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Healing RR gains

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Re: Healing RR gains

Post#31 » Sat Jul 22, 2017 8:51 am

The solo healer wouldnt get loot rolls or kill emblems, and I believe you could prevent it in scens by other means too :)

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Re: Healing RR gains

Post#32 » Sat Jul 22, 2017 10:33 am

Penril wrote: Finally, who cares if healers are not encouraged to solo-heal in RvR? The only people they would heal anyway are:

a) Other soloers, who most certainly don't want help from a leecher
Not solo heal. Heal out of group. And ppl wouldn't complain about leeching because healing rp was a different pool.

But on this server, when you heal someone up from 10% to full while he kills a target, you get significantly less than the killing player.
Furthermore on live you got rp for a short time after they killed a target until their hp is full, because the damage was caused during the fight.
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Re: Healing RR gains

Post#33 » Sat Jul 22, 2017 10:43 am

Penril wrote:
Not if you do Pug SCs. Why would a healer join a random premade when he can gain 3 or 4 times more renown pugging SCs? They will only premade with their guilds.

Trust me, you will see pretty much all healers going out of group and gaining much more renown than everyone else. That cancer should not be brought back.
Because those evil healers in your own realm, who have the ungrateful task to heal in pug sc could get stronger at a faster rate? Are you serious?
For the most part it was only done when the own team sucked. Nobody left groups, when the own team played decent.

DPS went solo too and got the same benefits.
Ask yourself, how fair is it to share renown with tanks who don't guard and dps who suicide all the time without assisting.
Talking about pug sc, usually a few players carry a whole sc, the rest only gets rewarded for being in a group with them.
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Re: Healing RR gains

Post#34 » Sat Jul 22, 2017 11:04 am

Penril wrote:Should super defensive solo tanks that can't kill anything, get renown for using Challenge on enemies while someone else does the killing? Cause that's exactly what you guys are asking for healers. Cept that healing someone feels more important than Challenging, but in the end we are talking about two playstyles that are meant to be part of a group.
Well suppose that tank baited them out of position resisting dmg and such then yes he definetly earned those rps

@out of group healer are a cancer because if out of group heals should be rewarded out of group healers not because you deprive 1 party of group heals. So in sc no renow if you are not of a party as itis now while out of group actiom should be rewarded more for sure but i hardly see that happen when dok cannot even cleanse anymore out of party....

Posts: 2524

Re: Healing RR gains

Post#35 » Sat Jul 22, 2017 12:24 pm

Well, then let's test. Increase the renown for healing out of group and see if it causes healers to leave the party during a scenario.
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Re: Healing RR gains

Post#36 » Sat Jul 22, 2017 2:50 pm

Don't we already have an SC thing that if you are ungrouped you get 0rr? If there is one specific occasion you can think of, then fix that one. Or balance it. Ofc, then any sc that goes 7v7 causes that extra to be ****.... but since when do we balanced based on non grouped pug play?

tagging an enemy for 100 damage as a solo AoE DPS fluff machine before someone else kills him gives far far better RR than solo healing. That's the issue. Why do you think I used to run my Z around in glowy hands? Cause it was the best RR when no one was online... just Zerg surf and leech. THAT is the cancer.

And dear god you people can straw man... solo healing does not remove heals from a party... they are still healing you. WP/dok are the only ones that seriously need to be in a group to have largish heals, and even they can manage. And if you don't have 2healers in your group, then it is not a group. and why would solo healers ONLY heal other solo people?! They want to heal those getting Kills. No kills=no RR. You'd see healers tagging along with the top premades spike healing the crap out of Simtex and Teefz... so just like now, except they actually get some RR...
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Re: Healing RR gains

Post#37 » Sat Jul 22, 2017 3:19 pm

Dabbart wrote:Don't we already have an SC thing that if you are ungrouped you get 0rr?
True. I forgot about that. :P

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Re: Healing RR gains

Post#38 » Sat Jul 29, 2017 11:00 am

Jaycub wrote:Having a few long conversations with old healers from live on the subject many say the changes to it outright have zero positive and only negative effects on the amount and quality of heals experienced on the server.

Some points
>Less healers pugging scs due to playing that role
being extremely stressful when you dps/tanks are bad and you can't communicate with them. At least before you got decent rr based on your healing output that made it worth it.

>People do not out of party heal in RvR even a fraction as much as they did before. I guess this can be chalked up to human nature, but without any reward for healing those poor schmucks out of your party many don't bother at all, unless it would be so dickish they hot someone up to avoid rage tells.

>Less people playing healer overall, and those that do usually only play when they have a good group to play with. Pug warbands here particularly suffer from lack of heals etc... With old rr gains you could essentially solo on a healer in the lakes looking for people to heal instead of kill making the class a lot less group dependent.

What I'm suggesting anyways is to revert the rr gain changes for 1 patch cycle just to see and open a feedback thread during the revert and after. To see if what I and other people are claiming about the healer environment is true or not. I don't play healer, and I likely never will. I just want to see if the pug experience can be improved.
Here's the problem with reverting things back to the way they were for healers, yes there would probably be more healers like you say but they would be in a party outside of the group solo healing and soaking up ridiculous amounts of RP like before, it was so easy to hit 80 as a solo healer, they would literally get 10-12k RP per SC. This does not incorporate group play which Warhammer is all about. This can also be quite toxic to the game. This is coming from a player who has a WP and an AM.
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Re: Healing RR gains

Post#39 » Sat Jul 29, 2017 11:45 am

Does it weaken your realm, when players with the ungrateful job of healing progress faster?
Healer never left group on live, when their teammates played ok. It was done when you give 101% and see your team just fail around.
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Re: Healing RR gains

Post#40 » Tue Sep 05, 2017 11:44 am

Little necro

I was getting plenty of rr/inf/xp for out of the group/wb healing, of course the peeps I healed needed to kill or have killed someone recently.

Pugging scenarios is actually fun on a healer as you never know what to expect as team. It gives some kind of unexpected diversity in all those old (mostly still fun) scenarios.
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