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Skill vs Gear, KotBS issues, other gameplay suggestions.

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Posts: 127

Skill vs Gear, KotBS issues, other gameplay suggestions.

Post#1 » Wed Jan 06, 2021 3:40 pm


First, I would like to thank the RoR team for their efforts in keeping this potentially huge game going. Kudos to you guys!

Seems RoR strayed very far from WAR so I'm going to try to point out some things that are game related in general and try not to refer to the original version. I will also limit my suggestions to the general feel of the game from a KOTBS perspective.

1) Many tooltips or their corresponding skills/spells need updating.
Heaven's Fury is not a 5s stagger, but a 3s stagger which actually feels more like 2 seconds IRL. Either make it last 5s (the original intent, right?) or change the tooltip, shouldn't take that long to change a text description, just like it wasn't that hard to nerf it to 3 seconds. Why did u change it to 3seconds though? You eliminated the potential outplays that could be done with it. I'm sure many more skills/tactics/spells/interactions are broken as well.

2) Healer's cast times vs interrupts.
After watching some videos I noticed how healers have a 1 second or less cast time on their heals. It is impossible to interrupt them under these conditions - so skill plays no role in trying to interrupt a healer, it's only a luck of the draw thing. Many times I've noticed shamans and DOKs tanking 8+ people, without moving and while dishing out damage/CC as well. Gear difference must've been huge, but where is the setback in the cast-time? I understand gear plays a huge role, but still, not being able to stop healers from healing seems a bit broken to me. Spamming one key without any risk of getting interrupted or dying seems a bit broken tbh. Disclaimer: I haven't played a healer so I'm not sure if there are tactics that make u immune to set-backs or reduce the chance of getting interrupted while casting. A zealot parried me twice at one point (lol).

3) Kotbs/ Chosen Auras
Atm there is a 4 second cooldown for all auras when cancelling one. I understand the 4 second cooldown when enabling one, but when cancelling? Please remove it as I'm sure it will allow chosen/kotbs for better "stance-dancing", I'm sure it's not gamebreaking and nobody would complain about that. But being able to swap auras - given we have at least 6 to choose from depending on the circumstances - would improve our gameplay and quality of life a bit. I specced Now's Our Chance aura and the tooltip says "this aura persists 12 seconds after you stop using it". No it DOES NOT. The moment I cancel the aura it stops from showing on the target. Tested in duel. Add this to 1) as well.

4) Challenging shout.
Tooltip says 15 seconds, tried multiple times it's more like 10 seconds duration (in duel). At one point the timer drops 3 seconds at a time. Add to 1).

5) On your Guard! aura.
Tested vs a SM and vs a WH. WH was mitigating more dmg than the SM. How is this possible? Also, what TYPE of damage does the aura do that WH can mitigate more than SM? WH was fresh lvl 40, SM was a bit better geared. Is the damage nerfed for weaker geared players? If it's this easy to mitigate the unknown damage, what's the point of the aura? Would a full sov choppa mitigate 80% of the dmg?

Servers went down so I can't test some other stuff, but so far the KOTBS class seems really bugged. Yes, we can hold the doors, yes we are "harder" to kill, although I'm sure it's harder to kill a DOK or shaman or SH. I'm almost 80 and if I'd knew this class was so scuffed with so many mind-boggling bugs I would've played a different class.

Reporting these on the bugtracker and waiting for a cool mount - a chicken if u can, there's nothing better than a rooster/chicken.

I would like to thank: Arhalum and Covenhexed for helping me test some things in the duel arena, cheers guys!
Klindor - 83 - retired
Iprotecc - 82 - holding doors
Isushi - pugging

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Re: Skill vs Gear, KotBS issues, other gameplay suggestions.

Post#2 » Wed Jan 06, 2021 3:52 pm

About healers: any healer tanking 8 ppl has a guard and another healer nearby. Setback exist on any casted skill (on contrary of live). the only healer with 1s cast is dok/wp. shaman and zealot have both 2.5s cast on aoe heal and 2s cast on big ST heal. They can get the casting time halved with Focused Mind, which is a M2, so i think is ok. You have to use your interrupt on AoE heal and rezzes, no point interrupting ST heal, unless you are very skilled.
P.S. Focused Mind alse makes you immune to setback, but again, is an M2 so they can't spam it (on contrary of AM walk between worlds).
To finish: a healer that is tanking 8 ppl isn't pressing just one button

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Re: Skill vs Gear, KotBS issues, other gameplay suggestions.

