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Fang Hoppers hide and 100,000 squigs

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Re: Fang Hoppers hide and 100,000 squigs

Post#21 » Tue Feb 02, 2016 3:06 am

ThePollie wrote:
A stony point, but the problem still remains for classes that can't AoE these down in droves. It's not a difficult achievement for someone who can reliably damage twelve enemies at once, it is for someone who has to pick them off one or two at a time.

It isn't so much a matter of not having the dedication to earn it, it's the fact that the challenge is biased against certain classes.
Making everything available for every class and every player is what killed modern MMOs. I'd rather not go into that direction

Posts: 411

Re: Fang Hoppers hide and 100,000 squigs

Post#22 » Tue Feb 02, 2016 3:09 am

Shadowgurke wrote:
ThePollie wrote:
A stony point, but the problem still remains for classes that can't AoE these down in droves. It's not a difficult achievement for someone who can reliably damage twelve enemies at once, it is for someone who has to pick them off one or two at a time.

It isn't so much a matter of not having the dedication to earn it, it's the fact that the challenge is biased against certain classes.
Making everything available for every class and every player is what killed modern MMOs. I'd rather not go into that direction
I'm not saying to just make it available to every class and every player, immediately. I'm not even requesting a change be made, in the first place. But it is an issue for certain classes that this item is vastly more difficult to earn because they're playing that class.

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Re: Fang Hoppers hide and 100,000 squigs

Post#23 » Thu Feb 04, 2016 3:11 pm

TenTonHammer wrote:I just wanted this cloak because it was green and it would have matched the duelist armor and the texture made me think of a cold one and would have looked thematically cool on my bg

Im more than comfortable with the pelt of the dark young on my choppa and blorc and eye killer on my bg and wh

i dont have time nor patience to burn my playtime on a cloak that i will be more than happily replacing with tyrants and sov with apperance

3k in its no worth and i have alts to level and friends to play with
Killing 100k Squigs can be done faster than the full implementation of T4 and TovL (and before you'll even be able to grind for the tyrant/sov cloak :lol:)

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Re: Fang Hoppers hide and 100,000 squigs

Post#24 » Thu Feb 04, 2016 3:13 pm

ThePollie wrote:
Shadowgurke wrote:
ThePollie wrote:
A stony point, but the problem still remains for classes that can't AoE these down in droves. It's not a difficult achievement for someone who can reliably damage twelve enemies at once, it is for someone who has to pick them off one or two at a time.

It isn't so much a matter of not having the dedication to earn it, it's the fact that the challenge is biased against certain classes.
Making everything available for every class and every player is what killed modern MMOs. I'd rather not go into that direction
I'm not saying to just make it available to every class and every player, immediately. I'm not even requesting a change be made, in the first place. But it is an issue for certain classes that this item is vastly more difficult to earn because they're playing that class.
Ohhhhh, and perhaps certain archetype classes can work in unison to get such a tremendously difficult unlock, to get it done even faster? Also known as, PLAYING TOGETHER, which is key to a Massively Multiplayer Online Role-Playing Game, which WAR was, and now RoR is trying to be. ^^

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Re: Fang Hoppers hide and 100,000 squigs

Post#25 » Thu Feb 04, 2016 3:15 pm

If people want to piss away their time killing 100,000 mobs for the pleasure of having a different texture on their backpiece, let them.

I get the point that it's terribly stupid game design to require a massive grind for such a poor reward (and I won't defend that - face it, it's ridiculous) but if it's not worth it, just forget about the useless thing :)

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Re: Fang Hoppers hide and 100,000 squigs

Post#26 » Thu Feb 04, 2016 3:16 pm

nah ryan gotta level up my

to 32/40

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Re: Fang Hoppers hide and 100,000 squigs

Post#27 » Thu Feb 04, 2016 3:17 pm

TenTonHammer wrote:nah ryan gotta level up my

to 32/40
You can do that, AND grind for the cloak on at least your Blackguard before T4 arrives, I'm certain of it ;)

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Re: Fang Hoppers hide and 100,000 squigs

Post#28 » Thu Feb 04, 2016 3:45 pm

anyone have a screenshot of this cloak? would love to see the if the hype on this thing is worth it.

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Re: Fang Hoppers hide and 100,000 squigs

Post#29 » Thu Feb 04, 2016 3:49 pm

mursie wrote:anyone have a screenshot of this cloak? would love to see the if the hype on this thing is worth it.
No appearance-only item in this game is worth 100,000 kills imho. :lol:

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Re: Fang Hoppers hide and 100,000 squigs

Post#30 » Thu Feb 04, 2016 3:49 pm


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