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Fair rights to Lair bosses

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Re: Fair rights to Lair bosses

Post#21 » Sun Feb 26, 2017 3:31 am

peterthepan3 wrote:Three/Four of our guildies (including me) now have 6/6 beastlord - and we were playing Order. We lost a few, got 'ninja'd', and it has been a pain in the a$$ - but it's done!

Suck it up, and follow Norkali's advice! :D
Sadly that doesn't work against another Destro group :P If the area was designed so that only your own group were friendly I would totally do that :D
Vayra - Sorc
Forkrul - DoK
Kalyth - BG

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Re: Fair rights to Lair bosses

Post#22 » Sun Feb 26, 2017 4:49 am

Dresden wrote:HAHAHAHAHAWOW.
There is no way in hell i'm going ANYWHERE near those lair bosses unless it's to gather info.

I think my beastlord gear can wait a few... years.

It's so chilly in here, is anyone else cold
You can try during off hours. It's easier.

Still, these lairs are bringing out the worst in people...including myself.
I need to take a break.

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Re: Fair rights to Lair bosses

Post#23 » Sun Feb 26, 2017 5:03 am

I think everyone needs to take a step back and think about the implemented lairs and gear from a long-term perspective. Once the majority of the population has ground their sets through painstaking fighting and bickering over the bosses the only people left farming the lairs will be newcomers and alts, which comprise a much smaller part of the active population. When the lairs are no longer besieged and spawn-camped the griefing and the infighting will diminish, what will be left is genuine contested content, the sort of what Giants for the the brew event were.

Much like the heavily inflated prices of the new scenario sets, the new Beastlord sets come at a price for the players who must have them first. That's how it usually is, being the first in line is arduous and difficult. Deal with it or wait...

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