Post#3 » Wed Jan 06, 2021 3:57 pm

a lot of great points here OP, i really agree with number 3.

Oh and btw; zealots / shaman and their mirrors have abilities to reduce setback when casting. Nothing can stop interrupts by taunt etc though.

best of luck on your chicken but do yourself a favor and don't mention it again because they will use it against u. just pretend it doesn't exist and make sure to reread your bugreports to see them through because they might ask for your forum name there if u ever report enough or big enough things to deserve it. again - don't. mention. the. bird.

Posts: 200

Re: Skill vs Gear, KotBS issues, other gameplay suggestions.

Post#4 » Wed Jan 06, 2021 3:59 pm

Hope this post doesn't get ignored like a lot of really well thought out responses like this.

Good job.

Posts: 127

Re: Skill vs Gear, KotBS issues, other gameplay suggestions.

Post#5 » Wed Jan 06, 2021 4:10 pm

Ysaran wrote: Wed Jan 06, 2021 3:52 pm About healers: any healer tanking 8 ppl has a guard and another healer nearby. Setback exist on any casted skill (on contrary of live). the only healer with 1s cast is dok/wp. shaman and zealot have both 2.5s cast on aoe heal and 2s cast on big ST heal. They can get the casting time halved with Focused Mind, which is a M2, so i think is ok. You have to use your interrupt on AoE heal and rezzes, no point interrupting ST heal, unless you are very skilled.
P.S. Focused Mind alse makes you immune to setback, but again, is an M2 so they can't spam it (on contrary of AM walk between worlds).
To finish: a healer that is tanking 8 ppl isn't pressing just one button
Even with guard and another healer nearby, how is it possible to cast when 8 people are focusing you? Wouldn't u be at least 50% of the time set-back? Out of those 8 ppl, how many do u think tried to interrupt the healer? I would say all of them. Trying to time it on animation is weird, so I'd assume every1 was spamming attacks and interrupts on the healer. But the healer kept casting with no problem whatsoever. Even the Zealot, because that's the one that runs while casting, very rarely I could taunt/use casting interrupt and see it land successfully. All the time they are casting, whether they have one person on them, 8, or none. There's no delay in animation when u get set-back, right?

Go on twitch and check "aantivenom" , she plays healers POV. See how many windows of opportunity you have to interrupt her heals.
Klindor - 83 - retired
Iprotecc - 82 - holding doors
Isushi - pugging

Posts: 91

Re: Skill vs Gear, KotBS issues, other gameplay suggestions.

Post#6 » Wed Jan 06, 2021 4:24 pm

amagawd wrote: Wed Jan 06, 2021 3:40 pm Hello,

First, I would like to thank the RoR team for their efforts in keeping this potentially huge game going. Kudos to you guys!

Seems RoR strayed very far from WAR so I'm going to try to point out some things that are game related in general and try not to refer to the original version. I will also limit my suggestions to the general feel of the game from a KOTBS perspective.

1) Many tooltips or their corresponding skills/spells need updating.
Heaven's Fury is not a 5s stagger, but a 3s stagger which actually feels more like 2 seconds IRL. Either make it last 5s (the original intent, right?) or change the tooltip, shouldn't take that long to change a text description, just like it wasn't that hard to nerf it to 3 seconds. Why did u change it to 3seconds though? You eliminated the potential outplays that could be done with it. I'm sure many more skills/tactics/spells/interactions are broken as well.

2) Healer's cast times vs interrupts.
After watching some videos I noticed how healers have a 1 second or less cast time on their heals. It is impossible to interrupt them under these conditions - so skill plays no role in trying to interrupt a healer, it's only a luck of the draw thing. Many times I've noticed shamans and DOKs tanking 8+ people, without moving and while dishing out damage/CC as well. Gear difference must've been huge, but where is the setback in the cast-time? I understand gear plays a huge role, but still, not being able to stop healers from healing seems a bit broken to me. Spamming one key without any risk of getting interrupted or dying seems a bit broken tbh. Disclaimer: I haven't played a healer so I'm not sure if there are tactics that make u immune to set-backs or reduce the chance of getting interrupted while casting. A zealot parried me twice at one point (lol).

