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Thousands of Shaman everywhere

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Re: Thousands of Shaman everywhere

Post#21 » Thu Sep 24, 2020 8:23 pm

This issue arises from a situation in which healers are OP by default in 1v1, but are also given viable DPS specs with a ton of utility to boot. AM and Shaman have been problematic for ages, and I doubt it will ever change.
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Re: Thousands of Shaman everywhere

Post#22 » Thu Sep 24, 2020 8:36 pm

sogeou wrote: Thu Sep 24, 2020 8:08 pm
lyncher12 wrote: Thu Sep 24, 2020 7:44 pm
havartii wrote: Thu Sep 24, 2020 6:49 pm Order always complains about destro stacking classes until it gets nerfed. Truth is 1 shammy vs 1 WL both in sov WL wins unless they are bad and have boomer fingers. They just pull/silence and within a few seconds the shaman is splat. No way to detaunt or anything. The heals are so sub par to any other heal class and are very dependent on blorc or choppa to help very long cast times. Are two or three shamans in a party annoying?? Heck ya, but stop exaggerating saying you need 2 parties to kill them. Lets talk about how order is stacking Slayers and how they just mow down everything. Lest talk nerf Slayer. :geek:
what is to stop the shaman from detaunting the wl when it has 100 range
That guy is a troll. First off all shaman which are not bad are tri spec and dps a lot while still being able to heal. Auto detaunt and speed procs are OP. Plus you add in the 200 toughness buff from the OP hot. Shaman are easy mode to kill people with. Put two dots on one person who has no heal = dead.
Yes indeed, but if you aim at being the pug killer king, you'd better choose a bw/sorc : any dps with random guard and non reactive heals is dead. BW and sorc are easier to play as well.
ok you'll need some heals now and then but any pug wb will provide enough of it even with 1 or 2 heals for 24 ppl.
At least with shams, you can hide / pot / disrupt / find a friendly heal etc...
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Re: Thousands of Shaman everywhere

Post#23 » Thu Sep 24, 2020 8:47 pm

I do not really understand it.
DPS shamans are if at all only useful in smaller fights. No matter what city instance I put my shaman in, he is one of the worst DPS.
The puddle is great, the running tactics too. You also need it with about 2K armor. A heal over time with resistance buff? Great. Brings a lot when resistance goes up from 100 to 300. That tears it out and makes the difference.

You better get mad about your Slayer and Choppa. One of them hits regardless of losses through any defense, the other one distributes cool downs and moves whole warbands.
Surely the shaman isn't the current problem there, who, if tackled properly, will simply burst like any other DD. And ... since there are so many currently ... there can't be many good ones. Or do the old hands here want to tell me that they are being taken off Twinks that don't even have a sovereign - that should be at the start, before the shaman doesn't get much output ;-)
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Re: Thousands of Shaman everywhere

Post#24 » Thu Sep 24, 2020 9:04 pm

Grock wrote: Thu Sep 24, 2020 5:55 pm
Zxul wrote: Thu Sep 24, 2020 5:39 pm Can't be assed to make a long post, there are ways to counter sham, its a matter of people not actually using them. Example:

Did I mentioned that IB can use HTL on the run, and has a very nice aoe snare? And for that matter has an unremovable m1 root?
This is just ridiculous :lol:

How is that a counter? Like, what do you expect to happen?

A melee tank with no other mobility, no snare immunity is just going to get stuck in the first snare puddle and never reach the shaman in the first place, not to mention that the whole Avalanche requires you to be being hit, which is unlikely to happen because you are the last target as a tank :lol:
Run to sham while channeling HTL, which should put the IB at 65%+ disrupt, while also getting speed buffs/heals from Avalanche. When in range, aoe snare- melee snare/m1 root. If I manage to kill kiters this way on chosen without speed tactic slotted, then any IB which knows how to play his class should be able to do it with Avalanche.
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Posts: 524

Re: Thousands of Shaman everywhere

Post#25 » Thu Sep 24, 2020 9:05 pm

This community has the uncanny ability to literally complain about almost everything. It's fascinating.

Posts: 132

Re: Thousands of Shaman everywhere

Post#26 » Thu Sep 24, 2020 9:31 pm

MedV wrote: Thu Sep 24, 2020 4:57 pm Agreed. Recently 10s of solo, duo and even trio shammys everywhere you go. It is actually becoming such an annoying thing. They run faster than my mount and it always takes multiple parties to kill them.

