jul 27, 2014 9:10 pm


I do agree with certain parts of your statement. Indeed certain things, such as abilities/mechanics/core features of the combat system and class system are considered a high priority.

Yes, we do take them as a high priority. Yes, we want nothing more for them features to be a functioning aspect of the live server.

What needs to be understood, that the reason these are still not working is simply due to the complexity and the pure scale of the task to implement these.

It's not just a simple tweak here and there, readjusting scripts and calls like many of the fixes implemented. All these features are just none existent and have to be recoded from scratch. Scripted calls are none existing and the server/client packets aren't available so there is nothing to work with.

As for the "priority system" on Github. Take it with a grain of salt and don't expect it to be followed up religiously.

Count the team with one hand and you know the number of people working on the game. Now remember, these people aren't paid to do this. Nor do they devote their full time to the project, but more do it in their spare time after finishing a full day at work.

You begin to realise now, just what the team is contending with ;)

I do hope this would open the eyes to the people who were unsure of what or why things are taking time.

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Re: Open Letter from Community to Devs

Post#10 » Sun Jul 27, 2014 9:13 pm

Spongel please don't comment everything that's only a critic so deperecative ...

there was the "war-emu" server before.
"A danger foreseen is a danger avoided."

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