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[Set Preview] Bloodlord

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Re: [Set Preview] Bloodlord

Post#21 » Tue May 07, 2019 3:51 pm

jayjaywarrior wrote: Tue May 07, 2019 12:58 pm
the way that makes most sense to me to make full sets better is.
increasing the stat steal gain lets just use double for my post and vanquisher aswell, so you could gain 220 weaponskill and debuff 200 toughness, it is atleast useful to get more weaponskill from this proc on a WE because pierce armor will generally steal more or about the same amount of weapon skill depending on how many points you invest and how worth it it is to pick up the skill for the points invested because its slightly higher damage value.
Double the crit gained, as a toon that isn't stacking str (yet) i sit around 500 str everyone else sits at or near 1000.(and soon to stack crit/str set stacking)
Make talismans worth it by doing all this, at the end of vanquisher set you get a 4% damage buff witch to me is not worth 2% crit i can also get. so make it better then all the other options simillar to what beastlord has when stacking sets, to elaborate if i wanted to take a 4 piece bonus from dominator and a 5 piece from beastlord for crit i could not do this. thus making the 6 or 7 piece set bonus quite hefty or something like that
You should argue for a revision of how set procs interact with abilities and tactics, rather than for the doubling of stats or w/e. RoR is attempting to distance itself from powercreep, I don't see how, for example, 220 WS on a single proc could be conductive to that attempt...

Also, try to format and otherwise structure your posts, please, it's quite difficault to follow your argumentation like this.

Posts: 178

Re: [Set Preview] Bloodlord

Post#22 » Tue May 07, 2019 4:01 pm

Also have you considered when trying to push people using sets, that you might get a set that has such a good set bonus for certain class that they will just ignore everything before and after that set until same bonus comes up in some new set?

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Re: [Set Preview] Bloodlord

Post#23 » Tue May 07, 2019 4:33 pm

Is the Set for dok
dps or heal ?

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Re: [Set Preview] Bloodlord

Post#24 » Wed May 08, 2019 6:23 am

Silverflash wrote: Tue May 07, 2019 4:33 pm Is the Set for dok
dps or heal ?
It is supposed to be DPS, as invader was changed to a heal set.

Regarding DoK and WP set I think that having block on one of the pieces and as one of the last set bonuses, 6 piece or 7 piece, is a good way to make the set work for both Wrath/Torture and Grace/Sacrifice.

If block is on the Bloodlord shoulders for example then a Wrath spec WP can combine it with Sentinel shoulders and ring to skip the block bonus and get extra strength instead.

This solution is on both sentinel and beastlord and has worked pretty well IMO.
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Re: [Set Preview] Bloodlord

Post#25 » Wed May 08, 2019 1:47 pm

With regards to the, “if you have any ideas” part:

Maybe the 7piece bonus or whatever is unique. It’s something the class doesn’t have access to that maybe it’s mirror has access to or something of the sort.
For example: correct me if I’m wrong but BG doesn’t have access to any crit dmg increase steroids? BO does “stab you gooder” I believe is the tactic. Or possibly even an armor increase steroid like how IB has. Now it doesn’t have to be in the same level but adding something the class doesn’t have access to obtain any other way might be juicy enough for these people to stop mixing sets and slap on a full set of brand new bloody hard grinded shinies.

Just an idea I’m not really trying to balance anything just trying to be unique with my suggestions. Yeah if you give BG a free stab you gooder it’ll be OP but say the value is like 5% or maybe even lower idk. Sorcs have a atk that heals for all the damage it does, maybe that can be a 7 piece proc for BW but idk if they have a heal. “Your next atk has 100% life steak.” Add sustain/utility to a class that really doesn’t need more damage in its gear progression (in my opinion)

Just idea banter don’t hate my, “been up for way too long and I have work in a few hours” suggestions please :(
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Re: [Set Preview] Bloodlord

Post#26 » Wed May 08, 2019 2:09 pm

wargrimnir wrote: Tue May 07, 2019 12:26 pm I see we need to review procs holistically across many sets. Crit in particular and probably Boost V specifically.
I think it comes down to, the classes who only can focus on damage and dont have the viablity to go defensive (BW as example here) they cant go for stackingg secondary offensive stat like an psy-dps could go for Weapon skills.

So your progressional stat wishlist looks like this:
-procs (unless in onslaughts case it kinda trumps it all)

With how easy it is to fully focus on just softcapping one mainstat, and not having the defensive-build option available(apart from memeing) stats like ini and toughness also become irrelevant so you start looking at each individual piece to get the most optimized stats for int, wounds, crit, strikethrough, magicpower. (example I am running 3 piece genesis, and would break the 3piece 3strikethrough-bonus to replace the geneis part that gives me the worst mainstats and dodge/distrupt to slot in the invader jewel simply because it gives better mainstats and 2flat strikethrough)

Everything else is just a wasted stat when you equip it, so running a full 7piece set where aleat one bonus is not "worth it" mixed in with several of the pieces have mainstats you dont really "need" you just never find the sets appealing over mixing.
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Re: Blood Lord

Post#27 » Wed May 08, 2019 4:23 pm

Unstoppable1776 wrote: Tue May 07, 2019 2:16 am I believe this set will be a dps set for dok/wp so my suggestion is for those 2 classes.

