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Weekly Campaign Rewards

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Re: Weekly Campaign Rewards

Post#21 » Tue Sep 29, 2020 1:52 pm

Goermsi wrote: Tue Sep 29, 2020 1:47 pm
farng84 wrote: Tue Sep 29, 2020 1:40 pm You still would have to win/defend 3 forts.
Depending on the faction either forts or cities are the limiting factor.
Even if you fail the 3rd reward (most weeks) you would still try to get it for that juicy loot.
Most players would indeed be motivated
You could also go away from win / lose and move to the term: Participate ;-)

Maybe add .... kill a dungeon boss, do a public quest .... öööhhh .... yeah :mrgreen:
First week maybe u need to do gunbad again and kill the squig, next week there might be a Boss vom Bastionstairs ... somethin like that would help the newcomers
I would disagree on the participation badge, getting the top reward should not be too easily achievable every week, that would make you hungrier for it, which could be motivating.
Regarding the other two suggestions something for pve could be cool, but I would set it as a separate event. This one is specific for RvR, with RvR rewards

Posts: 680

Re: Weekly Campaign Rewards

Post#22 » Thu Mar 25, 2021 8:15 am

I realize this thread has just been necroed by a spam bot, but this is actually a fantastic idea. I'm kind of surpised that something lke this hasn't been implemented yet.
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Re: Weekly Campaign Rewards

Post#23 » Thu Mar 25, 2021 9:24 am

Agree, it's a good idea. The objectives need to be tweaked a bit, maybe. Have more focus on team play (Lock a zone in a warband, have your party deliver 20 boxes, participate in a city as part of a warband) but the core principle is good. It should not be easy to complete this, but the extra rewards would be nice.

Make sure to create this as a forum post in the Balance Proposals section as well (bottom of sub-forums list). That is where devs look at suggestions and decide if they want to implement them or not.

Thanks, spambot!
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Re: Weekly Campaign Rewards

Post#24 » Fri Mar 26, 2021 12:16 am


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Re: Weekly Campaign Rewards

Post#25 » Fri Mar 26, 2021 1:23 am

I also like the idea a lot.
Everything with an achievement list and tasks to do is good for long term motivation. :)

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Re: Weekly Campaign Rewards

Post#26 » Fri Mar 26, 2021 1:39 am

Really nice idea, looked through the eyes of how to add replayability for people who dont need rewards from orvr anymore and are waiting for fortress / city content.

Yes goldbag rewards are a bit lazy, but they also show the issue. That for this reward to be appealing to most, it would need to cover both new and veteran.

I presented an idea in the past about orvr influence was getting weekly rewards instead of the outdated ones. This idea OP posted mixed with orvr influence could maybe function. you finish the original orvr influence, pick your random armor pieces, weapons and accesory and then your orvr influence is then replaced by the weekly form. where you can get renown potion, guild tokens and event slot item with crit chance like from ranked merchant.

Adding replayability to orvr, and promote both smallscale, resource running and zonepushing at once depending on playstyle. Simply because its tied to rvr influence.
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Re: Weekly Campaign Rewards

Post#27 » Fri Mar 26, 2021 7:20 am

There can be anything in Gold Bag, based on your current progression.

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Re: Weekly Campaign Rewards

Post#28 » Fri Mar 26, 2021 8:28 am

A gold bag as the final reward for the weekly tasks is a good idea to give people something to work towards, and not rely on the RNG gods. This would be particularly helpful for classes more impacted by contri e.g. tanks. This way someone could complete say 5 weekly tasks and know they will by that point have full vanq (likely have it before then if they spend 5 weeks in oRVR, but this way its a bit more like dungeons in that you spend x time in the lakes and complete x tasks, and you know you'll have it. It will add a bit more structure to the gearing experience.
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Re: Weekly Campaign Rewards

Post#29 » Fri Mar 26, 2021 7:03 pm


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Re: Weekly Campaign Rewards

Post#30 » Fri Mar 26, 2021 8:29 pm

tbh taking 10 keeps might be a big challenge since some days a guild would log on and steamroll through all the tier zones taking the T2 and T3 keeps while the other faction is logging off after a city and/or sitting at their capital afk.
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