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Pet chase distance limitation for lions

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Pet chase distance limitation for lions

Post#1 » Fri Jul 03, 2020 5:47 am

IMHO, WL's pet was supposed to be your companion that should help you in battle - you fight side by side and kill enemies together.
Reality is that idea got abused alot - it's pretty often you can see group of WLs order their lions to attack single target, and you see how 15 lions walk through walls kill some shamans and destroy oil, while WLs stand aside doing nothing.

WL is a melee DPS meening it has pros like mobility, damage and hp specific to mDPS. But with that lions running all over the keep WL do not get impacted by melee specific cons.

limitation for chase distance. Atm, WL can stay 100-150ft away from lion, while it does dirty job. I suggest to lower that distance down to 40-60ft.
Make lions - battle companions again, but not walking through wall tanks.

WLs should fight side by side with it's lions and not stay aside while pack of lions eat oil.

Please comment if you agree - so mods/devs can notice this topic and fix the issue with lions
PS: i do agree this limitations could be applied to SHs as soon as WLs and SHs share similiar pet mechanic
Last edited by hunter4souls on Fri Jul 03, 2020 4:57 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Pet chase distance limitation for lions

Post#2 » Fri Jul 03, 2020 6:01 am

"WL is a melee DPS "
No. WL is a range DPS class, he throws himself at the enemy.

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Re: Pet chase distance limitation for lions

Post#3 » Fri Jul 03, 2020 6:36 am

I think the bigger problem is not the range but pathing and movement.
Pet teleporting to target in example phasing out of nowhere on enemy.
Pet suddently appearing on oil , when there are no paths available.

Posts: 14

Re: Pet chase distance limitation for lions

Post#4 » Fri Jul 03, 2020 7:19 am

"you see how 15 lions walk through walls kill some shamans and destroy oil"
Okay, you can see them on oil, but saying 15 lions on 1 shaman? Never happened and I had my share of keep sieges. Most of the time if they chase someone inside it is due to poor pet management and either they de spawn or pull lord 24/7, no abuse to kill players inside keep whatsoever.
PS. "WL pets now deal less damage if too far away from the owner or if the height difference is too large. It scales as follows. (viewtopic.php?f=42&t=24371#p273614)

Full damage if within 40 feet.
30% reduction if between 40 and 65 feet.
50% reduction if between 65 and 100 feet.
75% reduction if over 100 feet away or if the height difference is greater or equal to that of a keep wall"

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Re: Pet chase distance limitation for lions

Post#5 » Fri Jul 03, 2020 10:18 am

Someone who has never taken damage by a squig pet behind a wall , or died to the exact scenarios you are describing.

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Re: Pet chase distance limitation for lions

Post#6 » Fri Jul 03, 2020 10:35 am

You realize that the same limitations you want to put on WL pets will be put on Squigs right? I mean you do realize that destro just can't waltz through game with order not being able to kill them right?
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Re: Pet chase distance limitation for lions

Post#7 » Fri Jul 03, 2020 10:39 am

All non/static pets do that, the lion is not the only culprit here. Limiting the range on all of the moving pets would work fine, but I'm not really sure how you'd fix the pathing issues.

Pathing of pets is one of the things not handled well by the engine itself. I for one would really like to not get pulled into or through walls, doors and random objects. Especially if that pull also manages to get me stuck or make resing me impossible. All of the pulls, aside from one, are defendable or disruptable, so I have no clue why that one isn't...
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Re: Pet chase distance limitation for lions

Post#8 » Fri Jul 03, 2020 11:22 am

nuadarstark wrote: Fri Jul 03, 2020 10:39 am All of the pulls, aside from one, are defendable or disruptable, so I have no clue why that one isn't...
There are topics about choppa pull, no need to mention it in this one.
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Re: Pet chase distance limitation for lions

Post#9 » Fri Jul 03, 2020 12:29 pm

I was just saying that the pathfinding is not something that can be easilyresolved, just as the pulling is something that can't be easily resolved. I specifically haven't mentioned the ability by it's name...
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Re: Pet chase distance limitation for lions

Post#10 » Fri Jul 03, 2020 1:09 pm

Ashenford wrote: Fri Jul 03, 2020 7:19 am "you see how 15 lions walk through walls kill some shamans and destroy oil"
Okay, you can see them on oil, but saying 15 lions on 1 shaman? Never happened and I had my share of keep sieges. Most of the time if they chase someone inside it is due to poor pet management and either they de spawn or pull lord 24/7, no abuse to kill players inside keep whatsoever.
PS. "WL pets now deal less damage if too far away from the owner or if the height difference is too large. It scales as follows. (viewtopic.php?f=42&t=24371#p273614)

Full damage if within 40 feet.
30% reduction if between 40 and 65 feet.
50% reduction if between 65 and 100 feet.
75% reduction if over 100 feet away or if the height difference is greater or equal to that of a keep wall"
This change was reverted a long time ago :) There is a patch (dont care to find it) that said, reverted all changes to white lion class back to a base state. Pounce used to not have a speed boost, etc. etc. Point is, lion does same damage wherever.
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