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Patch Notes 22/12/2021

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Patch Notes 22/12/2021

Post#1 » Wed Dec 22, 2021 1:02 pm

[Live Event: Keg End]


The wheel of the seasons has turned, ushering out the sun’s last warmth with bitter blasts of northern winds. As snow creeps down to block mountain passes and lock the Warhammer world in the icy talons of winter, the citizens of the Old World raise their mugs high; the time of Keg End is at hand. In an epic celebration fraught with boasting, toasting, and epic fireworks, the Dwarfs clear out their stores of ales, beers and other intoxicating beverages in order to bring luck in the New Year and make way for a stock of better, stronger brews. But the dwarfs are not alone in their celebrations as ogres and giants once again invade the lands of the Old World, and the greenskins are always finding ways to ruin dwarfen festivities.

The Holidays are upon us and, as such, Keg End returns to WAR! This year Keg End comes home to the dwarfen holds of Karaz-a-Karak and Karak Eight Peaks, though the latter is in need of some housekeeping. Travel there and speak to Josef Bugman or Wurrzag Ud Ura Zahubu to begin your Keg End experience.

Keg End will start on December 22nd at 12:00 Altdorf time and last until January 5th 12:00 Altdorf time.


- Basic reward: [Party Keg], 21 day duration item that gives a 5 minute renown and XP boost for party

- Advanced reward: [Keg Tapper], 60 day event slot item

- Elite reward: Exclusive New Cloak Appearance [Order United Cloak] [Destruction United Cloak]

- Completing all tasks: Exclusive Title – Brew Hound (Order), Broo Dawg (Destruction)

- Completing the 'Saving Keg End' Quest - [Dwarf Keg-Handler] (Order), [Goblin Bar-Back] (Destruction)

Defeating Giants in RvR lakes: [Battle Brew Backpack] and Fireworks

Defeating players in PvP: [Keg End Present] with random gifts.

Golden Stein: Find and drink from the Golden Stein in RvR lakes for a 6 hour +25% renown, XP and influence boost.

A limited-time Keg End quest 'Keg End Special' has been hidden somewhere in the world. This quest is a test of a new system of branching quests, where taking one path in the quest line will block you from taking others. The rewards differ based on the path you choose, so choose wisely.

Necropolis of Zandri

Thanks everyone that participated in the Land of the Dead test on December 19. As a result of the test we have done some adjustments already, and will do the next test on January 2nd, at 20:00 Altdorf time.

- The points gain rate for the objectives has been tweaked a bit

- The points required for a win is increased to 4000

- The lines connecting objectives have been changed a bit, see wiki page

- Added a 5 minute preparation time after expedition starts and you can fly to Zandri, during which you cannot leave the warcamp area.

- Added hotspots to the map

- Objective guards and patrol NPCs are stronger and have more health

- Increased drop rates of currency

- Currency rewards for both win and loss have been increased (exact amount depends on your contribution level)

- Damage taken from River Mortis has been increased

- Zandri Scarabs, Zandri Scorpions and Zandri Sand Drakes are no longer hostile

- Kills after expedition ends no longer gives points (UI bugfix only, the points reset when a new expedition starts anyway)

- Reduced cost of using mirrors from 5 Silver Scarabs to 1 Silver Scarab

- Minutes left is rounded up, so it is no longer saying 0 minutes left when there's 59 seconds left.

- Reduced number of spots per side from 204 to 192 (Will try different amounts and see, this might change again)

- The capture time for objectives has been reduced from 2.5 minutes to 40 seconds, but taking an objective where your realm has no neighboring objective will take double the time (1 min 20s)

- The Temple of Ualatp and Reflecting Pool objectives will give double points (the pyramid area)

- The securing state after an objective has changed owner, but before it is fully secured is now more clear in the UI

- The patrols will attack the dominating realm to an even greater extent


- The unused "Seal of Domination" and "Seal of Retribution" currencies have been removed.


