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We are now live with the Developer Q'n'A #1 2018!

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Re: We are now live with the Developer Q'n'A #1 2018!

Post#121 » Mon Sep 10, 2018 1:33 am

Fallenkezef wrote: Mon Sep 10, 2018 12:54 am
Onemantankwall wrote: Mon Sep 10, 2018 12:49 am
Rynocerous wrote: Sun Sep 09, 2018 11:00 pm I'm pretty sure telling people who are spending time , effort and their own money that they suck because you don't like how they banned someone is not going to make anything 'better'.

Regardless of what else he said, if Az had serious concerns and issues with any of the staff, the proper place to discuss it shouldn't be a public Q&A chat about the future of the game. It should be discussed in private. If he was ignored then there are other avenues. But drama for the sake of drama is not in any way 'professional' -- anyone who thinks it is shows themselves as a whining petulant child.

I'm pretty disappointed at the community itself at this point. This is exactly what those code thieving cretins at APOC want, the devs fighting one another and the community taking sides. Focus on the game.
THIS X1000000 im neutral to all parties but #1 rule to being a leader is to not show weakness and Aza ranted like a 10 year old depressed emo kid! I love War and i love what EVERYONE brings to the game but I personally need my devs stable and professionly focused. And to other players remember the game and being a developer comes first in no way i expect a gm to kiss my butt and i understand and respect that!!! You should too!!!! The games fine the communities fine sucks about Aza but everyones replaceable, thanks everyone for the FREE yes players remember this is FREE game that you allow me to play and take part in see you on the battlefields WWWAAGGGHHHH! P.S. i REALLY appreciate the QnA continuing even after that mess happened took big orc kahoonas and thats well respected
I listened to that qna and Aza didn't rant and he made it clear their was no other option for him as he'd apparently talked to the individual in question and other staff.

I agree, everyone is replaceble but it seems like an individual is protected at the cost of others and the project itself. We have lost Penril, Aza, numerous players and with a competing server it's becoming a serious issue. There are serious questions raised regarding an individual and the response tends to be shut up or be banned.
Anyone doctor or not can plainly see Aza is off in the head and someone with those issues shouldnt be granted with power over codes and chats, hey you may of personally liked the guy thats fine but nuetrully speaking Aza has absolutily no place in the dev team, whether hes a great guy or not doesnt matter, same as torq, i get that torq comes off as a asshole but least hes not mentally ill as far as we know. I dont need friends for this game to run i need compentent developers and they are doing an excellent job being just that as i get to play my afternoon away on my chosen slapping the archmage army around. Likei said i have no feelings towards any dev but Aza has proven to be off his rocker and am glad he was handled with quickly before something got broke guys leave the developing to the developers they did what they had to do its a tough truth but we are guests on this server, act like it you as players want respect? How about show respect to the ones doing this just to do this! so much dev trashing everywhere while im here solo beating on that one archmage endlessily
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Re: We are now live with the Developer Q'n'A #1 2018!

Post#122 » Mon Sep 10, 2018 1:47 am

Onemantankwall wrote: Mon Sep 10, 2018 1:33 am
Fallenkezef wrote: Mon Sep 10, 2018 12:54 am
Onemantankwall wrote: Mon Sep 10, 2018 12:49 am

THIS X1000000 im neutral to all parties but #1 rule to being a leader is to not show weakness and Aza ranted like a 10 year old depressed emo kid! I love War and i love what EVERYONE brings to the game but I personally need my devs stable and professionly focused. And to other players remember the game and being a developer comes first in no way i expect a gm to kiss my butt and i understand and respect that!!! You should too!!!! The games fine the communities fine sucks about Aza but everyones replaceable, thanks everyone for the FREE yes players remember this is FREE game that you allow me to play and take part in see you on the battlefields WWWAAGGGHHHH! P.S. i REALLY appreciate the QnA continuing even after that mess happened took big orc kahoonas and thats well respected
I listened to that qna and Aza didn't rant and he made it clear their was no other option for him as he'd apparently talked to the individual in question and other staff.

