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RvR punishment

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Posts: 2

RvR punishment

Post#1 » Mon Apr 13, 2020 12:57 pm

is it possible to give a serious punishment like -30% for all parameters for the whole race for 5 hours for losing the capital? :roll: Players for Destro are in the game (if we can believe the statistics on the forum), but they do not come to RvR. Apparently they are farming items in PvE or scenario.
It’s fair if, after losing the capital in RvR, they will also be punished.

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Re: RvR punishment

Post#2 » Mon Apr 13, 2020 1:02 pm

Cities aren't 100% finished, so it's likely we will see some form of implementation on any rewards / punishments for the winning / losing cities.

As to what they are right now, we don't know.

I think the -30% is pretty extreme in my opinion, and would need to be refined as to what parameters you have in mind?

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Re: RvR punishment

Post#3 » Mon Apr 13, 2020 1:12 pm

Kaelang wrote: Mon Apr 13, 2020 1:02 pm Cities aren't 100% finished, so it's likely we will see some form of implementation on any rewards / punishments for the winning / losing cities.

As to what they are right now, we don't know.

I think the -30% is pretty extreme in my opinion, and would need to be refined as to what parameters you have in mind?
the OP want them punished because they aren't joining cities/RvR and instead they are doing SC/PvE, it's not a question of winning/losing. their fault is not doing what the OP want (which is joining city).

this is the most absurd thread i ever seen, i suppose the author is like 5 y.o. (or a troll, or both)

this **** should be locked at light speed

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Re: RvR punishment

Post#4 » Mon Apr 13, 2020 1:18 pm

On live the punishment for loosing a city was disabling city dungeons until you got enough stars.

But giving realm penalty for 5 hours (or any amount of time) would only result in winning faction farming loosers to a point of them logging off.

However restricting access to dungeons for 2-3 hours for winning faction only might give an incentive to go out and fight for your right to dungeon crawl. Just a thought :)
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Re: RvR punishment

Post#5 » Mon Apr 13, 2020 1:41 pm

too harsh. such debuff would kill rvr and scens for next 5 hours. pve, probably, too. server would go into coma - is this the type of reward for winning one desires? i think not.

better if they focus on making sieges more balanced matching groups basing on their gear level and perceived level of organization.

i know wargrimir said on that 'wars are never balanced and you must grow up and team up' but even in organized party when everyone tried to do best and listened to leaders in discord we were steam-rolled by opponents because of their superior gear. someone said he was crit by 18k. idk how that was possible but tend to believe - that time we scored just a few kills. such sieges are no good at all.
KingSchultz WH, Valknutt WP, Glendhu ENG, Lochdhu IB, Tamdhu SL

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Posts: 31

Re: RvR punishment

Post#6 » Mon Apr 13, 2020 1:43 pm

Have you ever thought that some players may not enjoy that mindless zerg fights and may prefer something more fun and fair?
Soon we gonna end with every guild running at least 2 warbands plus this same thing happens to order when they throw zones.
Lets even push more negatives about cities like they arent ruining the game enough

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Re: RvR punishment

Post#7 » Mon Apr 13, 2020 1:47 pm

WoW... Amazing idea. Punish everyone (even sc players and pve players) for losing city.
I feel this topic is on same level like ones about making 24h or perma xrealm lock.
I see NSKaneda said main reason why its complatly bad idea (i could use worse words but im trying to be nice).

Dat kind of stuff would make a wonderful circle of one side dominance: Debuff = You die from much worse players than normal = People log out = Less presence in rvr = Dominant side is more dominant = Fast City = Next debuff?
Repeat and Repeat

Also in your idea this debuff should affect all players everywhere? If yes then RiP SCs, RiP PvE.
Before making ideas about balance think at least 5min before you post them.

Only way a loser fraction could be properly punished for lose city should be centred not around players but fraction mechanic: maybe rams on 3* keep instead 2*, maybe ram cd 20min, maybe door up in 20min instead 10, maybe slower keep ranking, less siege cannons, reduced renown gains from rvr by X%, etc etc.

Ty for reading :P
And also: Nastymidget - EG / Nastygobbo - SH

Posts: 244

Re: RvR punishment

Post#8 » Mon Apr 13, 2020 1:57 pm

Kellanved wrote: Mon Apr 13, 2020 1:47 pm
Dat kind of stuff would make a wonderful circle of one side dominance: Debuff = You die from much worse players than normal = People log out = Less presence in rvr = Dominant side is more dominant = Fast City = Next debuff?
Repeat and Repeat
I feel like it would just make an imbalance. Destro loses? Everyone logs onto order and suddenly it goes from 50/50 to 90/10.

I liked the idea someone mentioned of dungeon lockout. Would then incentive people to do oRvR to get stars again so they open back up.

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Re: RvR punishment

Post#9 » Mon Apr 13, 2020 2:10 pm

While I understand your frustration at losing a PvP City Invasion, I would say that such a punishment is not fitting in with MMO or Community spirit.

What your asking for is an entire server of players no matter what level they are to be punished, why bother logging into a game where your nerfed beyond any competitiveness due to the lack of leadership, coordination and cohesiveness of higher tier players? this seems like a petulant punishment as opposed to being in the spirit of Warhammer and gaming as a whole.

As one or two have already commented on, players will just abandon the losing faction and ultimately the game if this was ever introduced, such a punitive action would see the game population collapse and potentially the end of the game, something I could never endorse.

Surely, the reduced reward level is enough for those that compete is punishment enough? You have to acknowledge that not every player wants to PvP, so being dragged or forced kicking and screaming into such events would be counter productive also.

Losing City Rank punishes everyone as it is, so that should encourage more players to defend, but maybe that is where you should be looking, instead consider not a punishment but an incentive to defend a City. (although this opens up the argument of people deliberately throwing a zone for such rewards, already accusations of this in the game)

So no, I do not think a Faction wide punishment is merited or certainly wanted, I believe that other avenues of reward could be opened, what they are I am not sure, as I would not want to see zones being lost to exploit this either.

Posts: 2

Re: RvR punishment

Post#10 » Mon Apr 13, 2020 4:43 pm

Kellanved wrote: Mon Apr 13, 2020 1:47 pm Dat kind of stuff would make a wonderful circle of one side dominance: Debuff = You die from much worse players than normal = People log out = Less presence in rvr = Dominant side is more dominant = Fast City = Next debuff?
Repeat and Repeat

Also in your idea this debuff should affect all players everywhere? If yes then RiP SCs, RiP PvE.
Before making ideas about balance think at least 5min before you post them.
Yes, this is the main goal, to punish those who did not come to RvR!
it is possible so that the debuff acts everywhere except RvR, so that it creates motivation.

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