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Door Tagging - Can we talk?

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Re: Door Tagging - Can we talk?

Post#11 » Sat Jul 11, 2020 3:39 pm

10 minutes is not that long.

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Re: Door Tagging - Can we talk?

Post#12 » Sat Jul 11, 2020 5:04 pm

I think, suicides on RAM is waay worse than that, hordes of mobs suiciding themselves jumpin on ram, hit and die, respawning on keep and repeat.

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Re: Door Tagging - Can we talk?

Post#13 » Sat Jul 11, 2020 7:36 pm

I do not see the problem with door shooting.
As I see it it’s a legit way to grief the enemy and usually only takes coms to stop it. Loners shout cannon approaching ... , ppl react. Not rocket science

This mechanisime is good for organizing pushes and holding back the opposition.
There should be more of this type of mini games and actions to keep players options open , not everything is just zerg

Posts: 19

Re: Door Tagging - Can we talk?

Post#14 » Sun Jul 12, 2020 1:00 am

If the realm that attacking have map presence and guarding key roads on map none can pass with cannon.If a door is tagged then the attakers are not doing great job on having control of the map.You can counter easy the door tagging by having actual players defending or patroling roads instead of afk and wait for the keep to rank up, by the minority of people that actual do rvr and play the objectives.The campaing is not a passive attacking keeps and locking zones and wait for rewards.People can gladly ask for pve the whole thing with no players and have the other faction wave of npc.Keep taging is a good tack to a not organized attack force that is passivly play on map for easy rewards.You dont want to get cannon tag ...just defend the roads to your keeps.

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Re: Door Tagging - Can we talk?

Post#15 » Mon Jul 13, 2020 9:00 am

M0rw47h wrote: Thu Jul 09, 2020 10:43 pm
velenne wrote: Thu Jul 09, 2020 8:12 pm

Here's the thing: one person with a cannon should not be able to stall the entire enemy realm for 10 minutes. That's not a good mechanic, regardless of what can be done to defend against it. The possibility should not exist.

Just gank that person.
Some of us were trying to gank 1 person doing the tagging and usually it's been a Black Orc or Blackguard and they can STILL drop, aim and shoot while you're attacking them. There's no way to stop them running on mount speed and find an opening for few seconds to get in, fire and run away.

Genelart on Destro (BO) is doing this right now in one zone.
Fxx did it for 2 hours in Chaos Waste yesterday.

Really it should be griefing and don't this Devs meant for this mechanic to be in play by one person if it's not an actual siege going on.

Solution: Keep door should be 97% before it can stop taking supplies/leveling of the keep and actually considered in combat.

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Re: Door Tagging - Can we talk?

Post#16 » Mon Jul 13, 2020 9:05 am

storm wrote: Sat Jul 11, 2020 3:39 pm 10 minutes is not that long.
They can just keep retagging it, so it's not 10 minutes. It's mostly hurts when population is low late at night and allows the orvr/siege to come to a stop and people just log and give up. Tonight we had few look out and the 1 tank can still find a way to get close and retag. It's a douche move exploiting the mechanic if you're doing this for hours.

If that's considered PvP, we're in a sad point of it right now.

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Re: Door Tagging - Can we talk?

Post#17 » Mon Jul 13, 2020 9:16 am

Can confirm. No way to stop it. You have to dedicate an entire killsquad to stop them.
The consequence of that is, that the members of the squad will not get any RR,EXP, INF or contribution from the supply turn ins.
And trying to do smallscale is "COMPLETELY" impossible with this tactic.

It's a fact that people do it out of spite. We had a Blackguard following the Guild around and shooting our keep repeatedly. Even though getting killed several times.
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Re: Door Tagging - Can we talk?

Post#18 » Mon Jul 13, 2020 11:37 am

There is one BG who basically spends half their life doing this, looks like he does it just to grief as he doesn't try level his own keep at the same time. In some zones you can sometime cut them off where there are some small choke points, but others you would need at least a few full wb guarding

Posts: 92

Re: Door Tagging - Can we talk?

Post#19 » Mon Jul 13, 2020 2:51 pm

The people are really speaking on this one! Keep it up!

Again, to be crystal clear, the mechanic itself is fine, it's the length of time that I take umbrage with. My proposal is to reduce the time to something like 30 seconds or 1 minute per shot so that someone has to stand there and continuously, you know, siege, a keep instead of taking a pot shot and running off.

Last night Order held off an epic siege at Reikwald against 100+ extra destro. After the wipe, the chat was full of "they'll just come back" and "You just delayed the inevitable" and "just bring on fort". Amazingly, destro lost the will to try again and numbers fell. So what did Order do?

Tagged their keep door... FOR 90 MINUTES STRAIGHT.

And it worked. Destro got bored (or it got late for the oversized EU destro pop), numbers eventually fell, Order took the zone and proceeded to march all the way to IC.

This strategy should not be a thing.

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Re: Door Tagging - Can we talk?

Post#20 » Tue Jul 14, 2020 10:24 am

Happening again tonight at the same hour, all 3 zones. It's way they're staying in T2-T3 until 6+ hours later in the morning. I'm surprised to not hear a response back on this abuse so far, but hopefully it's catching attention because majority of the 50 people just started logging from Barak Varr after trying to run BOs for an hour and someone keeps tagging. I gave them heads up on it and trying to protect.

If they want orvr to go down even more, it's going to be a graveyard at this hour because I'm not doing orvr any longer after 1am NA time because this BS makes doing keeps a waste of time w/ door tagging.

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