I agree, everyone is replaceble but it seems like an individual is protected at the cost of others and the project itself. We have lost Penril, Aza, numerous players and with a competing server it's becoming a serious issue. There are serious questions raised regarding an individual and the response tends to be shut up or be banned.
Anyone doctor or not can plainly see Aza is off in the head and someone with those issues shouldnt be granted with power over codes and chats, hey you may of personally liked the guy thats fine but nuetrully speaking Aza has absolutily no place in the dev team, whether hes a great guy or not doesnt matter, same as torq, i get that torq comes off as a asshole but least hes not mentally ill as far as we know. I dont need friends for this game to run i need compentent developers and they are doing an excellent job being just that as i get to play my afternoon away on my chosen slapping the archmage army around. Likei said i have no feelings towards any dev but Aza has proven to be off his rocker and am glad he was handled with quickly before something got broke guys leave the developing to the developers they did what they had to do its a tough truth but we are guests on this server, act like it you as players want respect? How about show respect to the ones doing this just to do this! so much dev trashing everywhere while im here solo beating on that one archmage endlessily
Spoken like a true ignorant pile of human garbage, well done.
Last edited by Renork on Mon Sep 10, 2018 1:48 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: We are now live with the Developer Q'n'A #1 2018!

Post#123 » Mon Sep 10, 2018 1:48 am

Rynocerous wrote: Sun Sep 09, 2018 11:00 pm I'm pretty sure telling people who are spending time , effort and their own money that they suck because you don't like how they banned someone is not going to make anything 'better'.

Regardless of what else he said, if Az had serious concerns and issues with any of the staff, the proper place to discuss it shouldn't be a public Q&A chat about the future of the game. It should be discussed in private. If he was ignored then there are other avenues. But drama for the sake of drama is not in any way 'professional' -- anyone who thinks it is shows themselves as a whining petulant child.

I'm pretty disappointed at the community itself at this point. This is exactly what those code thieving cretins at APOC want, the devs fighting one another and the community taking sides. Focus on the game.

So firstly to reply to you and all who are putting forth the same arguments as you, like the moderator said himself. Most questions were about Torque.

And yes, as Aza pointed it out himself, it was a sketchy move to do what he did in the Q&A, but you've to understand this was the last resource he had. If you keep track of what's been happening, amendments were tried, internal chats were tried, they simply did not work.

Darosh wrote: Sun Sep 09, 2018 11:12 pm
wargrimnir wrote: Sun Sep 09, 2018 10:22 pm
Vegetaplays wrote: Sun Sep 09, 2018 10:17 pm I hope that this situation clears up soon, But looking at it, Most likely not.
I do agree, Torque was a bad GM or dev.
Back when the huge server crash that made the server go down for a couple months was a blow to ror, but this..
This is a substantial blow to ROR.
It's unfortunate, he's a great coder. But we've been without him for quite a while. If this was his goal coming back onto the team, then all of our hopes have been shattered. There's no way we can trust someone that would plot for months the best way to destroy a current team member.

To say I'm shocked and bewildered this is the path he chose would be an understatement.
It's cute and all that you try yourself in PR speak, but that train has left the station a long time ago.

Can we get someone to comment on this matter that actually matters?
Like, I don't know, the person that funds this project? ...or some of the folks that setup the fancy copyright at the bottom of the page?
I'd also settle for the folks that built the server from scratch, but, iirc, most of them have left since or been purged.

Now, seriously, if Yali and Max have any sense whatsoever they'll strip access to the server and all that is remotely related to it until this shitshow has been properly resolved ~

In essence we've learned today that players have been harrassed by staff and nothing has been done about it - but covering it up, of course -, people that are beyond unstable have access to all sorts of data and that the project is nothing short of a sad excuse for people to carve out little kingdoms for themselves; act out their lack of basic manners and empathy.
wargrimnir wrote: Sun Sep 09, 2018 10:38 pm It was absolutely a setup. We discussed the content of the Q&A beforehand. We were assured it wouldn't go on like that. The idea was a brief explanation, not a witch hunt. Acknowledge, address, move on.
On the note of 'setup' and 'lies', why in god's name should anyone take your word at face value? Care to explain why you didn't intervene when Torque went about harrassing players (and staff members alike)? You are Mr.Oh-So-Virtuous, aren't you?
How come you didn't step in before someone felt the **** need to prod and poke you until you halfheartedly did what you were meant to do?

