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Patchnotes 07/10/16

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Re: Patchnotes 07/10/16

Post#181 » Sun Oct 09, 2016 12:40 am

I think you would be hard pressed to find any person on Order seriously complaining about the Magus, tbh: as good as Bolt of Change is, it doesn't have a crit modifier/Festering Arrow-esque ability to ignore resistances and is basically a normal ability with a high tooltip that happens to have lots of range and ignore block/disrupt; its main use being dismounting people/focusing tanks or WHs who pop disrupt ability.

Most complaining that I have seen seems to pertain to the engineer's ability to capitalise greatly on their newfound range with their M2.

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Re: Patchnotes 07/10/16

Post#182 » Sun Oct 09, 2016 12:43 am

OK. I'm looking at solutions in this order:

- Effect of UF is reduced to 75% when in Experimental Mode. That means UF drops from current 240% to 175% when factoring in stack change, so when compared to base state of 140%, it's only a 25% buff.

- IU / UE no longer increase the range of the pet.

- IU / UE increase the range by 30% at maximum instead of 50%.

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Re: Patchnotes 07/10/16

Post#183 » Sun Oct 09, 2016 12:46 am

(Within the Engineer class) this issue is very specific to the Rifleman spec. Both because that is where Snipe is and because in RoR UF does not do as much for the DOT specs as it does for direct damage.

So is the choice either to reduce the range buff for all specs to solve an abuse in Rifleman, or to swap a Rifleman-favouring M2 for one that might be of wider interest to all three specs? A lot would depend on the choice of replacement morale.

In older balance discussions there were some engineers who felt that the class was being kept down because of the risk of being too godlike for 7 seconds of UF every few minutes.

Posts: 341

Re: Patchnotes 07/10/16

Post#184 » Sun Oct 09, 2016 12:52 am

Played my engie in tier 1 scens and was consistently doing twice as much damage and killing blows as any other dps in the scens. How are people finding it in tier 4?

Posts: 193

Re: Patchnotes 07/10/16

Post#185 » Sun Oct 09, 2016 12:59 am

Azarael wrote:
ToXoS wrote:Any possibility to change engie's UF for Focused mind?
The question here, I think, is: is Engineer the problem? Is Magus considered okay? And if so, is the Engineer issue a consequence of access to Unshakable Focus?
I think its a combination of having higher dmg reach ( abilities scaling with wdps) on squishies ( still unfathomably many don't bother using armor pots) , having a superior long range pet AND UF that makes people cry out about it.

The above is especially evident in keep sieges where if players participate in warbands that have suboptimal healing, or are alone.

Personally , while running in a decently optimized group , it did not seem too outrageous (damage wise). But i have played too little the past 2 days to form a final opinion.
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