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Kadrin Valley

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Re: Kadrin Valley

Post#11 » Sat Mar 18, 2017 6:24 am

Torquemadra wrote:just your own realm usually screws it up like staying on the lord to (lol) burst him instead of leaving a couple of tanks on it while you wipe orders pushback.
Happen to agree with Torque here, twice around 6pm (uk) destro managed to wipe order from the keep and on the 2nd attempt, they were told to leave the lord to 1 wb, whilst the rest (2-3 wbs probbaly more) should defend the ground floor.
Guess what, there we 10 people defending the ground floor when the 3 wb of order returned.
They were even told when order entered through the north postern, but destro continued to batter on the lord and even did so when order was in the room wiping them.

Yes i know it takes 10 min for 1 wb to kill a lord, but with a good defence that WB will have the time.
That was shown the night before when Destro finally took the order keep in CW, after 8 hours of fighting and destro had 20% AAO at the time.

Personnelly i quite like KV and BC, i think they introduce a nice change of pace to the zerg between BO's and produce good flanking/ambush tactics. But they do require realm co-ordination to take against a determined foe.

Posts: 234

Re: Kadrin Valley

Post#12 » Sat Mar 18, 2017 6:27 am

Torq has a big point there, wich is very True .. but wot the dwarf says is interesting. . Hmm wot more ideas we got To make kv more interesting. .

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Re: Kadrin Valley

Post#13 » Sat Mar 18, 2017 6:54 am

zarlemagne wrote:
Torquemadra wrote:just your own realm usually screws it up like staying on the lord to (lol) burst him instead of leaving a couple of tanks on it while you wipe orders pushback.
Happen to agree with Torque here, twice around 6pm (uk) destro managed to wipe order from the keep and on the 2nd attempt, they were told to leave the lord to 1 wb, whilst the rest (2-3 wbs probbaly more) should defend the ground floor.
Guess what, there we 10 people defending the ground floor when the 3 wb of order returned.
They were even told when order entered through the north postern, but destro continued to batter on the lord and even did so when order was in the room wiping them.

Yes i know it takes 10 min for 1 wb to kill a lord, but with a good defence that WB will have the time.
That was shown the night before when Destro finally took the order keep in CW, after 8 hours of fighting and destro had 20% AAO at the time.

Personnelly i quite like KV and BC, i think they introduce a nice change of pace to the zerg between BO's and produce good flanking/ambush tactics. But they do require realm co-ordination to take against a determined foe.
Good post and point. Some zones can show the lack of any functional tactics or strategy exceptionally well. The question is, will the playerbase organize enough?
Azarael wrote: It's only a nerf if you're bad.

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Re: Kadrin Valley

Post#14 » Sat Mar 18, 2017 6:56 am

Glorian wrote:Maybe another Sollution:

As I understand the problem is that each faction can get almost instantly back into the keep defense.

Why then not block/close the nearest postern of each keep.
So when the keep is under siege defenders from wc have to come in through outer door or the postern on the far side of the keep.
For the Destro keep in KV, the posterns are quite near each other (on ajoining walls i believe) so probbaly block all outer posterns and force returning force to use main gate ?

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Re: Kadrin Valley

Post#15 » Sat Mar 18, 2017 7:22 am

"Wall of text inc"

Hey, I like KV when its approximately 1 or 2 wb vs 1 or 2 wb ... I believe the issue is when its higher mass numbers involved are in the zone and the proximity of the warcamp so close to the keeps it creates too much of a bottleneck/funnel at keeps for pug groups to stand a realistic chance(they are lucky to have one healer and one tank in a party) with lord resetting and crashing thrown on top of it (both tend to happen to destro quite alot). There is just no penalty for the defenders if they die, so they have huge advantage in defence. There is also little incentive for defenders to move position once they are dug in defence.

People fight in this zone because its the only choice in orvr, if other borderlands was open I think you would see less marathon sieges in KV... the hate for the map turns into despising the enemy to stop them from locking and playing hard, both sides do it they don't want to "lose".

I've just been playing for 12 or so hours straight (with one or two minor breaks) in KV (im tired wasnt keeping track) I know others was there similar or even longer.

Destro gets close, one mistake, one wipe then finger pointing happens... collapse in moral (psychology happens in video games) things get bit more toxic - uncordinated... then people try over and over getting more tired/more unco-ordinated in offense... then people decide they have done enough and go afk in zone until lock or defense... tonight for multiple hours we had almost a third of our force at some points AFK in keep and warcamp... I went around and counted on respawn. You cannot take a well defended keep with a close warcamp when a third of your force is missing in action.

I still fought on eventually in 6 man, getting rolled by two warbands of order hunted down like rats flipping bo's taking supplies... playing the game as i thought it was intended no matter what you fight hard realm vs realm to the death, and people kept linking population numbers from add on (so many hidden/anon), and clear ones from GM's who was present. Order had AAO but was bigger than us in open field because of the afk's. We had no chance to take their keep when so much of our force is not doing anything, even though there was brief moments of opportunity where we could of pushed hard and something may or may not of happend.