Lemme stretch it a little further, grab yer tinfoil hats everybody, what if there was indeed a setup ~ what if you did setup Aza to 'fail' like that to craft a nice little narrative to remove him from the team? Considering Aza's mental health - your knowledge of it, having dealt with him in the past -, and your very particular schtick, I feel like that isn't too far fetched afterall. Then again, I might just be overestimating the bunch of you.

The only thing missing is some sort of fraud and we have come full circle as far as private servers are concerned.

It is beyond infurating to see that people choose to ignore the information and instead indulge in the drama surrounding it.
Did Aza mess up in the way he tackled the situation? Yes. So **** what. If that is what you take away from this, you cannot be helped. You listen to the equivalent of self-immolation in protest of wrongdoing and all you care about is the height of the flames, for how long he burned, the mess he - quite literally involuntarily - leaves behind and the time you've 'lost'. Congratulations, we've hit rock bottom.

Tell me again how ANY of this comes as surprise for you? At all. One does not 'react' as methodically as this to a **** surprise. Probably the worst feigned shock I've had the misfortune to witness to this date ~ how quickly certain staff members were to go about shouting betrayel and manipulation is beyond me.
Anyone with a shred of empathy will have had no choice but to acknowledge genuine shaking of Aza's voice ~ tell me again what there is to gain for a individual with a mental health in such a dire state from talking to literally hundreds of strangers?

Tell me, how did he 'plot' against Torque? By being approached by people that were harrassed by him? By being sent evidence of Torques wrongdoing? By being placed in this terrible place by no fault of his own? Oh, how dare he **** try to moderate and help the situation.

See Wargrimnir, this is the difference between acting virtous and being virtuous.

Sweet chessus, I was thinking about replying to Wargrimnir, but after I saw Darosh's post which summed all I had to say I'll simply re-quote it. It truly goes beyond me how Wargrimnir STILL talks tall after letting all the things Torque done slip through, even with all the evidence that you all had before this Q&N you still decided to let things slide. And yes it was a decision, it wasn't ignorance of said actions, you actively choose to back him up for the detrimental of the project you're supposed to "protect".

Now I can sort-of see things from your perspective, which you probably thought that Torque is still a bigger asset to the server in comparison to all the players leaving, in comparison to the community's trust in the staff, in comparison to common decency and all that - but that doesn't mean you've to actively defend him or side with him, you should be dealing with trouble-makers both inside the community and the staff, so stand against abuse no matter if your position is challenged, in other words, be a **** man. If anything else the decent call would be to present your dissent internally and step the **** down, because you clearly are not, & choose not, to do what you're supposed to be doing.

And again, well put:
Darosh wrote: Mon Sep 10, 2018 12:14 am
Yaliskah wrote: Sun Sep 09, 2018 11:44 pm Since the begining of this project my wish is to make this game alive.

And anyone active in this project has my total trust.

So, you are fine with your name being directly associated with harassment, the cover ups of said harassment, blatant powerplays and, now, what in essence is the abuse of an individual that suffers from mental health issues?

On the latter:
Why in god's name would you let Aza run into this? You dealt with him before, it doesn't take a **** degree in psychology to unterstand that this **** would backfire and that it has the potential to cause actual harm.

Are you serious?

You and Max are the only ones, yet, to be given the benefit of doubt, so if I may:
Your trust is missplaced, as genuine and adorable your naivety may be, do away it before things escalate further.
The people you trust, those that run amok with your property most likely don't appear in any relevant paperwork, do they?
Ask yourself whether they'd behave diffrently if they were associated with this project as closely as you and Max are, and more importantly as to why that'd be the case.

Again, the only private server trope missing is fraud. Even if not for project or community related reasons, clean your house and establish proper rules of engagement and a true system of moderation throughout your project. Trust is good, control is better.

It reeks of debt and blackmail. It surely isn't loyalty or trust. My 2c.

