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Rate of the statistics

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Posts: 16

Rate of the statistics

Post#1 » Tue Jan 30, 2018 10:32 am

Hello dear developers,

I have a small problem with regard to the statistics.

I play a black guardsman and am put very defensively. Because I topically one advise of my opposition of 670 by my tactics on 1057 he can bring diminishedly the damage around 32. Is this really wanted by you thus? I find this also, unfortunately, in nobody wise in releation fits towards the magic damage of the magicians.
I still get hits more than 1700 them are critical although mine advises on 2. 6% is. I know this to her all that have changed. But I find the MAGIC DAMAGE should be already adapted compared with the tanks. In the RvR or scenarios this is very critical and decides really on him occur.

I would be glad about an answer and whether one could not improve something, perhaps.

Your welcome, greetings Xarborn

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Re: Rate of the statistics

Post#2 » Tue Jan 30, 2018 10:41 am

2.6% is your chance to be crit, but keep in mind you don't know how much chance to crit the enemy has (and BW/Sorc can have a lot)
1700+ dmg looks okayish, but probably you are low on resists, also check how much do you disrupt from other sources
And there are a couple of undefendable abilities which you simply have to eat up

Magical damage is overall strong, there is a cap of 40% damage resist from spells, as well a hard way to get gear to get resists up and the lack of epic reistsance talis (salvaging conqueror belt gives blue fragment from which 90+ resist is made, so if you stack resist talis you could get up to more or less 180 resist for each type of magical damage at most)

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Re: Rate of the statistics

Post#3 » Tue Jan 30, 2018 10:52 am

Szejoza yes you´re right. But the main problem for me ist my toughness i get from 670 toughness up to the softcap 1057 and the hitpoints reduce at 32 points. That is not real in my opinion

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Re: Rate of the statistics

Post#4 » Tue Jan 30, 2018 11:02 am

Toughness scales good only when supported with good armor/resistance values

I'm not combat formulae magician and don't know if it's up to date but it might help you clarifying some issues
it covers physical damage as well magical, if someone knows more up to date information then maybe he will help you with understanding how toughness works

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