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Server status: Up or Down?

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Posts: 291

Server status: Up or Down?

Post#1 » Sat Oct 28, 2017 3:44 am


This thread will be often used by the community and the CM team in order to ask about the status of the server or inform the rest that the server will be temporarily going down/restarting. Please consider checking Discord as well if it suits you more, we push announcements and is often quickly updated.

Things to keep in mind:

- The server rarely goes down at random instances, and when it does, be assured that we've been informed and are working on getting it up again.

- The server may go down for scheduled maintenance and/or patching. Keep an eye on our Discord!

- The World Server will automatically attempt to restart itself. This process takes ~10 minutes. Characters will not load if the World server is down, and you may see Martyr's Square in the server list, but clicking it does nothing.

- The Login Server will turn Red and prevent you from launching the game at all. This rarely fails, so if it's red it might be a network issue between you and the datacenter.

- The Web Server will turn Red and prevent you from launching the game at all. It's likely the website will be down as well, and there's some crazy internet stuff going on. We're usually working on fixing this, or it's broken for everyone and we're waiting.

- The Lobby Server is the black box after the game launches, this does the "Entering the fray" "Handshaking" "Connecting to the server" before your characters load. If this is not working it needs to be manually restarted and has likely run out of disk space which clears up the temp storage. This happens very rarely, but is almost always the case when it does.

Posts: 3

Re: Server Down

Post#2 » Sat Oct 28, 2017 4:17 am

Man whoever reported that Bolster bug to Secrets should get a Griffon mount!

Posts: 30

Re: Server is ONLINE.

Post#3 » Sun Oct 29, 2017 9:44 pm

I cant log at the moment :( web server red light and login server is yellow, ive got a good conection and internet working perfectly, anybody can help? gm? pls? thank you :D

Posts: 2

Re: Server is ONLINE.

Post#4 » Sun Oct 29, 2017 9:45 pm

Waaargh wrote:I cant log at the moment :( web server red light and login server is yellow, ive got a good conection and internet working perfectly, anybody can help? gm? pls? thank you :D
same problem

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Posts: 9

Re: Server is ONLINE.

Post#5 » Sun Oct 29, 2017 9:45 pm

same. here.

Server pop is steadily decreasing. Probably all having the same issue.

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Posts: 203

Re: Server is ONLINE.

Post#6 » Sun Oct 29, 2017 9:46 pm

Waaargh wrote:I cant log at the moment :( web server red light and login server is yellow, ive got a good conection and internet working perfectly, anybody can help? gm? pls? thank you :D
same thing here.
Scientia potentia est, tene hanc bene

Posts: 25

Re: Server is ONLINE.

Post#7 » Sun Oct 29, 2017 9:46 pm


Posts: 1

Re: Server is ONLINE.

Post#8 » Sun Oct 29, 2017 9:47 pm

Same here in France

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Posts: 661

Re: Server is ONLINE.

Post#9 » Sun Oct 29, 2017 9:48 pm

maybe server got issues let them have time to fix it.

Posts: 1

Re: Server is ONLINE.

Post#10 » Sun Oct 29, 2017 9:48 pm

i cant log same problem other guys

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