E: Spelling.

I mean, seriously.. I was talking about this in Aza's return thread with him, if its SO **** HARD to kick the troublemaker from the staff team (nobody is telling you to ban him from server or anything so he can keep on playing if he wishes so) DESPITE all the evidence coming forward, despite all the amendments attempts done... and if he chooses to still not let it go of his position and power, you cannot be **** serious can you?

I've to agree with Darosh here and I'm just starting to believe he either blackmail all of you or that secretly he is the lover of over half the staff or some **** like this because this is just not RATIONAL. Its not something normal people would do, and keep covering for someone who has done all those things for the detrimental of the project, no matter if he's your personal best **** friend. Even if he is, he will probably understand that you've been put between a rock and a hard place and had to choose the less damaging option. How hard is for you to grasp this reality?

Eathisword wrote: Mon Sep 10, 2018 12:47 am
Darosh wrote: Mon Sep 10, 2018 12:14 am
So, you are fine with your name being directly assciated with harassment, the cover ups of said harassment, blatant powerplays and, now, what in essence is the abuse of an individual that suffers from mental health issues?

On the latter:
Why in god's name would you let Aza run into this? You dealt with him before, it doesn't take a **** degree in psychology to unterstand that this **** would backfire and that it has the potential to cause actual harm.

Are you serious?

Yeah... I won'T get involved in what's to come or what will be said about what happened. But this is important.

What we witnessed today and how it is being handled doesn't seem super healthy for a guy that suffered from depression not long ago... I hope those who have access will reach out to Aza.

No matter the consequences for this project, it is not worth letting a dude put his psychological well being on the line for it.

Doesn't take a freaking psychology degree indeed.

Most definitely....
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Re: We are now live with the Developer Q'n'A #1 2018!

Post#124 » Mon Sep 10, 2018 1:57 am

I never liked torques heavy handedness on the forums, took a break from the game and the fourms but i became hopeful when az cameback

I never knew all the dirty laundry always believing that with nice people like yali at the top it could never be that bad, but to learn the truth of especially the balance fourms is beyond infuriating as i genuinely believed in it and the purpose i thought it had served

torque is utterly disgusting and seeing az removed is disappointing to say the least

Onemantankwall wrote: Mon Sep 10, 2018 1:33 am
Anyone doctor or not can plainly see Aza is off in the head and someone with those issues shouldnt be granted with power over codes and chats, hey you may of personally liked the guy thats fine but nuetrully speaking Aza has absolutily no place in the dev team, whether hes a great guy or not doesnt matter, same as torq, i get that torq comes off as a asshole but least hes not mentally ill as far as we know. I dont need friends for this game to run i need compentent developers and they are doing an excellent job being just that as i get to play my afternoon away on my chosen slapping the archmage army around. Likei said i have no feelings towards any dev but Aza has proven to be off his rocker and am glad he was handled with quickly before something got broke guys leave the developing to the developers they did what they had to do its a tough truth but we are guests on this server, act like it you as players want respect? How about show respect to the ones doing this just to do this! so much dev trashing everywhere while im here solo beating on that one archmage endlessily
You cannot dismiss the very serious facts and statements Az made just because of his mental state nor say that he has no right to be a dev when we got more beneficial changes while he was a lead than under torque whom also nerfred or changed classes just to spite players as pointed out

And now that there is a competing server the respect or leave argument no longer holds value as thats what pushed so many people away under torques abuse of authority, the server needs players just as much or it will be abandoned as more move to the apoc server

respect is not a one way street
Last edited by TenTonHammer on Mon Sep 10, 2018 2:01 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: We are now live with the Developer Q'n'A #1 2018!

Post#125 » Mon Sep 10, 2018 2:00 am

Renork wrote: Mon Sep 10, 2018 1:47 am
Onemantankwall wrote: Mon Sep 10, 2018 1:33 am
Fallenkezef wrote: Mon Sep 10, 2018 12:54 am

I listened to that qna and Aza didn't rant and he made it clear their was no other option for him as he'd apparently talked to the individual in question and other staff.

