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City as Endgame

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Posts: 336

Re: City as Endgame

Post#21 » Thu May 07, 2020 12:50 am

Stophy22 wrote: Wed May 06, 2020 4:00 pm A little off topic but a lot of the good guilds who play this game all play on the same side. Some of them xrealm but to my knowledge most of everyone is playing on the same side (that I know of) not saying people should abandon their projects and go to the other side to find competition but just an observational note.

I like the leaderboard idea but don’t know how much people will actually care on a server that still calls itself an alpha but is not treated as such

Also like the que idea
All the good guilds play both sides but are usually in the process of gearing up one side at a time. For instance my guild we might be playing whatever side we really feel like until city happens everyone just hops on destro regardless. That's also why you see ppl saying on destro "oh man order was outnumbering us 3:1 when the fort fell now we cant get pops on destro??" its because of the way the royal grind plays out you are stuck doing city on 1 side for months.

This also has an effect on 6v6 as you either need to ask for a gear cap with the other guild which is a pain in the ass, or only play on the side you are gearing out on city and thus have way better gear. And yes imagine my shock when its not fun playing against people 6v6 when you are in vanq and they are all almost full sov.

As for what I know about city premades, we usually dont want to run into fenryl's warband or bombling (since we just run 12 mans now), pretty much every other order group is a pug or might as well be one. On destro you have really solid multiple alliance warbands/12 mans and even some of the /5 groups arent too shabby.

So ya destro is ez mode right now, but its also frustrating both playing against nothing and having to constantly worry about even getting a city pop bc destro is overpopulated in terms of ppl doing city on destro. And its not like "oh lets just play order" when we have multiple ppl in the guild you know half way through sov grind to just ask them to put away months of work to start over on a new character before finishing.

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Re: City as Endgame

Post#22 » Thu May 07, 2020 3:07 pm

Starx wrote: Thu May 07, 2020 12:50 am
Stophy22 wrote: Wed May 06, 2020 4:00 pm A little off topic but a lot of the good guilds who play this game all play on the same side. Some of them xrealm but to my knowledge most of everyone is playing on the same side (that I know of) not saying people should abandon their projects and go to the other side to find competition but just an observational note.

I like the leaderboard idea but don’t know how much people will actually care on a server that still calls itself an alpha but is not treated as such

Also like the que idea
All the good guilds play both sides but are usually in the process of gearing up one side at at a time.
This was kind of my point. Everyone is gearing Destro right now who plays both sides, which gives less competition, at least for now.

And it’s for good reason lol I’m not calling you out or anything it was just an observational note.
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Re: City as Endgame

Post#23 » Thu May 07, 2020 3:23 pm

Scrilian wrote: Tue May 05, 2020 10:32 am Sadly original endgame stage 3 pve didn't make it. As a blob-zerger I actually enjoyed those much more than current interation.
Having the end of a massive RVR campaign be a scenario followed by PVE was insulting. The replacement (and current version) of ending the RVR campaign with a longer scenario is only slightly less insulting.

I've got a better idea: have the pug/moron queue but cap the rewards to Invaders. If you actually want to compete for the top gear then you join the big boy queue. Finally, remove bag rewards for the losers of a stage so you have to actually fight to win. Those who want to use cities to gear up Invader and/or just get used to the mechanics of the city can do so, those who are joining to get the best gear had better be geared and prepared for a fight.
Zomega: RR8x Zealot

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Re: City as Endgame

Post#24 » Fri May 08, 2020 1:37 am

So if you get BiS you don't have any motivation to keep playing the game? HAHAHA

Having Sov is the reason to keep playing the game mate, your paradigm is the wrong one i tell you that! Having the best gear in game is the ENDGAME, being so powerful that you can carry a whole group/warband/scenario/city, or just roam around on your AWESOME GEAR.

Having Sov is nowhere near a reason to stop playing this game.

Once you get BiS gear you should play the game for fun by killing the enemy and help your teammates get stronger. Eventualy there will always be something new to get, either could be apperences, new set for a crazy spec or whatever, cya
Kabuchop / Kabusquig / Kabuterimon / Tentomon

Posts: 55

Re: City as Endgame

Post#25 » Fri May 08, 2020 1:30 pm

For me Cities are the best and worst thing about this game, If you manage to get your guild all together, organised even in a loss its way more fun than the pug lottery.

Or you pug it and get farmed for the whole process in which you can't leave and you have to throw yourself at the enemy, getting farmed by them more just to try and get contribution, even though it makes you hate the game as you need the currency.

Somehow Cities needs a time slot 1 for EU evening and 1 for NA, then if the cities open up that is when the cities happen, zones can unlock and start fighting again but the city is delayed for those time slots which could alternate days.

That way guilds could actually organise stuff and make sure people get on and can have these epic 24v24 fights that can happen but rarely do, no wonder the game loses population when the endgame means that anyone that has a job can rarely show up for or if they do all you do is get farmed.

Imagine WoW raiding if you had 10 mins to organise it at some random time within 10 mins and that was then it till the next lockout.

Posts: 30

Re: City as Endgame

Post#26 » Fri May 08, 2020 1:40 pm

Omegus wrote: Thu May 07, 2020 3:23 pm I've got a better idea: have the pug/moron queue but cap the rewards to Invaders. If you actually want to compete for the top gear then you join the big boy queue. Finally, remove bag rewards for the losers of a stage so you have to actually fight to win. Those who want to use cities to gear up Invader and/or just get used to the mechanics of the city can do so, those who are joining to get the best gear had better be geared and prepared for a fight.
Haha, this idea would just kill the endgame.

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Re: City as Endgame

Post#27 » Fri May 08, 2020 6:14 pm

I play this game to destroy order, both on the battlefield and in scenarios. Getting better gear is just a means to ensure victory.

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Re: City as Endgame

Post#28 » Fri May 08, 2020 7:21 pm

Cities are endgame for gear acquisition. They aren't necessarily endgame in terms of difficulty.

If you are a player or group that requires numbers to win, cities are a clear progression in difficulty because you will have to face even numbers.

If you are a player or group that isn't reliant on numbers cities don't actually get harder in terms of difficulty and if you are on the outnumbered side they will actually be easier than the rest of the RvR campaign to that point.

That is why it doesn't really make a whole lot of sense to gate the best rewards behind the city, because there is no clear correlation between difficulty and rewards.

I'm not complaining about it the game is fine. But in my mind in a PvP game the other players are the content. So beating a strong player regardless of where its done should always yield the best rewards.


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