- Time to Waaagh!: This Greenskin Epic Quest has been corrected and deeply reworked. It now starts from Vugdush Mansnik in the Greenskin Chapter 21


[14228] You now have to use the Squig-covered Banner at the mentioned locations, and the quest markers have been corrected
[19671] It is no longer possible to spam click on the spears to complete the quest
[19673] It is no longer possible to spam click on the torches to complete the quest

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Re: Patch Notes 22/12/2021

Post#2 » Wed Dec 22, 2021 3:13 pm

Nice work! I have one question though. Is this keg end quest new with new rewards/new items?If so we should know what are the possible rewards, so we dont miss some item we really really want because we took a risk and did wrong quest. Eager to test lotd changes=) ROR BEST FVKK THE REST!

*This quest is a test of a new system of branching quests, where taking one path in the quest line will block you from taking others. The rewards differ based on the path you choose, so choose wisely*
"To clarify, me asking to developers to go test their own changes is not sign of toxicity or anger, but a sign of hope that the people punching in the numbers remain aware of potential consequences and test their own changes"-Teefz

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Re: Patch Notes 22/12/2021

Post#3 » Wed Dec 22, 2021 5:05 pm

Just for other people who might confuse the "Seal items"
The removed item was the token you got from captureing a fortress and closing a race pairing, and shared same icon with the ranked tokens.

Not to be confused with the Seals used to buy renown potions.
(had to log in myself to see if all my seals were gone :D )
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Re: Patch Notes 22/12/2021

Post#4 » Wed Dec 22, 2021 9:29 pm

happy holidays RoR devs and community <3

Really excited to see how the cloak looks. big thanks to the one(s) who are creating these new cloaks! :D

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Re: Patch Notes 22/12/2021

Post#5 » Thu Dec 23, 2021 1:15 am

Nice thought and input but i have to point out the following :
Gift rate drop is abysmal, they dont register upon opening
Fireworks dont register aswell ( or any info on proper position ? )
Relic hunt is excessive (nice mental flex, but really, 16 is excessive) long distanced ( some borderline impossible to decipher unless conversant with lore and been an avid traveler ).
Sc participation registers as Howling Gorge rather than Bloodfist Crater (tanks with high blockage can cap flag in lake sc without breaking the channeling even if been attacked by multiple foes)

Thanks again and happy holidays

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Re: Patch Notes 22/12/2021

Post#6 » Thu Dec 23, 2021 2:19 am

MMXX43 wrote: Thu Dec 23, 2021 1:15 am Gift rate drop is abysmal, they dont register upon opening
Fireworks dont register aswell ( or any info on proper position ? )
Relic hunt is excessive (nice mental flex, but really, 16 is excessive) long distanced ( some borderline impossible to decipher unless conversant with lore and been an avid traveler ).
Sc participation registers as Howling Gorge rather than Bloodfist Crater (tanks with high blockage can cap flag in lake sc without breaking the channeling even if been attacked by multiple foes)

Thanks again and happy holidays
- gifts will register after server boot, there was a database error.
- working on a fix for the fireworks
- sc typo in ToK fixed and now says Doomfist Crater

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Re: Patch Notes 22/12/2021

Post#7 » Thu Dec 23, 2021 6:57 am

So this event no longer gives the Last Call Keg? That sucks, I do that quest on all my new toons every year :( Love that item
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Re: Patch Notes 22/12/2021

Post#8 » Thu Dec 23, 2021 10:37 am

arialswg wrote: Thu Dec 23, 2021 6:57 am So this event no longer gives the Last Call Keg? That sucks, I do that quest on all my new toons every year :( Love that item
I was wondering why as well, thus I was able to finish this quest on one of my toons (who missed the end of the event by one hour or so).

Now I cannot start it again (Brewmaters dont have the quest, nor the Live Event Master in Altdorf...)
Last edited by Fenris78 on Thu Dec 23, 2021 10:41 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Patch Notes 22/12/2021

Post#9 » Thu Dec 23, 2021 10:37 am

How can we ask for a place to go to Zandri on 2nd test?
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Re: Patch Notes 22/12/2021

Post#10 » Thu Dec 23, 2021 10:42 am

Kpi wrote: Thu Dec 23, 2021 10:37 am How can we ask for a place to go to Zandri on 2nd test?
See patchnotes ; sunday January 2th - 20h Altdorf time.

You can queue for expedition at 19h45, number of expedition ressources will increase your chances to be in.

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