I agree, everyone is replaceble but it seems like an individual is protected at the cost of others and the project itself. We have lost Penril, Aza, numerous players and with a competing server it's becoming a serious issue. There are serious questions raised regarding an individual and the response tends to be shut up or be banned.
Anyone doctor or not can plainly see Aza is off in the head and someone with those issues shouldnt be granted with power over codes and chats, hey you may of personally liked the guy thats fine but nuetrully speaking Aza has absolutily no place in the dev team, whether hes a great guy or not doesnt matter, same as torq, i get that torq comes off as a asshole but least hes not mentally ill as far as we know. I dont need friends for this game to run i need compentent developers and they are doing an excellent job being just that as i get to play my afternoon away on my chosen slapping the archmage army around. Likei said i have no feelings towards any dev but Aza has proven to be off his rocker and am glad he was handled with quickly before something got broke guys leave the developing to the developers they did what they had to do its a tough truth but we are guests on this server, act like it you as players want respect? How about show respect to the ones doing this just to do this! so much dev trashing everywhere while im here solo beating on that one archmage endlessily
Spoken like a true ignorant pile of human garbage, well done.
Why thank you, unlike yourself i kiss no ones ass i go by whats better for the game and nothing else screw all feelings rational thought created this game and rational thought will keep it going your wittle fweelings hurt?? Oh well the game goes on HOOZAH!!! Thisll all blow over and ill still be beating on that darn healer! (The woes of a tanky tank)

Edit: P.S. the guys mental state was obviously unhealthy and this game did nothing but make it WORSE, y'all stop being selfish and let that man heal. say that we all appreciate what hes done for us and move on being away from this game will help this man and im happy hes not going to go through it anymore one way or another i hope this is a great turning point for the man and life gets back on track for him, i mean come on guys this is just a game hes a human being let him go get better therell be another dev to pick up the slack
Last edited by Onemantankwall on Mon Sep 10, 2018 2:21 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: We are now live with the Developer Q'n'A #1 2018!

Post#126 » Mon Sep 10, 2018 2:04 am

Renork wrote: Mon Sep 10, 2018 1:47 am
Spoken like a true ignorant pile of human garbage, well done.
There's a difference between engaging in discussion that is heated, and straight up attacking someone personally. Have a break.
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Re: We are now live with the Developer Q'n'A #1 2018!

Post#127 » Mon Sep 10, 2018 2:19 am

dur3al wrote: Mon Sep 10, 2018 1:48 am
Rynocerous wrote: Sun Sep 09, 2018 11:00 pm I'm pretty sure telling people who are spending time , effort and their own money that they suck because you don't like how they banned someone is not going to make anything 'better'.

Regardless of what else he said, if Az had serious concerns and issues with any of the staff, the proper place to discuss it shouldn't be a public Q&A chat about the future of the game. It should be discussed in private. If he was ignored then there are other avenues. But drama for the sake of drama is not in any way 'professional' -- anyone who thinks it is shows themselves as a whining petulant child.

I'm pretty disappointed at the community itself at this point. This is exactly what those code thieving cretins at APOC want, the devs fighting one another and the community taking sides. Focus on the game.

So firstly to reply to you and all who are putting forth the same arguments as you, like the moderator said himself. Most questions were about Torque.

And yes, as Aza pointed it out himself, it was a sketchy move to do what he did in the Q&A, but you've to understand this was the last resource he had. If you keep track of what's been happening, amendments were tried, internal chats were tried, they simply did not work.
I won't respond to the rest, as it doesn't concern my points. As to what you said however -- short answer, haha no.

1) Az tried other methods to fix things and this was his last resource: So in other words, if you can't get the dev team to agree with you, sabotage the project and throw everyone into arguing, name calling, and chaos? Because regardless of his intent and his skill, that is exactly what he has done.

Has it occurred to none of you WHY the dev team refuses to 'get rid' of Torquemada? Do you think they are all stupid and blind, or that they don't see some people have issues with him? If you haven't gotten rid of him by now then most likely the majority -- or ALL -- of the developers think Torq is more of an asset than Az.