Currently the BIS is a mix so I would like to see the 7 piece bonus at least be tempting

Example the 2h weapon proc seen on some classes. On hit 10 percent chance to increase crit by 9 percent and critical DMG by 12 percent for 9 seconds.

1 piece str
2 piece wounds
3 piece str(yes double)
4 piece WS
5 piece 5 percent crit
6 piece reduce target int/ while increasing own
7 piece the proc I mentioned above
All right... copy that set into invader for WL/Mara.. Why only WP/DoK??

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Re: Blood Lord

Post#28 » Wed May 08, 2019 4:27 pm

Drysill wrote: Wed May 08, 2019 4:23 pm
Unstoppable1776 wrote: Tue May 07, 2019 2:16 am I believe this set will be a dps set for dok/wp so my suggestion is for those 2 classes.

Currently the BIS is a mix so I would like to see the 7 piece bonus at least be tempting

Example the 2h weapon proc seen on some classes. On hit 10 percent chance to increase crit by 9 percent and critical DMG by 12 percent for 9 seconds.

1 piece str
2 piece wounds
3 piece str(yes double)
4 piece WS
5 piece 5 percent crit
6 piece reduce target int/ while increasing own
7 piece the proc I mentioned above
All right... copy that set into invader for WL/Mara.. Why only WP/DoK??
Repost from where that post actually comes from:

I honestly believed this was for choppa. Only upon reading it again i saw it was for dok/wp. Lolz.
Also, upon further reading, i noticed you put in 7 bonuses. Yeah, man, 7 pieces are 6 bonuses.

But anyway, the double STR thing is bonkers on his own.
And this set looks just like OS. So, as i already tried to suggest(And it seemed to be liked) why not just make the Bloodlord set a slightly improved version of Onslaught stat wise, but that will be worth taking thanks to pieces bonuses?(Notice that Onslaught has no additional crit on the pieces themselves.)
It's already locked behind PvE progression, if you don't make it appealing there will be no point in running these.

Bonuses would look like these:

2 piece Main stat
3 piece Def stat
4 piece Second Stat/Ini/Second Def Stat
5 piece 5% crit
6 piece Boost V On Hit 10%. All abilities.
7 piece This piece is tricky. You can either just get a raw upgrade in terms of damage(+4% like on vanq) or you can get another proc(Not a debuff that's exploitable from multiple players tho like the ini debuff) that can provide something that can give only you a considerable edge.

Now, the reasons why i think Boost needs to stay on piece 6 max it's because OS will give it on 4 pieces. You can't ofc have it on the 4th piece for this set too. But at the same time, you can't have it on the 7th since it will completely negate the possibility of mixing any other set into this set, making OS still a better choice regardless of how cool the other buffs can be(And again, double main stat is really idiotic as an option).
Also, mixing only 2 sets already forces you to invest major resources into increasing main stat for softcap purposes, so that already is a big hold of how much you could spike in power.

(Btw, OP, Genesis for Crit is a lie)

This was thought for dpses classes, Choppa/Slayer/Sorc/BW were the class i had in mind for this.

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Re: [Set Preview] Bloodlord

Post#29 » Wed May 08, 2019 4:42 pm

Please do some nicer 6 and 7 pieces procs than before. Most are not worth taking against mixed sets for maxed stats, as previously said.

And please do this set with Cloak + Belt + Jewelry set, because number of options for these items are very limited and/or outdated.
Still only 3 sets with a cloak (Subjugator not in a set), and most of the time cloak options are very limited for most of classes (either BL for DPS or genesis for other classes, maybe subjugator but without set bonus).
And saving Sentinel set, no other PvE set gets a belt gear, so it's not possible to be fully geared with PvE only set pieces.
Finally, jewelry needs to be more present, adding one more will be good.
Or simply do Bloodlord without jewerly, but all 7 pieces including cloak and belt, I'm fine with that... ;)

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Re: [Set Preview] Bloodlord

Post#30 » Wed May 08, 2019 4:45 pm

Sulorie wrote: Tue May 07, 2019 8:24 am Considering sham/am set stats, please don't add less crit chance than on Oppressor set or it won't even be worth looking at.
Full Invader set for dps classes has 2% crit.. will be unfair Bloodlord to have more for off-specs dps

can have as 7th piece bonus +10% crit on Vaul/da Green tree skills as well

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