Then eventually we just had a patch and got kicked after 14 hours or so of people intense fighting stopping order get keep multiple times... so I am getting mixed signals over how to play the game in ORVR, do I put in future minimum effort and copy others defend by not defending and get just as much chance of reward over people who are trying to play the game and create some form of opposition to the other faction and fight? or play normal?

Trust me a part of me wanted KV over multiple times... but I can't just lay down and let them win, that is against the lore. It maybe the most benifical "tactic" to ignore realm pride and faction rivalry but im a team player can't sit back where help is needed and im in a position to do so especially on a healer class.

so in stalemates in endless zones that make people whine/negative/depressed alot more than usual what is the advised stratergy? concede ignore zone and throw the match? protect the mailbox? play scenarios instead? keep fighting hard and hope for the best? (like chaos wastes the other day took atleast 5 or more good attempts but that had a organised guild spearheading it and warcamps less disparity in placement)

The last few days have had some pretty rough stalemates
Dragonwake destro got farmed hard attacking keep before got tired/conceded
KV the other day was pretty similar (someone mentioned 5% from getting keep but taunt reset)
Chaos wastes was a massive meatgrinder in that keep but with some luck / perserverence and good spearhead we took it but it wasn't easy
KV today 14 hours, not sure the current status since patch that was again very back and forth (it kind of shows the realms are fairly balanced or defending is too stacked or both)

Im not sure how hard to implement, what do you think about a time limit on a zone of xx hours and if no side takes it... is it possible to lock it and unlock another? (To prevent endless stalemate and negativity, I know people might cry about renown lock or lack of bags... but ive seen more negativity about KV than i have about white lions and thats saying something)

I personally enjoy 3-4 hours for locks but i know that is quick/easy. With real life and what not, anything over 12 hours (especially non weekend) becomes a bit excessive.

Or two seperate zones open in t4... so you prevent the current sit in defence and farm attackers approach, it reminds me of forts too much but they wasn't for aslong. I believe you showed up at destro defence at one point and encouraged people to go get supplies but there was no real point at that time (some of us did previously and was still doing(we had repaired doors like a hour or two previously) but we was out manned even more in the field this time and giving up our defensive position could result in being locked out of our keep like order farming us in ground floor the other day (not even interested in taking keep just farming kills)

I really hope defending by not defending does not become the norm.
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Re: Kadrin Valley

Post#16 » Sat Mar 18, 2017 7:40 am

Do people still create topics about kadrin valley? If it is not locking its because players cant do it ,do not blame the map please,yes its fairly harsh map for order players since destro wc IS RIGHT near the WC but still all good.Everyone knows whats needed to take keeps yet if they slack and do not organize they fail.Get real please... Talk about Xrealming players who changes sides 10 times in 10 hours of the map, not these kind of things.


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Re: Kadrin Valley

Post#17 » Sat Mar 18, 2017 8:32 am

Pug warbands & Gank parties isn't enough to break the funnel in lords room + protect the lords room after defenders wiped especially in CW, KV, BC for destruction with high population. It's just impossible and observed bazillion of times.

If you insist to play as a pug without improving your game knowledge i'm sorry but you don't deserve to take keep. KV, CW, BC are good pug punisher for destro.
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Re: Kadrin Valley

Post#18 » Sat Mar 18, 2017 9:09 am

Since there don't seem to be any chance of getting the original mulitiple-active-zones system reimplemented, I'm in favour of a time-limit on each zone, where it auto-locks if not locked within set timeframe.

The "winner" could be the side with most VPs at the timers end. And the reward could be a standard renown/inf tick (scaled in accordance with your contribution, but without a loot roll - so as to keep the incentive to actually try and lock the zone).

Fighting 14 hours over a single zone is neither challenging nor fun. It's simply a pure endurance game, won by the side with most still awake in some obscure off-hour.

These extended endurance tests also represent a total misreading of the general playerbase and it's gaming time.

This game is approaching it's 10 year-mark and since it's officially closed down, it's playerbase is mainly made up of the same people who played on live. People who are now equally older, and a lot of them now with jobs, families of their own and/or other priorities, that simply don't allow for a 14-hour non-stop teenage-playstyle (no offense meant, and for those of you who can maintain such a dedicated gaming time, congratulations - but I suspect you belong to a very small minority of the server population).

A more fluid zone-locking system would help create a stronger sense of achievement for most players - which again would, in my humble opinion, benefit the game overall.
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Re: Kadrin Valley

Post#19 » Sat Mar 18, 2017 9:46 am

I don't know if it is because destro pugs have brain damage or if they can't understand english. It has happened so many times on KV where everyone is blindly piling on the lord and even when you are spamming the chat with "Enemy Inc from X" etc yet they ignore it as if they expect someone else to deal with it.
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Re: Kadrin Valley

Post#20 » Sat Mar 18, 2017 9:49 am

Specialpatrol wrote:Since there don't seem to be any chance of getting the original mulitiple-active-zones system reimplemented
Theres a good chance. Just not at the moment.

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