3) Kotbs/ Chosen Auras
Atm there is a 4 second cooldown for all auras when cancelling one. I understand the 4 second cooldown when enabling one, but when cancelling? Please remove it as I'm sure it will allow chosen/kotbs for better "stance-dancing", I'm sure it's not gamebreaking and nobody would complain about that. But being able to swap auras - given we have at least 6 to choose from depending on the circumstances - would improve our gameplay and quality of life a bit. I specced Now's Our Chance aura and the tooltip says "this aura persists 12 seconds after you stop using it". No it DOES NOT. The moment I cancel the aura it stops from showing on the target. Tested in duel. Add this to 1) as well.

4) Challenging shout.
Tooltip says 15 seconds, tried multiple times it's more like 10 seconds duration (in duel). At one point the timer drops 3 seconds at a time. Add to 1).

5) On your Guard! aura.
Tested vs a SM and vs a WH. WH was mitigating more dmg than the SM. How is this possible? Also, what TYPE of damage does the aura do that WH can mitigate more than SM? WH was fresh lvl 40, SM was a bit better geared. Is the damage nerfed for weaker geared players? If it's this easy to mitigate the unknown damage, what's the point of the aura? Would a full sov choppa mitigate 80% of the dmg?

Servers went down so I can't test some other stuff, but so far the KOTBS class seems really bugged. Yes, we can hold the doors, yes we are "harder" to kill, although I'm sure it's harder to kill a DOK or shaman or SH. I'm almost 80 and if I'd knew this class was so scuffed with so many mind-boggling bugs I would've played a different class.

Reporting these on the bugtracker and waiting for a cool mount - a chicken if u can, there's nothing better than a rooster/chicken.

I would like to thank: Arhalum and Covenhexed for helping me test some things in the duel arena, cheers guys!
Also bring back the KOBS / Chosen mechanics, so far they are the only tanks without mechanics.
Last edited by dontcomplainx on Wed Jan 06, 2021 4:42 pm, edited 1 time in total.

Posts: 542

Re: Skill vs Gear, KotBS issues, other gameplay suggestions.

Post#7 » Wed Jan 06, 2021 4:39 pm

what does any of this have to do with jumping on rams

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Re: Skill vs Gear, KotBS issues, other gameplay suggestions.

Post#8 » Wed Jan 06, 2021 4:43 pm

dontcomplainx wrote: Wed Jan 06, 2021 4:24 pm
Also bring back the KOBS / Chosen mechanics, so far they are the only tanks without mechanics.
They never really had mechanics. Unless you consider wearing out your aura keybind by overusing it a mechanic.
[email protected] for exploits and cheaters. Some old WAR blog

Posts: 127

Re: Skill vs Gear, KotBS issues, other gameplay suggestions.

Post#9 » Wed Jan 06, 2021 5:39 pm

wargrimnir wrote: Wed Jan 06, 2021 4:43 pm
dontcomplainx wrote: Wed Jan 06, 2021 4:24 pm
Also bring back the KOBS / Chosen mechanics, so far they are the only tanks without mechanics.
They never really had mechanics. Unless you consider wearing out your aura keybind by overusing it a mechanic.
Yeah, aura swap was their mechanic which can't be done here cuz of the 4s cd on cancelling an aura. Honestly, now that I discovered all this stuff, kotbs has no valid specc anymore. Seems we're pigeonholed into "To glory"/vigilance/Focused mending. That's the only build I can see at the moment that actually brings something to the table.
Klindor - 83 - retired
Iprotecc - 82 - holding doors
Isushi - pugging

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Re: Skill vs Gear, KotBS issues, other gameplay suggestions.

Post#10 » Wed Jan 06, 2021 5:51 pm

wargrimnir wrote: Wed Jan 06, 2021 4:43 pm
dontcomplainx wrote: Wed Jan 06, 2021 4:24 pm
Also bring back the KOBS / Chosen mechanics, so far they are the only tanks without mechanics.
They never really had mechanics. Unless you consider wearing out your aura keybind by overusing it a mechanic.
Yeah aura twisting was awful on live. I actually love what they've done for Chosen/KotBS making them instead have 3 toggles. I do agree though they would really benefit from removing the 4 second cooldown from them. So that way I could switch auras in combat without micromanaging it. It would feel like a more complete mechanic as well.

For instance, if I see a mds pop up, I could switch to On your Guard right away. Right now I never try to detoggle mid combat because by the time I'm able to, my target has either killed me, or killed my allies.

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