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Feedback on city matchmaking

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Posts: 249

Re: Feedback on city matchmaking

Post#91 » Tue Sep 15, 2020 11:02 pm

emiliorv wrote: Tue Sep 15, 2020 4:40 pm If your concept of fun is different to the points explained by wargimmir probably you need to explain what means fun for you, what you expect to have fun playing ror...maybe you could get a answer more "accurate"??
I mean his answer is pretty good. I don't see much of a need to clarify. I'm happy with what he answered, but since you asked (guessing you don't know what I meant):

Fun is highly subjective, hard to explain. Generally fun in an mmo/rpg is achieved through engaging your opponents in fair, challenging fights (where winning or losing doesn't determine the quality of the fight), build a toolset and then getting to use it in the way you want, customizing your character in the way you choose, immersing yourself either in the world or your class or the things you're doing.

Now of course there's the other side of the coin, the "esports" way of fun, which is overcoming adversity through effort, which is the one accepted here. Of course it has its own appeal, but there's a huge disconnect which makes this place niche, which is that in order for a clean slate for challenges the arenas and setups need to be equalized to the highest extent possible. Unless you strip every class off its basics and then smash them all together until they're as similar as possible, you won't get that in an MMO. Warhammer comes fairly close since you have "mirrors" and there's no huge range of gearing/customization options, you reach rr60ish fairly quickly and entering into sov territory is relatively easy, so character setup tends to fly out of the picture, but you still have classes. This is also usually what long-term/hardcore players of an MMO tend to want, since it stretches the game past the point where you've tried out everything and its time to quit.

The general "fun" aspect of an mmo/rpg is pretty finite, if there's no endless challenge at the top you're done once you've tried everything out enough.

It frustrates me that people don't actually UNDERSTAND "fun" and respond to me with other stuff, but I totally understand why this game leans the way it does. You're faced with two choices here - either plugging the leaky boat as much as possible and taking it as far as possible with its current state, or you opt to repair it on the go, somehow figuring out how to find materials, potentially getting much farther but also risking to sink immediately. Alright maybe the metaphor went pretty far, but in literal terms you either prolong gameplay for the hardcore crowd as much as humanly possible or risk boring the hardcore crowd and attracting newcomers far, far better, but if the newcomers stop the whole place goes down very, very quickly. They chose one, I might not agree with it (I still maintain my point that 700k people at launch and the current massive interest in TW:WH, as well as huge vacuum in the MMO market means this place can go way up, but its my opinion only), but its a pretty understandable choice.

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Posts: 352

Re: Feedback on city matchmaking

Post#92 » Sat Sep 19, 2020 3:27 pm

mrmarmota wrote: Thu Sep 10, 2020 3:53 pm
detrap wrote: Thu Sep 10, 2020 3:31 pm
mrmarmota wrote: Thu Sep 10, 2020 3:11 pm

You mean not queue city until you have a full guild premade wb ? Even then it would not be even, there are full SoV guild warbands that que just to toy with lowbies. These people should be playing against each other.
What you said also is part of a fundamental design issue. The only way to gain Royals in RvR is to get lucky with bag drops, even then it's very little and i need other things from the bags. City almost never pops at a reasonable time, and when it does i shouldn't even que for it unless i'm in a full 24 guild wb geared with sovereign for a chance at a fair fight ? What's the point of city then if it's just a bad game mode for fully geared people to **** around in, for who is city if not for them ? Fair fights are very rare. I wouldn't even care about it if RvR was rewarding.
It's easier than ever before to get royal crests now. Cities are also popping more often than few months ago. You don't have to be in a full guild warband in sov, but it helps, you can try /5 or maybe use comms too. You don't need to be in end game gear to increase your chances of winning, the more organised you are over your opponents the more cities you'll win. The way it's intended. I'm sure every guild that dominates in cities now all had to do the hard yards to get where they are. It's not like they started in sovereign from level 1 and instantly knew the mechanics of every single class in the game.
Yes, one star destro cities outside of peak times. No, according to the devs what's intended is a full 24 premade of people that know eachother and play together and from what i surmised already geared in city gear ? If not then why do these huge discrepancies exist ? The guilds that dominate in city had no real climb to go through, it's all luck, luck if you get bags, luck if you get an easy, even or stopm fight. I don't feel like i'm growing as a player rolling my dice everytime city pops.
It is not unreasonable what I ask, it's unreasonable defending it as it is. Would you play any other competitive game that was like this ? No, because it wouldn't be competitive. Getting matched with Globel Elites in CSGO, Challengers in LoL, Grandmasters in Chess as a lowbie etc. Just add MMR to city.
Bringing MMR in to cities may result in less pops for city and other major issues. You could say the same thing could be said for non pickup sc's but what's stopping people from making a premade? But then this can also be applied to city, just a difference of scale. Good luck!
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