Healing RR gains

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Healing RR gains

Post#1 » Fri Jul 21, 2017 2:50 pm

Having a few long conversations with old healers from live on the subject many say the changes to it outright have zero positive and only negative effects on the amount and quality of heals experienced on the server.

Some points
>Less healers pugging scs due to playing that role
being extremely stressful when you dps/tanks are bad and you can't communicate with them. At least before you got decent rr based on your healing output that made it worth it.

>People do not out of party heal in RvR even a fraction as much as they did before. I guess this can be chalked up to human nature, but without any reward for healing those poor schmucks out of your party many don't bother at all, unless it would be so dickish they hot someone up to avoid rage tells.

>Less people playing healer overall, and those that do usually only play when they have a good group to play with. Pug warbands here particularly suffer from lack of heals etc... With old rr gains you could essentially solo on a healer in the lakes looking for people to heal instead of kill making the class a lot less group dependent.

What I'm suggesting anyways is to revert the rr gain changes for 1 patch cycle just to see and open a feedback thread during the revert and after. To see if what I and other people are claiming about the healer environment is true or not. I don't play healer, and I likely never will. I just want to see if the pug experience can be improved.
<Lords of the Locker Room> <Old School>

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Re: Healing RR gains

Post#2 » Fri Jul 21, 2017 2:52 pm

Hmm you get renown for out grp healing!
But you have to heal ppl who killed something
Tinkabell 40/41 Magus Whaagit 40/41 SH Whaagot 40/54 BO Daknallfrosch 40/72shammy

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Re: Healing RR gains

Post#3 » Fri Jul 21, 2017 2:54 pm

Would probably play healer full time again if this was implemented ;)

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Re: Healing RR gains

Post#4 » Fri Jul 21, 2017 2:55 pm

It is implemented
I get renown for every heal If my target has killed someone and is Still in Fight. Or heal and than He kill one you get renown
Tinkabell 40/41 Magus Whaagit 40/41 SH Whaagot 40/54 BO Daknallfrosch 40/72shammy

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Re: Healing RR gains

Post#5 » Fri Jul 21, 2017 2:56 pm

+1. Tagging an enemy with a 200damage AoE ability before they die gives far more RR than healing someone battling. Especially with the change to am/sham giving their life taps splash heal...

Solo DPS is viable to lvl up as... and frighteningly easy. why not solo healing? If we want to deincentivise soloing, then do so for every type... I've never understood this particular change. My Z always got far better rr with bullshit AoE damage and tags than healing solo...
Azarael wrote: It's only a nerf if you're bad.

(see, I can shitpost too!)
Secrets wrote: Kindly adjust your attitude to actually help the community and do not impose your will on it. You aren't as powerful as you think.

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Re: Healing RR gains

Post#6 » Fri Jul 21, 2017 2:57 pm

Not the rates from live ;)
Edit; @daknall

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Re: Healing RR gains

Post#7 » Fri Jul 21, 2017 2:58 pm

Jep thats true
Tinkabell 40/41 Magus Whaagit 40/41 SH Whaagot 40/54 BO Daknallfrosch 40/72shammy

Posts: 4441

Re: Healing RR gains

Post#8 » Fri Jul 21, 2017 3:07 pm

Healers playing out of a group so they can get like 15k renown while the rest get 5k? F that.

You are not special or deserve special treatment just because you are a healer.

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Posts: 1781

Re: Healing RR gains

Post#9 » Fri Jul 21, 2017 3:10 pm

Well one point should be done. Its massiv less risk to play a tanky healer and heal ppl than try solo dps in the lakes especially meele.
Tinkabell 40/41 Magus Whaagit 40/41 SH Whaagot 40/54 BO Daknallfrosch 40/72shammy

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Re: Healing RR gains

Post#10 » Fri Jul 21, 2017 3:11 pm

Penril wrote:Healers playing out of a group so they can get like 15k renown while the rest get 5k? F that.

You are not special or deserve special treatment just because you are a healer.
Scens are fine as it is. This would be for orvr. No point for a healer going out there unless you're in a six man farming pugs with no/little heals ;)

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