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Patch Notes 08/02/2020 - City Sieges

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Patch Notes 08/02/2020 - City Sieges

Post#1 » Sat Feb 08, 2020 6:05 pm

Italian translation provided by elk76


Hotfix #1

[8263] Auction mail count should show 0 after reading all auction mail now
[13844] Loot bags in mail from zone flips will show the correct zone name

-Scenarios will no longer update outside of the region thread they create, which should hopefully eliminate issues with the scenario manager crashing.

[City Sieges]
-Added better messaging to tell you that you might not get a fresh city when you're backfilling for scenarios.
-Fixed an issue where city sieges would attempt to backfill with solo-queued players when a player is pending rejoin.
-Fixed an issue where Stage 1 wins would be considered to have no winners.

* Contribution
-Contribution values slightly adjusted.
-The beginning of a stage of a city siege will now reset your total contribution. Previously, contribution rolled over between stages.

[Siege Weapons]
-Fixed an issue where your current siege weapon could not be cleared in some cases.

City sieges will now be a 24 versus 24 battle.
City sieges will now last a maximum of 2 hours.
Defenders and Invaders will both have a chance at obtaining some of the best items available in the game.

[The Siege of Altdorf]

Defenders of Order, Altdorf counts on you in this dark hour. The city gates have been breached and corruption spills forth onto our streets. Ride out in this hour of glory and show no mercy to the invaders! - Karl Franz

[The Siege of The Inevitable City]

The enemy seeks to purify our city, but they do not know how deeply Chaos is rooted in the stones of this city. Join my generals in casting back the pious louts into the Chaos Wastes! - Tchar'Zanek

Read an in depth description of the city sieges HERE.


- Fixed an exploit to get out of combat by leaving a guild.


- Added a guard for chaos chapter 1 to prevent filthy and pathetic players from killing the chapter NPCs.


- Fixed one bug causing Scenario manager to crash
- Optimized packet handling and improved messages in murderball & part drop scenarios.
- Allow capturing the flag in College of Corruption when standing in the middle part closest to the flag as well.


- A message is now displayed to the entire scenario when the flag starts being captured.


- Fixed an issue in where deflect oil did not work.
- Wind of Insanity can now be interrupted by pure interrupts. (Taunt, etc)
- Rune of Nullification and Changer's Touch will now only trigger off of single target abilities.


- Making potions will now send a message in chat about you making the item.


- [15309] Fix health bar display going up and down constantly when you are a champion.


- Attempted to fix issues that caused contribution to not be added.


- Promise of Battle: This quest line has been corrected and reworked
- Encroaching Darkness: This quest line has been corrected and reworked
- Love Lost: This quest line has been corrected

[Tome of Knowledge]

- ToK item unlocks now show properly on login.
- ToK armory unlocks now properly shows even if the item is not in your inventory anymore.
- Multi step tome unlocks such as Treaty for Treasure are now supported
- ToK unlocks for equipping the Bloodlord belt and cloak have been set for all classes
- All unlocks for having fully equipped several armor sets (see here) have been implemented. Of course, as these sets are not all obtainable yet, only the ones where all the sets are obtainable can be triggered for now


Warlord and Sovereign gear are technically active
- Not all procs are final, 7pc are subject to change to better fit the intended set theme
- Power bonuses are visually showing as %, but are flat bonuses if you check .getstats
- Each set will have an 8pc Granted Ability, however client limitations do not allow the tooltip to display
- 8pc Granted Abilities will currently match those found on the main Sovereign set, although we intend to add more to fit other the set themes.
- Due to a bug with Mastery Points, those set bonuses have been delayed and may change to a different proc in the future. They are represented by 1 useless stat for now.


[15630] Wearing the Axe or Hammer of the Sentinel grants now strength instead of willpower.
[15594] These Noteworthy Persons unlocks should work once again
[15597] Bloodlord ToK unlocks for equipping the belt and the cloak have been set
[14882] The second step of this quest line is now turned in by interacting with the Abandoned Sack

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Re: Patch Notes 08/02/2020 - City Sieges

Post#2 » Sat Feb 08, 2020 6:14 pm

Nice with forts
Shame about the ability part
Last edited by Acidic on Mon Feb 10, 2020 4:39 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Patch Notes 08/02/2020 - City Sieges

Post#3 » Sat Feb 08, 2020 6:20 pm

sounds awesome, what are the requirements to open the city? 2 forts taken?
-= Agony =-

Posts: 48

Re: Patch Notes 08/02/2020 - City Sieges

Post#4 » Sat Feb 08, 2020 6:23 pm

So no changes to RP/Zeal aoe heal debuffs then?

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Re: Patch Notes 08/02/2020 - City Sieges

Post#5 » Sat Feb 08, 2020 6:32 pm

thanks patching !
monkey 079 (test failure - escaped)

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Re: Patch Notes 08/02/2020 - City Sieges

Post#6 » Sat Feb 08, 2020 6:45 pm

Very nice to see Citysiege release, and very good job on the explanation post of each City!

There seem to be patchnotes missing though,
No mentioning of how someone attempts to cap in Calewoods, no mentioning of Healdebuff tactic on Runepriest/Zealot if you went through with it, or any other Ability changes :)

Thanks for your time.
Bombling 93BW

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Posts: 36

Re: Patch Notes 08/02/2020 - City Sieges

Post#7 » Sat Feb 08, 2020 6:48 pm

Why AOE healing debuff isn'"t working anymore, nothing in patch note :/
Edit : ok you just edited patch note x)
Yzaa - Azy (NGE)

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Re: Patch Notes 08/02/2020 - City Sieges

Post#8 » Sat Feb 08, 2020 6:55 pm

ReturnOfReckoning wrote: Sat Feb 08, 2020 6:05 pm

- Fixed an issue in where deflect oil did not work.
- Wind of Insanity can now be interrupted by pure interrupts. (Taunt, etc)
- Rune of Nullification and Changer's Touch will now only trigger off of single target abilities.


And you will be remembered ZDPS... it's been fun (lortie, ego, port) good luck in your retirement home :arrow:
Wamizzle Guild Leader [TUP]
Wamizzle Guild Leader [The Unlikely Plan]

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Re: Patch Notes 08/02/2020 - City Sieges

Post#9 » Sat Feb 08, 2020 7:01 pm

So there will be set for each spec like healdok meleedok meleeheal?

Btw rampage hotfix when? :twisted:
DoK RR80+, Chosen RR80+, Choppa RR70+, SH RR75+ WP RR65+

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Re: Patch Notes 08/02/2020 - City Sieges

Post#10 » Sat Feb 08, 2020 7:06 pm

RiP RP dps (warbands) too...
Yzaa - Azy (NGE)

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