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Some Suggestions

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In this section you can give feedback and share your opinions on what should be changed for the Return of Reckoning Project. Before posting please make sure you read the Rules and Posting Guidelines to increase the efficiency of this forum.
Posts: 336

Some Suggestions

Post#1 » Tue Mar 09, 2021 1:24 am

So I've been playing here since t2 was the cap, and ostland/TC were the only zones finished there. I've quit on and off a few times but always come back because this is still the best RvR game on the market. GW2 and ESO tried but failed, GW2 has the players but the systems are trash, ESO has the systems but there's no community there that wants it and that might be because of the combat and dogcrap servers. Some things coming back starting a new character from scratch, playing as a solo/pug player that still irk me.

The level 16-40 experience is still bad, granted its better than it was before you merged t2 and t3 into t4... but its far from enjoyable without being an established player in a guild that has people willing to carry you. Or unless you know how to abuse AoE canons and are fine sitting afk in keeps for 30 minutes sometimes waiting for a push. IDK how to make it better, but I certainly know you can make it over with faster with tweaking xp tables or multipliers.

Scenarios are still horrifically one sided most of the time, idk why we have chosen to have faster low quality games instead of enforcing role based matchmaking. Ya dps players would be thrown under the bus if they refused to group up but idk what to say other than **** em lol. This isn't even a pug vs premade thing, just make sure that both sides regardless of solo or grouped have 2 healers and a tank in the party.

Ram, and overall attacker siege mechanics are awful. I don't think its controversial to say that defending keeps and forts is just much much MUCH easier than attacking to the point where its almost impossible to take one without overwhelming numbers. IDK why the ram was changed from live but it really doesn't need to be this whole song and dance it is now, at least now I see oil isn't a 5 minute **** to the attackers now which is nice.

PvE and questing XP is just terrible, you guys spent all that time fixing and implementing that stuff back into the game only for it to be totally irrelevant as you can get more xp by afking in a pub warband watching netflix. During low pop times it would be amazing if I could just get a couple people together and go do the PvE side of things and get good xp and level up, but the way things are now its not even worth it.

Lastly NA is dying again, its really bad that there's barely a single open wb up on a late weekend night, scs popping slow etc... can we get some kind of low server pop bonus or something to save NA? An event anything really. Its going to have the compounding effect it did last time with the DDOS were ppl who would want to play aren't because its just not fun waiting forever for scs to pop and low pop RvR is extremely boring because of how easy it to defend keeps on smaller scale fights.


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