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[QnA feedback] 13th feb

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In this section you can give feedback and share your opinions on what should be changed for the Return of Reckoning Project. Before posting please make sure you read the Rules and Posting Guidelines to increase the efficiency of this forum.
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[QnA feedback] 13th feb

Post#1 » Sat Feb 13, 2021 10:04 pm


The host and platform
First of all thanks for taking the time to read, select and answere the community questions, while also broadcasting the results with good audio and video quality on several platforms.
With that said, I have to raise the question of the choice of the host.
I have nothing against the guy, but when he begins with "I cant read chat so please behave" the Live interaction kinda goes out of the window.
On top of that several of the questions seemed to be content he was not familiar with and struggled to read the questions in a way where he seemed like nothing more than a messager where the words meant nothing to him, in several cases.
If it was planned or not, there was no followup on the answeres making the pingpong between host and people questions seem robotic and none interactive. A little bit more of digging to big questions would have served the timeinvestment for all parties better.

This is just my own speculation but if this person was picked because of having a youtube audience, to attract newcomers to RoR then I understand and respect it! But I think it is hard to ignore how the Devs are actively chatting, joking and interactive while this is broadcasted on this Host's channel, but they are active in zarbix's channel while he has almost same ammount of viewers.
He has been the flagship for RoR community, know what is going on with the community, dev habbits and know the game inside out.
Guess this is the unofficial nomination to make Zarbix next QNA host

Hyped for the player-champions / player-council. but also worried to see if Bias will be strong and it will break down.
I had hoped for a bit more focus on oRvR zonelocks and the replay cycle. But we all have our focus on the game and its different aspects.

What did you guys think?
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Posts: 321

Re: [QnA feedback] 13th feb

Post#2 » Sat Feb 13, 2021 10:20 pm

Or somebody from the team is the host and not some twitch rockstar nobody needs. It´s them who are keeping this game alive, know, and can answer questions like nobody else can.
Live: Carroburg -> Santorro (WH), The first Guard (TfG)

Posts: 209

Re: [QnA feedback] 13th feb

Post#3 » Sat Feb 13, 2021 10:40 pm

In a nutshell...

Its more like a PR stunt than a real Q&A when you chose a puppet for a host.
Not a single follow up question, everything is superexciting, and superfun...
Sounded like someone not even playing the game, just reading the questions from a piece of paper.

I appreciate the effort , I just cant take this seriously

Posts: 423

Re: [QnA feedback] 13th feb

Post#4 » Sun Feb 14, 2021 1:44 am

I enjoyed this Q&A, is it scripted? Yea, but it is a step closer to the player base and the devs communicating. Best thing they did was make an impartial host. I think Zarbix is great and all he has done for the game, but he is very bias to Order, I don't think that can be over looked.
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Re: [QnA feedback] 13th feb

Post#5 » Sun Feb 14, 2021 1:52 am

While I enjoyed the insight into the minds behind this EMU and am grateful and respectful of all the time you all have put into this I was somewhat disappointed.
You almost totally avoided the subject of the gear/lvl disparity between lvl. 16s and 40s that I feel is so crippling getting new players attracted to this game. It was briefly mentioned (by Wargrimnir I think) that you were considering T2 to be lvl 16-39 but hadn't been discussed seriously. We need fresh players, we need old time players to have incentive to create and level alts to keep game play fresh for all.

I also don't think you analyzed the chart showing population per renown rank thoroughly. There's a HUGE bump from 2-6 which falls off sharply. What I believe that represents is people that have tried the game and gotten tired of it. Maybe this is because of zone mechanics, character attributes or... or maybe it's because they have hit T2 and realized the futility of their low level gear against those in Conq/Vanq/Inv/Sov. Either way, I think it shows that we could have many more players if leaving T1 was more enjoyable and rewarding.

I got a friend to start, he had played live. He's leveled two out toons of T1 and has done nothing but struggle to enjoy PVP since, all but quitting PVP and doing PVE exclusively. He's been kicked off WBs for no other reason than he was low level. He struggled to keep his tactics active, they seemed to bug out everytime he got bolstered or unbolstered. On his engi, despite the lvl 48 bolster, he was no more effective than a kid with a pea shooter.

Then the discussion about ram visibility. I know many of answers were less than decisive, but the majority of answers indicate that people feel it isn't that great of an idea. My opinion: It only truly benefits the more populated realm and given the current realm imbalance it only hurts participation in PVP. ... _Maps.html

I really am grateful for all that you devs have done over the years and all you continue to do. I am excited to see the additional content you're working on. But at some point we need to all focus on getting more people playing and of building new alts or the "push for city mentality" and brick wall of end game gear is just going to become a boring grind.

Posts: 213

Re: [QnA feedback] 13th feb

Post#6 » Sun Feb 14, 2021 2:10 am

I would like to see Gravord host the next one.

Thank you

Posts: 2

Re: [QnA feedback] 13th feb

Post#7 » Sun Feb 14, 2021 6:56 am

To be honest this Q&A was awful. If they are all like this then this game isnt going great. Most of the questions they skipped over(sad for pre read questions). It was more of a this is what we are working on look at these cool screenshots no time table. As a new player who wants to try everything in the game including PvE, PvP and RvR it doesn't give me much home cause it seems their focus is on the top end players 1% and nothing else

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Re: [QnA feedback] 13th feb

Post#8 » Sun Feb 14, 2021 9:49 am

I'm pretty sure none of you would've done better, yet you're here talking like bigshot.
what a losers.
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Re: [QnA feedback] 13th feb

Post#9 » Sun Feb 14, 2021 10:19 am

Regarding class distribution:

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Re: [QnA feedback] 13th feb

Post#10 » Sun Feb 14, 2021 10:38 am

anarchypark wrote: Sun Feb 14, 2021 9:49 am I'm pretty sure none of you would've done better, yet you're here talking like bigshot.
what a losers.
you dont need to do something better to criticise it.

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