It’s been so bad that I just made a Shammy and will be joining them soon :)
Stop the winning guys. I mean what is this:
"they run faster than my 60% speed mount" with 25% speed increase...ok
"ALWAYS takes multiple parties to kill them" - multiple parties of lvl 10s or what lol?

Full DPS shammys are actually super weak when up at melee range and have 1 aoe knockback with a long cooldown. You can snare them and kill them. Ask any decent WH whos having a party at the lakes at the moment.

You cant ask devs to make the game around your likings. Lets nerf everything to the ground so I can 1 hit kill them without gear?

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Re: Thousands of Shaman everywhere

Post#27 » Thu Sep 24, 2020 9:43 pm

Foofmonger wrote: Thu Sep 24, 2020 9:05 pm This community has the uncanny ability to literally complain about almost everything. It's fascinating.

That's how you know everything is running smoothly. Both sides complaining equally means that balance has been reached. It's when only one side complains is when you have worry about something being broken. :P
Thargrimm - Chosen 40/88
Thargrimmm - Ironbreaker 40/80

Posts: 423

Re: Thousands of Shaman everywhere

Post#28 » Thu Sep 24, 2020 9:47 pm

sogeou wrote: Thu Sep 24, 2020 8:08 pm
lyncher12 wrote: Thu Sep 24, 2020 7:44 pm
havartii wrote: Thu Sep 24, 2020 6:49 pm Order always complains about destro stacking classes until it gets nerfed. Truth is 1 shammy vs 1 WL both in sov WL wins unless they are bad and have boomer fingers. They just pull/silence and within a few seconds the shaman is splat. No way to detaunt or anything. The heals are so sub par to any other heal class and are very dependent on blorc or choppa to help very long cast times. Are two or three shamans in a party annoying?? Heck ya, but stop exaggerating saying you need 2 parties to kill them. Lets talk about how order is stacking Slayers and how they just mow down everything. Lest talk nerf Slayer. :geek:
what is to stop the shaman from detaunting the wl when it has 100 range
That guy is a troll. First off all shaman which are not bad are tri spec and dps a lot while still being able to heal. Auto detaunt and speed procs are OP. Plus you add in the 200 toughness buff from the OP hot. Shaman are easy mode to kill people with. Put two dots on one person who has no heal = dead.
This guy has never actually played a shaman, tri spec Trollollol what the heck are you even talking about?? Auto detaunt has a 25% chance to proc, you all seem to think it is 100% and you think the run speed is 100% proc with 60% speed boost Trollololol The toughness buff is 150 for 10 seconds, like that is going to be able to kite 2 parties Trollollollol I haven't laughed so hard in a long time, thank you.
Order: 70 AM / 76 RP/ 72 Knight/ 58 WH
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Re: Thousands of Shaman everywhere

Post#29 » Thu Sep 24, 2020 10:22 pm

sogeou wrote: Thu Sep 24, 2020 8:08 pm

That guy is a troll. First off all shaman which are not bad are tri spec and dps a lot while still being able to heal. Auto detaunt and speed procs are OP. Plus you add in the 200 toughness buff from the OP hot. Shaman are easy mode to kill people with. Put two dots on one person who has no heal = dead.
There is no tri-path dps spec which has enough sustain to survive any decent WL. What you mean is Mork-DaGreen spec with dps set but no dps (-20% heal) tactics. This is a spec to beat anyone not able to heal himself and win all encounters just by outlasting the opponent - a stupid opponent who keeps fighting instead of moving along.
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Posts: 249

Re: Thousands of Shaman everywhere

Post#30 » Fri Sep 25, 2020 12:30 am

Swing and a miss by anyone saying shaman are OP or that shaman are not OP. They're alright. They're just massively, hugely NOT fun to play against. The transformers tactic where they turn into a ferrari and just run faster than you is head-banging-on-desk boring. I can solo maybe 1/3 of shamans I meet, but when I do meet shamans I will instantly tab out for about a minute. There's just no point, I will bore myself to death.

Also most players of online games prefer soloing, as proven by matchmaking/pickup features far, far outstripping organized premade group play, so it's no surprise that the only class that can solo in a FUN way (you can run away from the zerg and avoid fights easier) is starting to get so big.

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