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Get rid of Battle fatigue debuff and nerf bw's and sorcs

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Get rid of Battle fatigue debuff and nerf bw's and sorcs

Post#1 » Thu Mar 09, 2017 4:05 pm

Ranged casters are too OP, which encourages boring "trench warfare" stalemate distance combat over close combat. And its encouraging more players to just role ranged classes, and creating an imbalance. I see less Choppa's and Slayers (mdps) than before and billions of bw's and sorcs, because they are so squishy now against ranged casters so no one rolls them, which is a bad thing to me.

And I dislike the battle fatigue debuff which has you at 50% less wounds for a number of minutes, especially if you are getting owned a lot in rvr when one side is dominating. You get situations where healers dont rez you and you just sit in camp waiting for the timer to go, or switch to scenarios and wait endless wait times for a scenario to pop.

And it dissuades you from making risky plays because you dont want to die, so you dont push, so again you just get two sides in stalemate that dont push each other or attack their back lines and maneuver tactically as much

Healing debuffs is very expensive at the healer, and if I keep paying the healer I wont be able to afford gear which is already expensive from the merchants, and will be a waste. I dont know if other classes get this debuff too, but for non dps classes that dont earn as much money rewards, it will be harder.

Yeah so get rid of the Battle fatigue debuff or make healers charge very little in tier 1 like 25 bronze or something would be fairer, and bw's and sorcs get nerfed or have their maximum range reduced to encourage close range pvp rather than boring two sides standing back from each other in rows

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Re: Get rid of Battle fatigue debuff and nerf bw's and sorcs

Post#2 » Thu Mar 09, 2017 4:19 pm

Do you honestly think that a blanket statement of "bws and sorcs are too powerful, nerf pls" is going to even be considered? We don't just make adjustments because someone said so, you must be new here.

Death debuff has a measly 3min duration, regardless of whether you have 1 or a stack of 100. Go grab a drink, take a bio break, pet your cat, check your email. When you come back your debuff will be gone. We won't be removing it from the game.

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Re: Get rid of Battle fatigue debuff and nerf bw's and sorcs

Post#3 » Thu Mar 09, 2017 4:19 pm

Does Battle Fatigue get applied to your character from level 1? Back on live you'd only get Battle Fatigue after hitting level 6 or so. Also, if you're struggling to make money in the lower tiers, pick up a crafting profession, run some decent silver/gold reward quests (both PvE and PvP) and sell some of the gear you may loot to a vendor. It's not that difficult to uphold your gold supply if you'd look a little deeper into the game's economy system. 3 minutes isn't a life sentence, either. Dying in PvE gets you a 15 minute debuff; I'd be more considerate of your complaints if you were referring to this.

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Re: Get rid of Battle fatigue debuff and nerf bw's and sorcs

Post#4 » Thu Mar 09, 2017 5:05 pm

My RoR shitpost list expands every day!

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Re: Get rid of Battle fatigue debuff and nerf bw's and sorcs

Post#5 » Thu Mar 09, 2017 5:22 pm

shaggyboomboom wrote:My RoR shitpost list expands every day!
I've recently done a search of your forum posts using the search term "quality shitpost". I was extremely disappointed at the low number of results.
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Penril wrote:So you are saying that a class you never touched is OP?
Go play it before posting about it pal...

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Re: Get rid of Battle fatigue debuff and nerf bw's and sorcs

Post#6 » Thu Mar 09, 2017 5:41 pm

RyanMakara wrote:Dying in PvE gets you a 15 minute debuff; I'd be more considerate of your complaints if you were referring to this.
Like in the 15 min penalty for stumbling over an pebble and breaking your neck (terrain glitch)?

Yeah, that sucks like hell. Especially if you've just started out.
Then again, since I reckon that BW and Sorc can finish themselves off too, I bet not getting a debuff for killing oneself isn't an option.
The fool doth think he is wise,
but the wise man knows himself to be a fool.

-William Shakespeare

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Re: Get rid of Battle fatigue debuff and nerf bw's and sorcs

Post#7 » Thu Mar 09, 2017 6:55 pm

porkstar wrote:
shaggyboomboom wrote:My RoR shitpost list expands every day!
I've recently done a search of your forum posts using the search term "quality shitpost". I was extremely disappointed at the low number of results.
I only pick the very finest of shitposts :^(

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Re: Get rid of Battle fatigue debuff and nerf bw's and sorcs

Post#8 » Thu Mar 09, 2017 10:43 pm

I have to admit that the number of shitposts is running low as of late...but don't worry folks, i am going to solve that in a jiffy! By jiffy i mean tomorrow, but don't you worry, i am going to cook something really nasty.

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Re: Get rid of Battle fatigue debuff and nerf bw's and sorcs

Post#9 » Fri Mar 10, 2017 11:20 am

thomasashraf wrote: And I dislike the battle fatigue debuff which has you at 50% less wounds for a number of minutes, especially if you are getting owned a lot in rvr when one side is dominating. You get situations where healers dont rez you and you just sit in camp waiting for the timer to go, or switch to scenarios and wait endless wait times for a scenario to pop.
my personal opinion: on the contrary is much to less and much to short. (if it was for me rezzing in keep vicinity should not be possible at all).
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Re: Get rid of Battle fatigue debuff and nerf bw's and sorcs

Post#10 » Fri Mar 10, 2017 1:11 pm

Tiggo wrote:
thomasashraf wrote: And I dislike the battle fatigue debuff which has you at 50% less wounds for a number of minutes, especially if you are getting owned a lot in rvr when one side is dominating. You get situations where healers dont rez you and you just sit in camp waiting for the timer to go, or switch to scenarios and wait endless wait times for a scenario to pop.
my personal opinion: on the contrary is much to less and much to short. (if it was for me rezzing in keep vicinity should not be possible at all).
Jeez man, this is quality SP, almost better than OP.

@OP, If you see yourself dying too much because of ranged, invest your renown in dodge/disrupt, get disrupt gear and use your anticaster skills. They work. Fine.

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