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Sentinel Influence - Change / nerf / rework

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Posts: 4

Sentinel Influence - Change / nerf / rework

Post#1 » Thu Sep 17, 2020 6:08 am

Would love to hear what the playerbase think in regards to the Sentinal Influence grind.

A couple of pointers in from my pov:

Gunbad takes 1 run if you are lucky and 3 if you are unlucky to finish. Bastion stairs takes 6.5 run and you are finished. Why is it that C&T has to take 13.5 runs to finish. It its definitely not the majority of the server who pve's, so its allready rough enough to get a group going. Then you add to the fact that every couple of runs you get **** by someone who is either a) a selfish *** who just wanted some quick influence and leaves after crypts or b) someone who got f***** and now has to f*** over another group to get is influence done for this lockout. And finding healers and tanks can also be a challenge in itself.

5 min timer to kill boss or no influence: Would love to know what the reasoning is for this. I dont see why if the group can still kill the boss given it be after 5 mins, why shouldnt the dead player / players get influence ?

Some bosses dont give influence: Again why is this ?

3.5 day lockout: Feels a tad bit on the high end when you have to truck through 13+ runs

A few suggestuons off the top of my head:

Shorter / no lockouts: It allows people who wanne grind it out to do so. It also opens up for friends / guildmates to help out and do runs even though they allready did one.

Lower influence requirement / increase influence given per kill / all bosses giving influence: This could be another "solution" if lets say reducing the lockout period isnt possible. This would only affect how many runs you would need, but would be a welcomed change.

Again would love to hear peoples opinion in regards to this. And if people have any, their opinion about Dungeons / Pve / unfluence grind in dungeons.



- Stalwart Soulstone no longer decays.

- Both Stalwart Soulstone and talismans bought with it can now be stacked, maximum stack size - 40.

- Lowered influence required for 2nd and 3rd influence reward in city dungeons.

- The quests for the Sentinel ring talismans no longer have a 7 day lockout timer, they will just use the dungeon lockout timer.
Last edited by Dintilion on Thu Sep 24, 2020 3:06 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Sentinel Influence - Change / nerf / rework

Post#2 » Thu Sep 17, 2020 6:45 am

To get ToK unlock you dont need 13 runs, as jewelry is not part of it.
If you go for jewelry - these 13 runs (if done once a week) will get you 13 talismans for later use in jewelry that you aim for, and you will need to do it anyway as talismans will expire eventually.
There is also nothing wrong to have rewards for commitment in certain aspect of game - you can see players doing just fine without it.
Overall - yeah it is somewhat grindy if you aim for BiS, but BiS is not essential as much as people portray it to be, so that is not a big deal if you dont want to spend time on it.

Posts: 9

Re: Sentinel Influence - Change / nerf / rework

Post#3 » Thu Sep 17, 2020 9:30 am

As someone that is currently trying to farm the ring on a dps class I would say that the struggle is not that much the grind (if you want BiS gear, you have to work for it, that is ok) but to be able to do the grind. Sometimes it has taken me more time to get the tanks and heals needed than to run the dungeon itself (I do have a guild and an alliance) and some days I have given up after 2h of searching.

I am a bit concerned about the part in which I will have to start farming the talismans as it puts no end to the problem I am facing. As I said, I get that such an effort is needed if you want the OP talisman but why not make the ring take normal talismans as a compromise? Otherwise, why not make a quest that a person can farm on his/her own or in a smaller group?

Thanks for your work bringing the game back!

Posts: 898

Re: Sentinel Influence - Change / nerf / rework

Post#4 » Thu Sep 17, 2020 10:26 am

Personaly I would prefer accessory being easier to obtain, mainly because you still will need to keep doing those runs anyway for talisman every week, would also make rerollin and alting much more fun ;) . Atm it takes less work to get Sov than Sentinel band.