I'm sure people will disagree. I'm sure others will not care one way or the other but dislike Torq (for valid or invalid reasons) and let that decide how they feel. But it is what it is and burning everything to the ground doesn't fix things.

But none of that really matters, because...

2) Most of the questions were about Torq so obviously that's the problem : Horsedroppings. I knew about the Q&A and so did tons of other people. None of us really had anything to ask, just interested in what came out. I'd have expected to leave the questions to people like Tesq, who has the experience and theorycrafting to ask coherent questions instead of my noob crap.

The fact that most people asked about Torq only shows that most of the questions were with people with an axe to grind. I'm sorry, but relying on logical fallacies doesn't convince me that this was a good thing either.

Ultimately, if Az had an issue with the way things were going, or the (purported) actions of a developer in their interactions with the community, they'd have approached the other devs and GMS and what not. If (as is claimed) that was done and didn't result in something happening (which we don't know because I doubt the devs are going to air their dirty laundry for us to see, oh, except Az just decided to) then we are left with one fact:

Either all the devs are completely unconcerned about the issue, or the issue is being driven by a small group of butt-hurt people.

Either way, going on and on about it won't fix the issue.
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Re: We are now live with the Developer Q'n'A #1 2018!

Post#128 » Mon Sep 10, 2018 2:39 am

Rynocerous wrote: Mon Sep 10, 2018 2:19 am
Has it occurred to none of you WHY the dev team refuses to 'get rid' of Torquemada? Do you think they are all stupid and blind, or that they don't see some people have issues with him? If you haven't gotten rid of him by now then most likely the majority -- or ALL -- of the developers think Torq is more of an asset than Az.

After doing what torque has done; abused members of the dev team banning or censuring the community in a gross abuse of authority yet are for all intents and purposes "protected" by the devs

then yes i do call their better judgement into question

I dont care how talented a person is, i would still take a less talented individual over a hostile work environment where people genuinely feel scared

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Re: We are now live with the Developer Q'n'A #1 2018!

Post#129 » Mon Sep 10, 2018 2:44 am

Rynocerous wrote: Mon Sep 10, 2018 2:19 am
dur3al wrote: Mon Sep 10, 2018 1:48 am
Rynocerous wrote: Sun Sep 09, 2018 11:00 pm I'm pretty sure telling people who are spending time , effort and their own money that they suck because you don't like how they banned someone is not going to make anything 'better'.

Regardless of what else he said, if Az had serious concerns and issues with any of the staff, the proper place to discuss it shouldn't be a public Q&A chat about the future of the game. It should be discussed in private. If he was ignored then there are other avenues. But drama for the sake of drama is not in any way 'professional' -- anyone who thinks it is shows themselves as a whining petulant child.

I'm pretty disappointed at the community itself at this point. This is exactly what those code thieving cretins at APOC want, the devs fighting one another and the community taking sides. Focus on the game.

So firstly to reply to you and all who are putting forth the same arguments as you, like the moderator said himself. Most questions were about Torque.

And yes, as Aza pointed it out himself, it was a sketchy move to do what he did in the Q&A, but you've to understand this was the last resource he had. If you keep track of what's been happening, amendments were tried, internal chats were tried, they simply did not work.
I won't respond to the rest, as it doesn't concern my points. As to what you said however -- short answer, haha no.

1) Az tried other methods to fix things and this was his last resource: So in other words, if you can't get the dev team to agree with you, sabotage the project and throw everyone into arguing, name calling, and chaos? Because regardless of his intent and his skill, that is exactly what he has done.

Has it occurred to none of you WHY the dev team refuses to 'get rid' of Torquemada? Do you think they are all stupid and blind, or that they don't see some people have issues with him? If you haven't gotten rid of him by now then most likely the majority -- or ALL -- of the developers think Torq is more of an asset than Az.

I'm sure people will disagree. I'm sure others will not care one way or the other but dislike Torq (for valid or invalid reasons) and let that decide how they feel. But it is what it is and burning everything to the ground doesn't fix things.

But none of that really matters, because...

2) Most of the questions were about Torq so obviously that's the problem : Horsedroppings. I knew about the Q&A and so did tons of other people. None of us really had anything to ask, just interested in what came out. I'd have expected to leave the questions to people like Tesq, who has the experience and theorycrafting to ask coherent questions instead of my noob crap.

