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Re: Something something...

Post#421 » Mon Sep 04, 2017 4:30 pm

Yaliskah wrote:I must disagree.

Zerg is not pop related ( yeah i'm crazy :) ). And i hope to be able to prove it before the end of the year or sooner.

Zerg = lack of options/choices -> ORvR mecanic -> What will players do when Keep is lost and all BOs are locked?
It is, you can't zerg if there is not enough players :).

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Re: Something something...

Post#422 » Mon Sep 04, 2017 4:32 pm

Hargrim wrote:
Yaliskah wrote:I must disagree.

Zerg is not pop related ( yeah i'm crazy :) ). And i hope to be able to prove it before the end of the year or sooner.

Zerg = lack of options/choices -> ORvR mecanic -> What will players do when Keep is lost and all BOs are locked?
It is, you can't zerg if there is not enough players :).
You can zerg 5 vs 1. So no, it is not pop related. :)

I'm not looking to erradicate Zerg. It is an option, probably reassuring some players and i can understand. BUT You WON'T zerg if the zerg deserve your chances to reach objectives (unless you have very good reason to). Put all eggs in the same basket is an easy solution, but there must be a risk too.

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Re: Something something...

Post#423 » Mon Sep 04, 2017 4:36 pm

Yaliskah wrote:I must disagree.

Zerg is not pop related ( yeah i'm crazy :) ). And i hope to be able to prove it before the end of the year or sooner.

Zerg = lack of options/choices -> ORvR mecanic -> What will players do when Keep is lost and all BOs are locked (no more or very limited numbers of objectives)? Answer : blob & zerg on what is possible. Lack of options.
You can't zerg with low population.

Opening all pairings only promotes more PVD. It happend last time, the main force stays to ping pong one zone, and the rest ninja cap to progress the campaign. It was the reason for closing the 3 maps in the first place if I remember. We had this same problem back in T2/T3 where everyone just ping pongs warcamps the whole night which is nothing but a snooze-fest.

As for lack of options/choices, I see less choices now than the previous system? You had T1/T2/T3 to debolster and relax enjoy some low level pvp and earn some seals to get some nice gear, allowed for large and small groups too. T4 then had the usual 6 man groups roaming for small scale pvp and a couple WB's for larger fights. Now it's just blob 1 vs blob 2 and the only roaming you get done is picking off stragglers from said blobs.

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Re: Something something...

Post#424 » Mon Sep 04, 2017 4:40 pm

Zxul wrote:Yep, however when you put most of server population into a single zone, and insure that there isn't much most of players can do solo or in small groups, what did you expect to happen? For them to run around being ganked by whs/wes and premades, for no actual reward, or to move everywhere as a single 3 wb+ blob spamming 1-2 aoe skills, while still getting zone contribution and renown?
It happened because we are testing 'what if' scenario when our game is actually popular. And we are testing performance of our software in stress scenario, like yesterdays KV with 501+ players in one zone. And as it turned out it is good idea, because 90%+ of lag incidents and crashes are client. Thanks to this we can debunk this dank 'a lot of people will lag and crash' meme.

Posts: 1432

Re: Something something...

Post#425 » Mon Sep 04, 2017 4:45 pm

Its a question of reward really- why would most players do anything but zerg, if rvr mechanics make it the most efficient option?

What most players can do solo or in small groups in rvr, which actually has a reward better then zerging? Thats while being ganked by 40/40+ premades for an extra bonus.
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Re: Something something...

Post#426 » Mon Sep 04, 2017 4:54 pm

Any efforts to minimalise blobbing will be appreciated.

I like the system now, but confining (essentially) 90% of the server's entirety into one zone only promotes blobbing. Yes I know you intend to open up more zones in the future, just speculating here.

Most people are lazy and just follow the path of least resistance, hence the blobs. Having at least one more zone open will allow those of us who don't ascribe to this sort of gameplay an alternative way of enjoying RvR, and the population (if it stays as high as it currently is, and I see no reason why it wouldn't) would be more than ample to fill out two zones simultaneously.

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Re: Something something...

Post#427 » Mon Sep 04, 2017 4:55 pm

Once again :).
Yaliskah wrote:
qwerty113 wrote:in new system chance that you will roll gold bag in t4 just zero, its a bad idea merge mid tir with t4. Old system was great !
Ok, some people are totally unable to read anything :) (especially dev diary everybodies wants to see...).

A TEST to merge all 16+ players in the same campain, and give a try to open 3 pairings, solving low pop issues ( NA and Mid tiers). NOTHING MORE

Still a work in progress, which will be deployed when ready, probably before november if all is ok. This will completely change how a player will be able to earn a bag. Lvl related, Involvment related, and MORE IMPORTANT, non limited in quantities.

Big piece of cake. Work in progress, many existant part of the ORvR will be a bit changed. You already know some ( T1 BO system), and you ignore most of them (BO control impact on factions during siege, lock conditions, keep ranks utilities, enemy kills impact, ...). NO ETA but if possible we will deploy it step by step.

Consider these 3 points as different modules of what will be ORvR in the futur. ATM, we are deploying Step 1 cause it is ready to be tested.

Is that clear enough :) ??

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Re: Something something...

Post#428 » Mon Sep 04, 2017 5:20 pm

Zxul wrote:Its a question of reward really- why would most players do anything but zerg, if rvr mechanics make it the most efficient option?

What most players can do solo or in small groups in rvr, which actually has a reward better then zerging? Thats while being ganked by 40/40+ premades for an extra bonus.
How many bags did you win zerging?

Posts: 7229

Re: Something something...

Post#429 » Mon Sep 04, 2017 5:32 pm

Zerging has nothing to do with zone population.
When a warband rolls over a single player, he is being zerged. Zerging is using superior numbers to overcome a smaller group of players.
When 3 wb fight 3 hostile wb at the same place, then you have a mass fight but no zerg.
Obviously not all players/wb are at the same place within a zone, so it is highly likely that zerging happens, when unequal forces meet somewhere in the zone.
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Re: Something something...

Post#430 » Mon Sep 04, 2017 5:33 pm

Hargrim wrote:
Zxul wrote:Its a question of reward really- why would most players do anything but zerg, if rvr mechanics make it the most efficient option?

What most players can do solo or in small groups in rvr, which actually has a reward better then zerging? Thats while being ganked by 40/40+ premades for an extra bonus.
How many bags did you win zerging?
Why dont you ask Rumba?

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