Posts: 96

Re: Sentinel Influence - Change / nerf / rework

Post#5 » Thu Sep 17, 2020 10:51 am

Rockalypse wrote: Thu Sep 17, 2020 6:45 am To get ToK unlock you dont need 13 runs, as jewelry is not part of it.
If you go for jewelry - these 13 runs (if done once a week) will get you 13 talismans for later use in jewelry that you aim for, and you will need to do it anyway as talismans will expire eventually.
There is also nothing wrong to have rewards for commitment in certain aspect of game - you can see players doing just fine without it.
Overall - yeah it is somewhat grindy if you aim for BiS, but BiS is not essential as much as people portray it to be, so that is not a big deal if you dont want to spend time on it.
How is that possible? Will the talisman only start decaying after it got put into the ring? If so it would be nice if that was actually stated somewhere in the game. The stalwart soulstone just started decaying right after I got it and has the same text as the talismans. Which made me think that it would be the same for them. I didn't take the quest for the next three runs, because of that -.-

And yes, I can't see myself doing 13 runs plus weekly runs afterwards with more than one toon. Probably not even that given the fact that so much can go wrong. In only two out of my four runs we were able to finish everything, either due to disconnects, which seem to happen a lot during crypts for whatever reason, or the instance bugging out yesterday after the hot fix restart..
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Re: Sentinel Influence - Change / nerf / rework

Post#6 » Thu Sep 17, 2020 10:58 am

Ithiel wrote: Thu Sep 17, 2020 9:30 am As someone that is currently trying to farm the ring on a dps class I would say that the struggle is not that much the grind (if you want BiS gear, you have to work for it, that is ok) but to be able to do the grind. Sometimes it has taken me more time to get the tanks and heals needed than to run the dungeon itself (I do have a guild and an alliance) and some days I have given up after 2h of searching.
There are faction wide PVE discords out there, I would suggest to join them and find people to do weekly scheduled runs with - will save you both nerves and time.

Brickson wrote: Thu Sep 17, 2020 10:51 am How is that possible? Will the talisman only start decaying after it got put into the ring? If so it would be nice if that was actually stated somewhere in the game. The stalwart soulstone just started decaying right after I got it and has the same text as the talismans. Which made me think that it would be the same for them. I didn't take the quest for the next three runs, because of that -.-
Stalwart soulston decays in inventory, talisman only when sloted in jewelry yeah.

Brickson wrote: Thu Sep 17, 2020 10:51 am And yes, I can't see myself doing 13 runs plus weekly runs afterwards with more than one toon. Probably not even that given the fact that so much can go wrong. In only two out of my four runs we were able to finish everything, either due to disconnects, which seem to happen a lot during crypts for whatever reason, or the instance bugging out yesterday after the hot fix restart..
As stated before if you dont want to grind pve - don't, if lucky you can get full Sentinel ToK in 1-2 runs, and move on to bloodlord set/weapons.
If you see any consistent pattern with disconnects in crypts - bugreport it so it can be looked at and fixed.

Posts: 9

Re: Sentinel Influence - Change / nerf / rework

Post#7 » Thu Sep 17, 2020 11:40 am

Rockalypse wrote: Thu Sep 17, 2020 10:58 am There are faction wide PVE discords out there, I would suggest to join them and find people to do weekly scheduled runs with - will save you both nerves and time.
Thanks for your suggestion I however have tried order side but never got a response

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Re: Sentinel Influence - Change / nerf / rework

Post#8 » Thu Sep 17, 2020 12:16 pm

Remove the tom unlock restriction to equip the BL and Sent gear . Gunbad is just bad and super buggy .

Posts: 676

Re: Sentinel Influence - Change / nerf / rework

Post#9 » Thu Sep 17, 2020 12:34 pm

True Funbad is a pretty **** way to start the pve nonsense here. Not hard (tanked it as a ruin IB) but super annoying to do.

Posts: 337

Re: Sentinel Influence - Change / nerf / rework

Post#10 » Thu Sep 17, 2020 12:41 pm

I enjoy the PvE, i find it relaxing and fun. Just happy about talis because it a reason for me to continue playing it. Also so good gold in pve, thx for content, hoping for LV and TV soon tm
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