The fact that most people asked about Torq only shows that most of the questions were with people with an axe to grind. I'm sorry, but relying on logical fallacies doesn't convince me that this was a good thing either.

Ultimately, if Az had an issue with the way things were going, or the (purported) actions of a developer in their interactions with the community, they'd have approached the other devs and GMS and what not. If (as is claimed) that was done and didn't result in something happening (which we don't know because I doubt the devs are going to air their dirty laundry for us to see, oh, except Az just decided to) then we are left with one fact:

Either all the devs are completely unconcerned about the issue, or the issue is being driven by a small group of butt-hurt people.

Either way, going on and on about it won't fix the issue.[/spoiler]
u trying 2 hard 2 troll.
The amount of value that azarael has over torq is immeasurable. IMMEASURABLE. If you've been around longer than 2 weeks you would know that.
Aza and Lando, along with a few core devs, made everything, aside from client control, possible. They have contributed the most to the project. You're enjoying the game today because of what they did, not because of torq. Torq made gear.

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Re: We are now live with the Developer Q'n'A #1 2018!

Post#130 » Mon Sep 10, 2018 2:56 am

catholicism198 wrote: Mon Sep 10, 2018 2:44 am
Rynocerous wrote: Mon Sep 10, 2018 2:19 am
dur3al wrote: Mon Sep 10, 2018 1:48 am

So firstly to reply to you and all who are putting forth the same arguments as you, like the moderator said himself. Most questions were about Torque.

And yes, as Aza pointed it out himself, it was a sketchy move to do what he did in the Q&A, but you've to understand this was the last resource he had. If you keep track of what's been happening, amendments were tried, internal chats were tried, they simply did not work.
I won't respond to the rest, as it doesn't concern my points. As to what you said however -- short answer, haha no.

1) Az tried other methods to fix things and this was his last resource: So in other words, if you can't get the dev team to agree with you, sabotage the project and throw everyone into arguing, name calling, and chaos? Because regardless of his intent and his skill, that is exactly what he has done.

Has it occurred to none of you WHY the dev team refuses to 'get rid' of Torquemada? Do you think they are all stupid and blind, or that they don't see some people have issues with him? If you haven't gotten rid of him by now then most likely the majority -- or ALL -- of the developers think Torq is more of an asset than Az.

I'm sure people will disagree. I'm sure others will not care one way or the other but dislike Torq (for valid or invalid reasons) and let that decide how they feel. But it is what it is and burning everything to the ground doesn't fix things.

But none of that really matters, because...

2) Most of the questions were about Torq so obviously that's the problem : Horsedroppings. I knew about the Q&A and so did tons of other people. None of us really had anything to ask, just interested in what came out. I'd have expected to leave the questions to people like Tesq, who has the experience and theorycrafting to ask coherent questions instead of my noob crap.

The fact that most people asked about Torq only shows that most of the questions were with people with an axe to grind. I'm sorry, but relying on logical fallacies doesn't convince me that this was a good thing either.

Ultimately, if Az had an issue with the way things were going, or the (purported) actions of a developer in their interactions with the community, they'd have approached the other devs and GMS and what not. If (as is claimed) that was done and didn't result in something happening (which we don't know because I doubt the devs are going to air their dirty laundry for us to see, oh, except Az just decided to) then we are left with one fact:

Either all the devs are completely unconcerned about the issue, or the issue is being driven by a small group of butt-hurt people.

Either way, going on and on about it won't fix the issue.[/spoiler]
u trying 2 hard 2 troll.
The amount of value that azarael has over torq is immeasurable. IMMEASURABLE. If you've been around longer than 2 weeks you would know that.
Aza and Lando, along with a few core devs, made everything, aside from client control, possible. They have contributed the most to the project. You're enjoying the game today because of what they did, not because of torq. Torq made gear.
To clarify for those who can't read: I did not say Torq is more valuable or has contributed more. I said the DEVS must think so.

There is a difference. The issue isn't what the players think but the devs.
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